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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-wewe-/ medial

noise, sound
andwewem vta go and ask for h/
andwewezige vai s/he signals by firing; s/he fires to scare up game
animweweba'idiwag vai they are heard running away (in the other direction) together
animwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running away (in the other direction)
animwewebide vii it speeds, drives, flies away making noise
animwewebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies away making noise
animwewebiisaa vii [MN] rain is heard going away [in the other direction]
animwewebiisaan vii [BL] rain is heard going away [in the other direction]
animwewegamakwazhiwe vai s/he is heard paddling away (in the other direction)
animwewejiwan vii it is heard flowing away
animwewekamigishin vai s/he is heard stepping away on the ground
animweweshin vai s/he is heard walking away
animwewetoo vai s/he walks away speaking publicly, making sounds
animweweyaadagaa vai s/he is heard swimming away [in the other direction]
animweweyaadagaako vai s/he is heard going away on the ice
animweweyaadagaazii vai s/he is heard wading away
animweweyaadage vai [BL] s/he is heard swimming away [in the other direction]
animweweyaanimad vii the wind is heard blowing away (in the other direction)
aabidwewebide vii it runs with constant noise; it operates with constant noise
aabidwewebizo vai s/he runs with constant noise; s/he operates with constant noise
aazhawewesidoon vti2 record (the sound of) it
aazhaweweshim vta record (the sound of) h/
babaamweweba'idiwag vai they are heard running about together
babaamwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running about, heard running around
babaamwewebizo vai s/he is heard speeding, driving, flying about
babaamwewesagibatoo vai s/he is heard running around on the floor
babaamwewesagidaabii vai s/he, it (animate) is heard dragging something around on the floor
babaamweweyaadagaako vai s/he is heard going about on the ice
babaamweweyaadagaazii vai s/he is heard wading around
babaamweweyaadage vai [BL] s/he is heard swimming about
babaamweweyaashi vai s/he is heard flying, soaring, sailing about
bagamwewebide vii it can be heard driving in, arriving
bagamwewebizo vai s/he can be heard driving in, arriving
bedwewejiwan vii the flow of the water has a low sound
bimweweba'idiwag vai they are heard running along together
bimwewebiisaa vii [MN] rain is heard going along
bimwewebiisaan vii [BL] rain is heard going along
bimwewedaawangibatoo vai s/he is heard running along on sand
bimwewedaawangishin vai s/he is heard stepping along on sand
bimwewedaawangose vai s/he is heard walking along on sand
bimwewegamakwazhiwe vai s/he is heard paddling along
bimwewekamigishin vai s/he is heard stepping along on the ground
bimwewekamigose vai s/he is heard walking along on the ground
bimwewenaamo vai s/he is heard going along breathing hard
bimwewesagibatoo vai s/he is heard running by on the floor
bimweweshin vai s/he is heard walking along
bimwewetoo vai s/he goes by talking or making noise
bimweweyaabikibide vai it speeds by on the tracks
bimweweyaadagaa vai h/ is heard swimming along
bimweweyaadagaako vai s/he is heard going along on the ice
bimweweyaadagaazii vai s/he is heard wading along
bimweweyaadage vai [BL] h/ is heard swimming along
bimweweyaagonebatoo vai s/he is heard running along in snow
bimweweyaagonewose vai s/he is heard walking along in snow
bimweweyaandawe vai s/he is heard climbing along
bimweweyaanimad vii the wind is heard blowing, heard going along
biidweweba'idiwag vai they are heard coming together
biidwewebizo vai s/he is heard speeding, driving, flying here
biidwewebiisaa vii [MN] rain is heard coming
biidwewebiisaan vii rain is heard coming
biidwewegamakwazhiwe vai s/he is heard paddling here
biidwewejiwan vii it is heard flowing this way, here
biidwewekamigibatoo vai s/he is heard running here on the ground
biidwewekamigishin vai s/he is heard coming stepping on the ground
biidwewenaamo vai s/he is heard coming breathing hard
biidwewesagibatoo vai s/he is heard running here on the floor
biidwewesagishin vai s/he is heard stepping here on floor
biidweweshin vai s/he is heard walking here
biidwewetoo vai s/he comes making vocal noise
biidweweyaadagaa vai s/he is heard swimming here
biidweweyaadagaako vai s/he is heard coming here on the ice
biidweweyaadagaazii vai s/he is heard wading here
biidweweyaadage vai [BL] s/he is heard swimming here
biidweweyaagone vai s/he is heard coming in the snow
biidweweyaagonebatoo vai s/he is heard running here in snow
biidweweyaagoneshin vai s/he is heard walking here in the snow
biidweweyaagoneshkige vai s/he is heard trudging here through the snow
biidweweyaakwaji vai s/he is heard coming getting hung up in the bushes
biidweweyaandawe vai s/he is heard climbing here
biidweweyaanimad vii the wind is heard coming
biiswewebiisaan vii there is the sound of light rain, of drizzle
danwewegamitoo vai she is heard moving in the water
danwewe'o vai he (partridge) drums in a certain place
danwewejiwan vii it is heard flowing in a certain place
danwewesin vii it is heard hitting or falling in a certain place
danweweshin vai s/he is heard hitting or falling in a certain place
danwewetoo vai s/he speaks publicly, makes noise in a certain place
danweweyaange vai the sound of h/ wings can be heard in a certain place
danwewezige vai s/he is heard firing in a certain place
debwewebide vii it is heard driving, running, operating in the distance
debwewebizo vai s/he is heard driving, running, operating in the distance
debwewenaamo vai s/he is heard breathing at a distance
debwewesin vii it is heard falling, hitting, or ringing at a distance
debweweshin vai s/he is heard walking or falling at a distance
debwewezige vai h/ is heard firing in the distance
gibitwewebizo vai it (animate) is heard to stop running or operating
giziibwewenaamo vai s/he squeaks when breathing, wheezes
giziibweweyaasin vii it creaks in the wind
gizhiiwewebiisaa vii the rain is loud
gizhiiwewebiisaan vii [BL] the rain is loud
gizhiiwewejiwan vii the flow of water sounds loud; the loud sound of the rapids can be heard
gizhiiwewendan vti make a loud noise eating it
gizhiiweweyaandagaasin vii its boughs sound loud blowing in the wind
gizhiiweweyaashkaa vii the waves are loud
giizhwewetoo vai s/he finishes praying or telling a legend
gwiishkoshwewegamide vii it whistles from boiling
gwiishkoshwewegamizo vai s/he whistles from boiling
inwewebagaasin vii its leaves sound a certain way blowing in the wind
inweweba'idiwag vai they are heard running to a certain place together
inwewebizo vai s/he drives, flies, speeds to a certain place making noise
inwewebiisaa vii [MN] the rain sounds a certain way
inwewebiisaan vii [BL] the rain sounds a certain way
inwewesidoon vti2 drop and make it sound a certain way
inwewesin vii it sounds a certain way falling or hitting
inweweshim vta drop and make h/ sound a certain way
inweweshin vai s/he sounds a certain way falling, hitting, or stepping
inwewetoo vai s/he goes to a certain place speaking publicly, making sounds
inweweyaadagaa vai s/he is heard swimming to a certain place
inweweyaadagaako vai s/he is heard going to a certain place on the ice
inweweyaadagaazii vai s/he is heard wading to a certain place
inweweyaanimad vii the wind is heard blowing a certain way
inweweyaashkaa vii waves make a certain sound
madwewe'o vai he (partridge) drums
mamaangwewebiisaan vii [BL] the sound of big rain drops is heard
mangwewebizo vai s/he drives a loud car
maadwewebizoni' vta start h/ (e.g., a car)
maanwewebide vii it sounds bad running [motor]
minwewebagaasin vii its leaves sound nice blowing in the wind
minwewebide vii it sounds good running [motor]
minwewebizo vai it (animate) sounds good running [motor]
minwewebiisaan vii [BL] the rain sounds nice
minwewesin vii it sounds nice ringing
minweweshin vai s/he sounds nice ringing or hitting
minweweyaandagaasin vii its boughs sound nice blowing in the wind
minweweyaanimad vii the wind has a nice sound, sounds good
naadwewem vta call for h/ to come
naawewe'o vai he (partridge) is heard drumming in the distance
nibaadweweba'idiwag vai they make a racket scurrying around together
nibaadwewesin vii it makes a disturbing sound ringing
ombiigwewengwaam vai [S] s/he snores really loud
ombiigwewengwaamo vai [BL] s/he snores really loud
ombiigwewesidoon vti2 make a racket with it
ombiigwewesin vii it makes a racket
ombiigweweshim vta make a racket with h/
ombiigweweshin vai s/he makes a racket
ondweweba'idiwag vai they are heard running from a certain place together
ondwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running from a certain place
ondweweyaadagaa vai s/he is heard swimming from a certain place
ondweweyaadagaako vai heard coming from a certain place on the ice
ondweweyaadagaazii vai s/he is heard wading from a certain place
ondweweyaagone vai s/he is heard coming from there in the snow
ondweweyaanimad vii the wind is heard coming from a certain direction
oshaawewezige vai s/he scares off game by firing a weapon