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/naaw-/ initial

in the middle
naawagaam adv loc in the middle of the lake
naawakwe vii it is mid-day, is noon
naawashkina' vta fill h/ up partly (with solids)
naawashkinatoon vti2 fill it up partly (with solids)
naawashkine vai s/he is partly full (of solids)
naawashkine vii it is partly full (of solids)
naawashkiig adv loc in the middle of the muskeg
naawashkosiw adv loc in the middle of a meadow
naawaajiwan adv loc in the middle of the current or the rapids
naawaakigan adv loc in the middle of someone's chest
naawaakwaa adv loc in the middle of the woods
naawaawigan adv loc in the middle of someone's back
naawi- pv lex in the middle of
naawibadoon vti2 fill it up partly (with liquid)
naawibazh vta fill h/ up partly (with liquid)
naawibii vai s/he is partly full (of liquid)
naawibii vii it is partly full (of liquid)
naawigatig adv loc in the middle of the forehead
naawikana adv loc in the middle of the road or trail
naawininj ni a middle finger
naawininj adv loc in the middle of someone's hand
naawisag adv loc in the middle of the floor
naawiskatig adv loc in the middle of someone's forehead
naawishkode adv loc in middle of the fire
naawishkwaand adv loc in the middle of the doorway
naawizid adv loc in the middle of someone's foot
naawoonag adv loc in the middle of a boat