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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-wewaanag-/ medial

group, set, kind, pair
baatayiinwewaanagad vii there are many different sets, pairs, or kinds of it
daswewaanagadoon vii there are a certain number of sets, pairs, or kinds of them (inanimate); there are so many sets, pairs, or kinds of them (inanimate)
daswewaanagiziwag vai are of a certain number of sets, pairs, or kinds of them (animate); there are so many sets, pairs, or kinds of them (animate)
midaaswewaanagadoon vii there are ten sets, pairs, or kinds of them (inanimate)
naanwewaanagadoon vii there are five sets, pairs, or kinds of them (inanimate)
naanwewaanagiziwag vai there are five sets, pairs, or kinds of them (animate)
niswewaanagadoon vii there are three sets, pairs, or kinds of them (inanimate)
niswewaanagiziwag vai there are three sets, pairs, or kinds of them (animate)
niiwewaanagadoon vii there are four sets, pairs, or kinds of them (inanimate)
niiwewaanagiziwag vai there are four sets, pairs, or kinds of them (animate)
niizhwewaanagadoon vii there are two sets, pairs, or kinds of them (inanimate)