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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/web-/ initial

remove, discard, move away, fling
weba' vta shove h/ away (using something)
weba'an vti shove it away (using something)
webaabiigin vta swing h/ with string (as in a cradle swing)
webaa'ago vai s/he drifts out, drifts away on the waves
webaa'an vii it drifts out, drifts away on the waves
webaa'ogo vai s/he drifts out, drifts away on the waves
webaasidoon vti2 [S] fan it, let it blow away
webaasin vii it is blown away (by the wind)
webaasindoon vti2 [N] fan it, let it blow away
webaashi vai s/he is blown away (by the wind)
webaashim vta fan h/, let h/ blow away
webikodan vti cut it off or out with knife
webikozh vta cut h/ off or out with knife
webin vta
  1. throw h/ away
  2. separate from, divorce h/
webinan vti throw it away
webizh vta cut h/ out or off, trim h/ (by cutting)
webizhan vti cut it out or off, trim it (by cutting)