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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/waag-/ initial

curved, bent
waagaa vii it is bent
waagaabikad vii it is bent (as something mineral)
waagaabikizi vai s/he is bent (as something mineral)
waagaakozi vai s/he is bent (as something stick- or wood-like)
waagaakwad vii it is bent (as something stick- or wood-like)
waagaasin vii it bends in the wind
waagaashi vai s/he bends in the wind
waagaatig ni a curved stick (used to feel for a beaver lodge entrance)
waagibidoon vti2 bend it (with hands)
waagibizh vta bend h/ (with hands)
waagigaade vai s/he is bowlegged
waagijaane vai s/he has a curved nose
waagijiiyaa vii it (something three-dimensional and soft) is bent
waagikodan vti carve it curved
waagikomaan ni a crooked knife
waagikozh vta carve h/ curved
waagikoozhe vai s/he has a curved bill
waagin vta bend h/ (with hand)
waaginan vti bend it (with hand)
waagishkan vti bend it (with foot or body)
waagishkaw vta bend h/ (with foot or body)
waagishkoode vii it bends (from weight or pressure)
waagishkoozo vai h/ bends (under weight or pressure)
waagizi vai s/he is bent