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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-oode/ final

s/he crawls
agwaayoode vai s/he crawls ashore
akwaandaweyoode vai s/he climbs up crawling, crawls upstairs
animoode vai s/he crawls away
azheyoode vai s/he crawls backwards
aazhawoode vai s/he crawls across
babaamoode vai s/he crawls about, crawls around
babimoode vai s/he crawls about here and there
bagamoode vai s/he arrives crawling
bedoode vai s/he crawls slowly
bimoode vai s/he crawls along
biidoode vai s/he crawls here
biindigeyoode vai s/he crawls inside
biindoode vai s/he crawls in
gibitoode vai s/he stops crawling
gizhiiyoode vai s/he crawls fast
giimoodoode vai s/he creeps, secretly crawls
giiweyoode vai s/he crawls back, crawls home
gopoode vai s/he crawls inland, into the woods, into the bush
inoode vai s/he crawls a certain way, crawls to a certain place
madaabiiyoode vii it crawls down to the lake
maadoode vai s/he crawls off
mitoode vai s/he just crawls
niisaandaweyoode vai s/he climbs down crawling, crawls downstairs
ondoode vai s/he crawls from a certain place
zhagashkoode vai s/he crawls flat to the ground
zhaaboode vai s/he crawls through (a barrier)
zaageweyoode vai s/he crawls into view as from around a corner
zaagidoode vai s/he crawls out
zhegoode vai s/he crawls in a tight place
zhiibaayoode vai s/he crawls under something, crawls though a passage