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/-shim/ final

cause h/ to fall or lie (drop, lay, set, put); impact h/ (hit, hit against, hit with something)
agwaashim vta take h/ ashore, take h/ off a boat or vehicle, unload h/ off something; take h/ off the fire
ajijishim vta put h/ face down, put h/upside down
anibeshim vta put h/ at a slant
animikoshim vta lay h/ face down
apishim vta pad, cushion h/
asigishim vta put h/ together, assemble h/
ashidaakoshim vta put h/ against the wall (or something wood- or stick-like)
azheshim vta set h/ back, put h/ back
aaboojishim vta put h/ wrong side out
aanikooshim vta lay h/ joining something else
aanjishim vta put h/ in another place; reset h/
aasamaateshim vta put, lay h/ in the sun
aasamishim vta lean or stand h/ against or facing something
aaswaakoshim vta lean h/ against something (as something stick-like)
aatwaakoshim vta lean h/ against (as something stick- or wood-like)
aazhawaakoshim vta lay h/ across (as something stick- or wood-like)
aazhaweweshim vta record (the sound of) h/
aazhawishim vta lay h/ across
aazhigijishim vta lay h/ over backwards; lay h/ face up
badakaakoshim vta stick h/ in wood
badakishim vta stick, set h/ in something; plant h/ in the ground
bagoshim vta make a hole in h/ or it (animate) (by dropping or hitting)
bakijishim vta put h/ over across the top of something
bangishim vta drop h/
baakishim vta leave h/ uncovered
baasishim vta crack, shatter h/ (by dropping or hitting against)
baashkijiishim vta burst h/ (something bag-like) by dropping or hitting against
baashkishim vta hit or drop h/ and burst h/
bimaakoshim vta put h/ along (as something stick- or wood-like)
bimidaakoshim vta lay h/ crosswise (as something stick-like)
bimijisidoon vti2 put it crosswise
bishagishim vta scrape, skin h/ on something
bishigoshim vta miss putting h/ in the right place
biidaasamishim vta lay h/ facing this way
biigoshim vta break h/ (by dropping); smash h/
biitooshim vta put h/ in between as a layer
biiwishim vta scatter, disperse h/
dakaagoneshim vta cool it (animate) in the snow
dakishim vta set h/ to cool
dawishim vta put h/ somewhere to make space, put h/ out of the way
dazhwegishim vta spread h/ [sheet-like] out
daangishim vta put h/ touching
daashkishim vta drop and split h/
gaajishim vta put h/ somewhere hidden
geshawishim vta put h/ so h/ is loose
gibishim vta put h/ in to block the way, put h/ in to plug something
gipagishim vta lay h/ on thick
giziishim vta wipe it (animate) off against something
giiwitaashim vta lay h/ down around
gwayakoshim vta
gwayakwaakoshim vta set, lay h/ (something stick-like) straight
gwaashkweshim vta bounce h/; drop h/ and have h/ rebound
gwekishim vta put h/ so s/he is turned, put it (animate) so it is turned
ikoshim vta put h/ out of the way, remove h/
inaasamishim vta put h/ facing a certain way
inweweshim vta drop and make h/ sound a certain way
ishkweshim vta put h/ at the end, in last place
ishpaakoshim vta pile h/ (stick-like) up high
ishpishim vta pile h/ high
izhishim vta put, lay, set h/ a certain way
jekishim vta put h/ partway up on or into something
madweshim vta make h/ sound by dropping or hitting h/, ring h/
maamawishim vta put them (animate) together, gather and put them (animate) together
maawandooshim vta put them (animate) together, gather and put them (animate) together
meshkojishim vta change one for other of it (animate), replace it (animate)
minoshim vta put h/ in the right position
miinoshim vta set h/ straight; straighten h/
na'aabikishim vta
na'ishim vta put h/ in order; adjust h/; stash h/
namajishim vta set h/ upright
naabishim vta replace h/, put h/ back (in the same place)
ningishim vta let h/ thaw or melt
nisawishim vta put h/ in the middle
niigaanishim vta set h/ in front
niigoshim vta break h/ (by dropping); smash h/
okoshim vta pile, stack h/
okwaakoshim vta stack h/ (as something stick- or wood-like)
ombiigweweshim vta make a racket with h/
onaabikishim vta set h/ (rock or metal) in place; set h/ (a clock)
opimeshim vta lay h/ on h/ side
ozhishim vta put h/ in place, arrange h/, set h/ up
wanishim vta
waawiyeshim vta put h/ in a circle
zagakishim vta put h/ in order; put h/ away
zaagaakoshim vta put h/ (something stick- or wood-like) so h/ sticks out
zaagishim vta put, set h/ sticking out
zhegoshim vta put h/ in a tight place
zhegwaakoshim vta stick it (animate) in a crack in the wood
zheyaaboweshim vta leave the lid open on h/ (something holding a liquid such as a kettle)
zhinawishim vta rattle h/ by dropping or hitting against h/
zhingadeshim vta lay h/ spread out
zhingaateshim vta spread it (animate) out in the sun
zhingishim vta lay h/ spread out
ziinjishim vta put h/ in a tight place; wedge h/ in a tight place