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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/oshk-/ initial

new, young
oshkagoode vai she has a new dress
oshkagoojin vai s/he is new (of a moon)
oshkakizine vai s/he has new shoes, has new tires
oshkazhigane vai s/he has new socks
oshkibabagiwayaane vai s/he has a new shirt or new shirts
oshkibabiinzikawaagane vai s/he has a new coat
oshkidaabaan ni [RL] a new car
oshkidaabaane vai s/he has, gets a new car
oshkigiboodiyegwaazone vai s/he has new pants
oshkigoodaase vai s/he has a new dress
oshki'o vai s/he wears new clothes
oshkijiimaane vai s/he has a new boat or canoe
oshkijiishkiwagad vii it is or has fresh mud
oshkijiishkiwaginan vti put fresh mud on it
oshkikawe vai s/he leaves fresh tracks, there are fresh tracks of h/
oshkikonaye vai s/he dresses in a new outfit
oshkiminjikaawane vai s/he has new mittens
oshkiwaakaa'igane vai s/he has a new house
oshkiwiiwakwaane vai s/he has a new hat