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/waawiye-/ initial

circular, round
waawiyebii'an vti draw it as a circle
waawiyegamaa vii it is a round lake
waawiye' vta make h/ round
waawiyejiwan vii there is an eddy in the stream
waawiyekidewan vii they stand in a circle
waawiyekidoon vti2 set it up in a circle
waawiyekizh vta set h/ up in a circle
waawiyekizowag vai they stand in a circle
waawiyekodan vti carve it round
waawiyekozh vta carve h/ round
waawiyeminagad vii it is round (as something ball-like)
waawiyeminagizi vai s/he is round (as something ball-like)
waawiyesagaa vii it has a round floor area, is a round room
waawiyesidoon vti2 put it in a circle
waawiyesinoon vti they lie in a circle
waawiyeshim vta put h/ in a circle
waawiyeshinoog vai they lie in a circle
waawiyetoon vti2 make it round
waawiyeyaa vii it is round, is circular
waawiyeyaabikad vii it is round (as something mineral)
waawiyeyaabikizi vai s/he is round (as something mineral)
waawiyeyaabiigitaa vai s/he, it (animate) coils up like a snake
waawiyeyaakozi vai s/he is round (as something stick- or wood-like)
waawiyeyaakwad vii it is round (as something stick- or wood-like)
waawiyeyaandagizi vai s/he (tree) has round needles
waawiyeyiigad vii it (something sheet-like) is round
waawiyeyiigizi vai s/he (something sheet-like) is round
waawiyezh vta cut h/ round, into a circle
waawiyezhan vti cut it round, into a circle
waawiyezi vai s/he is round, is circular