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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/waab-/ initial

bright, white, grey, pale
waabadowe vai s/he has grey fur
waabamik na an albino beaver
waaban vii
  1. it is dawn
  2. it is tomorrow
waabanashkidii vai s/he (a bird) has a white tail
waabasim na grey or light-colored dog or horse
waabaabigan na white clay
waabaanakwad vii it is grey sky, grey clouds
waabaaso vai s/he fades, is faded (from light)
waabaate vii it fades, is faded (from light)
waabi- pv lex grey, (off)white
waabide vii it turns light (in color)
waabikwe vai s/he has grey hair
waabizo vai s/he turns light (in color)
waabiiganaandam vai2 s/he is pale from being hungry
waabiingwe vai s/he is pale-faced