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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/ond-/ initial

from a certain place, for a certain reason
onj , onz
ondadamon vii it (road or trail) leads from a certain place
ondadaawangose vai s/he walks from a certain place on sand
ondadaawe vai + o s/he buys (it) from a certain place
ondademo vai s/he cries for a certain reason, comes from a certain place crying
ondadewe vai s/he comes, goes, walks from a certain place on the snow crust
ondagoode vii it falls, hangs from a certain place
ondagoojin vai s/he hangs, falls from a certain place
onda'adoo vai s/he comes from a certain place on a path or trail
onda'oozh vta transport h/ from a certain place [especially in a boat]
ondakwazhiwe vai s/he paddles from a certain place; s/he swims from a certain place (as a fish)
ondam vta eat h/ from a certain place
ondamon vii it (road or trail) comes from a certain place; it leads from there
ondanaandam vai2 s/he comes from a certain place hungry
ondandan vti eat it from a certain place
ondanoozo vai s/he comes from a certain place smoking tobacco
ondaaban vii it is east
ondaabasan vti smoke it (for preservation)
ondaabate vii it (smoke) comes from a certain place
ondaabiigisin vii it (something string-like) lies running from a certain place
ondaabiigishin vai s/he (something string-like) lies running from a certain place
ondaabogo vai s/he comes from a certain place drifting on the current
ondaaboode vii it drifts, slides from a certain place on the current or other moving medium
ondaaboozo vai s/he drifts, slides from a certain place on the current or other moving medium
ondaadad vii it comes from a certain place, originates in a certain place
ondaadagaa vai s/he swims from a certain place
ondaadagaako vai s/he comes on the ice from a certain place
ondaadagaazii vai s/he wades from a certain place
ondaadage vai [BL] s/he swims from a certain place
ondaada'e vai s/he skates from a certain place
ondaadizi vai s/he is born; s/he comes from a certain place
ondaagime vai [S] s/he snowshoes from a certain place
ondaagimose vai [BL] s/he snowshoes from a certain place
ondaagonagii vai s/he comes from a certain place in snow
ondaagone vai s/he comes from a certain place through the snow
ondaagonebizo vai s/he drives through the snow from a certain place
ondaa'ago vai s/he drifts on the waves from a certain place
ondaa'an vti it drifts on the waves from a certain place
ondaa'ogo vai s/he drifts on the waves from a certain place
ondaajimo vai s/he bring news from a certain place, tells of a certain place where s/he has been
ondaanagidoone vai s/he talks for a certain reason
ondaanakwad vii cloud comes from a certain place
ondaandawe vai s/he climbs from a certain place
ondaanimad vii the wind comes from a certain direction
ondaanimizi vai s/he comes from a certain place in fear
ondaasin vii it is blown from a certain place (by the wind); sails, soars from a certain place
ondaashi vai s/he is blown from a certain place (by the wind); sails, soars from a certain place
ondaashkaa vii waves come from a certain place or direction
ondaawadoon vti2 haul it from a certain place
ondaawazh vta haul h/ from a certain place
ondaazhagaame vai s/he comes from a certain place along the shore
ondaazakonenjige vai s/he comes from a certain place with a light
ondendi vai s/he is gone from a certain place, absent from a certain place
ondenim vta envy h/
ondin vta get, obtain h/ from a certain place
ondinan vti get, obtain it from a certain place
ondisinii vai s/he gets h/ food from a certain place
ondizi vai s/he makes a living a certain way, earns or makes money, gets paid, benefits a certain way, inherits from a certain source
ondose vai s/he walks from a certain place
ondoode vai s/he crawls from a certain place
ondoom vta carry h/ on back from a certain place
ondoomigo vai s/he rides from a certain place on horseback
ondoondan vti carry it on back from a certain place
ondweweba'idiwag vai they are heard running from a certain place together
ondwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running from a certain place
ondweweyaadagaa vai s/he is heard swimming from a certain place
ondweweyaadagaako vai heard coming from a certain place on the ice
ondweweyaadagaazii vai s/he is heard wading from a certain place
ondweweyaagone vai s/he is heard coming from there in the snow
ondweweyaanimad vii the wind is heard coming from a certain direction
onji- pv rel from a certain place; for a certain reason; because
onjiba'idiwag vai they run from a certain place together
onjiba'igo vai s/he rides from a certain place, drives from a certain place (drawn by horse or dog)
onjibatoo vai s/he runs from a certain place
onjibaa vai s/he comes from a certain place
onjibide vii it drives, speeds, falls from a certain place
onjibidoon vti2 pull it from a certain place, pull a piece of it from something
onjibizh vta pull h/ from a certain place
onjibizo vai s/he drives, speeds, falls from a certain place
onjidaabaadan vti drag, pull it from a certain place
onjidaabaade vii it is pulled or dragged from a certain place
onjidaabaazh vta drag, pull h/ from a certain place
onjidaabaazo vai s/he is pulled or dragged from there
onjigaa vii it leaks, drips, runs with sap
onjigaa vai s/he leaks, drips, runs with sap
onjigidaazo vai s/he gets angry for certain reason, gets mad for a certain reason; s/he comes from a certain place angry, comes from a certain place mad
onjigozi vai s/he moves from a certain place
onjigwaashkwani vai s/he jumps from a certain place
onji' vta tell h/ not to do something; forbid, prohibit h/ from doing something
onjijiwan vii it flows from a certain place
onjikonaye vai s/he gets h/ clothes from a certain place
onjinazh vta injure, kill h/ for a certain reason
onjinige vai s/he carries something on the shoulder from a certain place
onjinizhikaw vta chase h/ from a certain place
onjinizhimo vai s/he runs from a certain place in flight
onjise vai s/he flies from a certain place
onjise vii it flies from a certain place
onjishimo vai s/he dances from a certain place
onjiwane vai s/he carries a pack from a certain place
onjiwebishkan vti shove it from a certain place (with foot or body); kick it from a certain place
onjiwebishkaw vta shove h/ from a certain place (with foot or body); kick h/ from a certain place
onjiwidoon vti2 take, carry it from a certain place
onjiwizh vta take, carry h/ from a certain place
onjii vai s/he comes from a certain place
onzaabam vta see, watch h/ from a certain place
onzaabandan vti see, watch it from a certain place
onzaabi vai s/he looks out from a certain place