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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/niibide-/ initial

in a row
niibidebiwag vai they sit side by side in a row
niibidegaabawiwag vai they stand in a row
niibidegoodewan vii they hang in a row
niibidegoodoon vti2 hang it in a row
niibidegoojinoog vai they hang in a row
niibidegoozh vta hang h/ in row
niibide'oodewan vii they (inanimate) are strung in row
niibide'oodoon vti2 string them (inanimate) on in a row
niibide'oozh vta string them (animate) in in a row
niibide'oozowag vai they (animate) are strung in row
niibidekidewan vii they stand, are planted side by side in a row
niibidekidoon vti2
niibidekizh vta stand h/ up, plant h/ in a row
niibidekizowag vai they stand, are planted side by side in a row
niibidesinoon vii they lie side by side in a row, are lined up
niibideshinoog vai they lie side by side in a row, are lined up
niibideyaakwa'an vti pin them (inanijmate) on a clothesline side-by-side
niibideyaakwaa vii there is a row of trees