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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/miish-/ initial

miishanowe vai s/he has a hairy cheek or hairy cheeks
miishaa vii it is hairy, is fuzzy
miishaakigan vai [S] he has a hairy chest
miishaakigane vai [N] he has a hairy chest
miishaanowe vai s/he (an animal) has a furry tail
miishaawigane vai [N] s/he has a hairy back
miishidaamikan vai [S] he has a beard
miishidaamikane vai [N] he has a beard
miishidenigome vai s/he has hairy nostrils
miishidoon vai [S] he has a moustache
miishidoone vai [N] he has a moustache
miishigaade vai s/he has hairy legs
miishigidigwe vai s/he has a hairy knee or hairy knees
miishijiimin na a peach
miishinike vai s/he has hairy arms
miishitawage vai s/he has hairy ears
miishizi vai s/he is hairy, is fuzzy
miishizide vai s/he has hairy feet
miishiigad vii it is fuzzy (as something sheet-like)
miishiigin ni velvet
miishiigizi vai s/he is fuzzy (as something sheet-like)
miishiingwe vai s/he has a hairy face, is bearded