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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/minw-/ initial

mino- pv lex good; nice; well
minobani'o vai s/he takes good steps in dancing
minobide vii it runs well (as a machine)
minobizo vai s/he runs well (as a machine)
minobii vai s/he drinks and is merry
minobii'an vti write it well
minodaabaane vai s/he has a nice car
minodaabii'iwe vai s/he drives well, is a good driver
minode vii it is well cooked
minode'e vai s/he is kind, is generous
minogaabawi vai s/he stands well; s/he is in good standing
minogaamo vai s/he is nice and fat
minogi vai s/he, it (animate) grows well
minogi' vta grow h/ well
minogin vii it grows well
minogitoon vti2 grow it well
minogondaagan vai [S] s/he has a good voice, speaks well
minogondaagane vai [N] s/he has a good voice, speaks well
minogwaadan vti sew it well
minogwaade vii it is sewn well
minogwaaso vai s/he sews well
minogwaazh vta sew h/ well
minogwaazo vai s/he is sewn well
mino'o vai s/he dresses well
minokamii vai s/he is sure-footed
minokan vti fit it well
minokaw vta
  1. fit h/ well
  2. [inverse] it (something consumed) agrees with h/, does h/ good
minokwanaye vai s/he is well-dressed
minomanji'o vai s/he feels good, is in good health
minomaago' vta make h/ smell good; put perfume on h/
minomaagotoon vti2 make it smell good, put perfume on it
minomaagozi vai s/he smells good, has a good smell
minomaagwad vii it smells good, has a good smell
minomaam vta like the smell of h/
minomaandan vti like the smell of it
minomaas vta spread a good smell by cooking or burning h/
minomaasan vti spread a good smell by cooking or burning it
minomaaso vai s/he smells good burning or cooking
minomaate vii it smells good burning or cooking
minonan vti hold, handle, grip it right
minonaagwad vii it looks good, looks nice
minongwaam vai [ML] s/he sleeps well
minongwaami vai [RL] s/he sleeps well
minop vta find h/ tastes good, like the taste of h/
minopidan vti find it tastes good, like the taste of it
minopogozi vai s/he tastes good
minopogwad vii it tastes good
minopozh vta find a good taste in h/
minose vii it goes well
minose vai s/he has things go well for h/, gets along well, has good luck
minosidoon vti2 put it in the right position
minosin vii it lies in a good position, fits well in place
minoshim vta put h/ in the right position
minoshin vai s/he lies comfortably, lies in a good position
minotam vai2 s/he likes hearing something, likes the sound
minotan vti like hearing it, like how it sounds
minotaw vta like hearing h/, like how s/he sounds
minotaagozi vai s/he sounds good
minotaagwad vii it sounds good
minotoon vti2 make it nice, build it well
minowe vai s/he has a good voice, speaks well
minoz vta cook h/ well
minozan vti cook it well
minozekwe vai s/he cooks well
minozo vai s/he is well cooked
minoonagad vii it is nice boat
minwabi vai s/he sits comfortably
minwadaawangaa vii it is nice and sandy
minwadinaa vii it is a nice hill
minwadowe vai s/he has nice fur
minwa'amaazo vai s/he sounds happy singing
minwakamigaa vii it is nice ground, level ground
minwakide vii it stands upright, stands well
minwakizo vai it (animate) stands upright, stands well
minwamanji'o vai s/he feels good, is in good health
minwamon vii it is a good road or trail
minwapidoon vti2 tie it well
minwashkime vai s/he weaves snowshoe webbing nicely
minwashkine vii it fits well; it is well filled
minwashkine vai s/he fits well; s/he is well filled
minwashkiigaa vii it is a nice and level muskeg
minwate vii it is a nice house, is a nice room; it (a dwelling) is in good order
minwaabadad vii it is very useful, is of good use
minwaabadizi vai s/he is very useful, is of good use
minwaabaji' vta get good use of h/
minwaabajitoon vti2 get good use of it
minwaabam vta like the look of h/
minwaabandan vti like the look of it
minwaabi vai s/he has good eyesight, sees well
minwaabide vai s/he has good teeth
minwaabikad vii it is good (as something mineral)
minwaabikizi vai s/he is good (as something mineral)
minwaadizi vai s/he is a good person (leads a good life, has a good character, is honest)
minwaadodan vti tell good news of it
minwaagamide vii it is well brewed
minwaagamin vii it (a liquid) tastes good
minwaagamitoon vti2 make it (a liquid) good
minwaajim vta tell good news of h/
minwaajimo vai s/he tells good news, tells a good story
minwaakozi vai s/he is good (as something stick- or wood-like)
minwaakwad vii it is good (as something stick- or wood-like)
minwaande vii it is a good color
minwaanikwe vai s/he has nice hair
minwaanimad vii there is a good breeze
minwaanzo vai s/he is a good color
minwaapi vai s/he laughs happily
minwaate vii it has a good light, shines well
minwegad vii it is good (as something sheet-like)
minwegizi vai s/he is good (as something sheet-like)
minwendam vai2 s/he is happy, is joyous, is glad, has a good time
minwendan vti like it
minwenim vta like h/
minwewebagaasin vii its leaves sound nice blowing in the wind
minwewebide vii it sounds good running [motor]
minwewebizo vai it (animate) sounds good running [motor]
minwewebiisaan vii [BL] the rain sounds nice
minwewesin vii it sounds nice ringing
minweweshin vai s/he sounds nice ringing or hitting
minweweyaandagaasin vii its boughs sound nice blowing in the wind
minweweyaanimad vii the wind has a nice sound, sounds good