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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-po/ final

Most US dialects add n to the final -po when there is no inflectional ending; For example, US zoogipon 'it is snowing' and Border Lakes zoogipo.
animipon vii snow goes away
babaamipon vii snow goes about
bagamipon vii the snow arrives, it starts snowing
bimipon vii snow goes along
biijipon vii snow comes
biindigepon vii snow comes inside
biisipon vii there is fine snow falling, powder snow falling
biiwipon vii fine snow falls; there are snow flurries
boonipon vii it stops snowing, the snow stops
gibichipon vii the snow lets up
ishkwaapon vii the snow is over
izhipon vii snow goes there
mamaangadepon vii it snows in large flakes
mamaangipon vii there are big snowflakes
maajipon vii it starts to snow
niiskaajipon vii it is a nasty, messy snow
zhakipon vii wet snow falls