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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-shimo/ final

s/he falls, lies, dances
animishimo vai s/he dances away
apikweshimo vai s/he lies with head on something, uses a pillow
apikweshimon vai + o lie with your head on it
apishimo vai s/he lies on something
apizideshimo vai s/he puts h/ foot or feet on something, cushions h/ foot or feet
ayaanzigweshimowag vai they dance with necks together
azheshimo vai s/he dances backwards
babaamishimo vai s/he dances about
bazangwaabishimo vai s/he dances with h/ eyes closed, does the shut-eye dance
bimijishimo vai s/he dances sideways
bimishimo vai s/he dances along
biijishimo vai s/he comes dancing
biindigeshimo vai s/he dances inside (as in a grand entry)
dazhishimo vai s/he dances in a certain place
dooskaabishimo vai s/he dances with eyes partly open, peeks while dancing
gabikooshimo vai s/he dances past someone
gawishimo vai s/he lies down, goes to bed
gibichishimo vai s/he stops suddenly while dancing
gizhibaashimo vai s/he dances in a tight circle, spins dancing
giiwitaashimo vai s/he dances around in circle
ishkweshimo vai s/he dances at the end
izhishimo vai s/he dances a certain way, dances to a certain place
madwesagishimo vai s/he is tap-dancing, is heard dancing on the floor
maajishimo vai s/he starts dancing
maajiishimo vai s/he dances away, starts off dancing
mitaakwayaweshimo vai s/he dances with a bare torso, topless
mitaakwazheshimo vai s/he dances naked
nabanegaadeshimo vai s/he dances on one leg
nawagikweshimo vai s/he dances with h/ head down
niminaaweshimo vai s/he dances out into the arena
niigaanishimo vai s/he dances in the lead
onjishimo vai s/he dances from a certain place
waabanishimo vai s/he dances until daylight
wiijishimotaw vta dance with h/
zaagijishimo vai s/he dances out (of an enclosed space)