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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/mit-/ initial

bare, unaided
michi- pv lex by hand; by no other means; barely; without anything special
michidiye vai s/he is bare-assed
michidiyeshin vai s/he lies with h/ rear uncovered
michidoodooshime vai she is bare-breasted
michigaade vai s/he is bare-legged
michigaadeshin vai s/he lies with h/ leg or legs uncovered
michimisade vai s/he is bare-bellied
michinike vai s/he is bare-armed
michinikeshin vai s/he lies with h/ arm or arms uncovered
michisag ni a floor
michisag adv loc on the floor
michisin vii
  1. it lies bare, lies uncovered
  2. it lies right on the floor or the ground
michishin vai
  1. s/he lies bare, lies uncovered
  2. s/he lies right on the floor or the ground
michizideshin vai s/he lies with h/ foot or feet uncovered
michizigwaa vii there is bare ice
michiigishkan vti wear it right against the skin
michiingweshin vai s/he lies with h/ face uncovered
mitabi vai s/he sits on the bare ground or surface
mita'adoo vai s/he goes on foot, just walks
mitakamig adv loc on bare ground
mitakamigaa vii it (the ground) is bare of snow
mitakamigide vii the ground is bare of snow from the sun
mitandan vti eat it plain (without condiments) , eat it without utensils
mitaabik adv loc on bare rock or metal, right on the rock or metal
mitaabikaa vii it is bare rock or metal, is just rock or metal
mitaabikide vii it is cooked dry (without grease or water) is grilled
mitaabikizo vai s/he is cooked dry (without grease or water), is grilled
mitaagonag adv loc right on the snow
mitaakigane vai s/he is bare-chested, is bare-breasted
mitaakiganeshin vai s/he lies with h/ chest uncovered
mitaakwayawe vai s/he has a bare torso, is naked from the waist up, is topless
mitaakwazhe vai s/he is naked
mitaakwazhegaabawi vai s/he stands naked
mitaawangaa vii it is a sandy beach
mitaawiganeshin vai s/he lies with h/ back uncovered
mitikwam adv loc right on the ice
mitose vai s/he just walks, has no other means of transportation but walking
mitoode vai s/he just crawls
mitoom vta haul h/ right on the back
mitoonagabi vai s/he sits right on the bottom of the canoe (with no cushion)
mitoondan vti haul it right on the back