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/naanw-/ initial

naanodaabaan adv num five cars, carloads
naanogon adv num five days
naanogonagad vii it is five days
naanogonagizi vai it is the fifth (of the month); s/he is five days old
naanoninj adv num five inches
naanosagoons adv num five thousand
naanozid adv num five feet
naanoobiwag vai five of them sit together; five of them are at home
naanoogaabawiwag vai five of them stand together
naanookik adv loc five pails, five pailfuls
naanoonag adv num five boats or canoes, five boatloads
naanoonagiziwag vai there are five canoes or boats of them
naanoopidewan vii five of them (inanimate) are tied together
naanoopidoon vti2 tie five of them (inanimate) together
naanoopizowag vai five of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together
naanooshkimod adv num five bags
naanooshkin adv num five bags
naanwaginzo vai [BL] it is the fifth (of the month)
naanwaabik adv num five dollars
naanwaak adv num five hundred
naanweg adv num five pieces of something sheet-like
naanweginigan adv num five packs
naanwewaan adv num five sets; five pairs