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/-N/ final

act on h/
n , zh
abwaazh vta roast, cook h/ over a fire
achigaazh vta bet, wager h/
adimanikaazh vta put a snowshoe strap on it (animate; snowshoe)
akwaandawaazh vta climb up on, climb on h/
andwaanikaazh vta search for h/ by digging
animinigaazh vta carry h/ away on the shoulder
anokaazh vta work on or at h/
apikaazh vta braid h/; braid h/ hair
asekaazh vta pull and stretch h/ (a hide); tan h/ (a hide)
aawajinigaazh vta haul h/ on the shoulder
aazhawinigaazh vta take h/ across on the shoulder
babaamaandawaazh vta climb about on h/
babaaminigaazh vta carry h/ about on the shoulder
bichiboozh vta poison h/
bimaandawaazh vta climb along on h/
biminigaazh vta carry h/ along on the shoulder
biijinigaazh vta bring, carry h/ here on the shoulder
biindigazh vta bring h/ inside / indoors, take h/ inside / indoors
boodawaazh vta build a fire at h/
boogijizh vta fart on h/; spray h/ as a skunk does
dakaabaawazh vta cool h/ with water
dakokaazh vta step on h/
desabaazh vta sit astride h/; ride mounted on top of h/
gagweda'aakwaazh vta practice shooting h/
gitigaazh vta plant h/
giizhashkimaazh vta finish weaving webbing in h/ (snowshoe)
goda'aakwaazh vta take a pot shot at h/
gopinigaazh vta carry h/, it (animate) on the shoulder inland, into the bush
inaadizookaazh vta tell a legend of h/ a certain way
inaapinazh vta injure, wound, kill h/ a certain way
izhinigaazh vta carry h/, it (animate) on the shoulder to a certain place
jiibaakwaazh vta cook it (animate)
jiiga'aazh vta scale h/
madaabiinigaazh vta carry h/, it (animate) on the shoulder down to the shore, out of the bush
manisaazh vta cut h/ as firewood
mashkikiwaabookaazh vta make a medicinal tea of h/
mashkikiikaazh vta doctor h/, treat h/ medically
maadanokaazh vta start working on h/
maajiiba'iwaazh vta run away from h/ in fear
migizh vta bark at h/
mikwaanikaazh vta find h/ by digging
nametegokaazh vta make nameteg of h/
nandookomaazh vta [S] search h/ for lice
naadaandawaazh vta climb after h/
naajidaabaazh vta go after h/ by sled or wagon, go drag h/ in
naajinigaazh vta go to get h/ on the shoulder
naazibiidaabaazh vta drag, pull h/ down to the water
ningwa'abwaazh vta cook h/ under the ashes
nisaabaawazh vta wet h/; drown h/
nookaabaawazh vta soften h/ in water
onjinigaazh vta carry h/ from a certain place on shoulder
ozhiwanikaazh vta make a pack or bundle of h/
waanikaazh vta dig a hole for h/
wiisagaapinazh vta hurt h/; injure h/
zagaswaazh vta smoke h/ (e.g., tobacco)
zhigizh vta urinate on h/
zhooniyaakaazh vta make money off h/