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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/wiin-/ initial

wiinabi vai s/he sits in dirt; s/he lives in a dirty place
wiinad vii it is dirty
wiinadaawangaa vii there is dirty sand
wiinakamigaa vii it is dirty ground
wiinakamigisin vii it gets dirty lying on ground
wiinakamigishin vai s/he gets dirty lying on ground
wiinam vta [BL] gets h/ dirty with the mouth
wiinandan vti get it dirty with the mouth
wiinanowe vai s/he has a dirty cheek or dirty cheeks
wiinapizo vai s/he wears dirty clothes
wiinate vai s/he has dirty house or room
wiinazhe vai s/he has dirty skin, h/ skin is dirty
wiinaabide vai s/he has a dirty tooth, has dirty teeth
wiinaabikad vii it (mineral) is dirty
wiinaabikizi vai s/he (mineral) is dirty
wiinaabiigad vii it (something string like) is dirty
wiinaabiigizi vai s/he (something string-like) is dirty
wiinaagamin vii it (a liquid) is dirty, is polluted
wiinaagonagaa vii there is dirty snow
wiinaajimo vai s/he tells a dirty story
wiinaakigane vai s/he has a dirty chest
wiinaakwad vii it is dirty (stick-like)
wiinaanagiingwe vai s/he has a dirty face
wiinaanikwe vai [BL] s/he has dirty hair
wiinaanziye vai s/he has a dirty diaper
wiinendan vti consider it dirty
wiinenim vta consider h/ dirty
wiinibidoon vti2 dirty it by handling
wiinibizh vta dirty h/ by handling
wiinidaamikane vai s/he has a dirty chin or jaw
wiinidisii vai s/he has a dirty navel
wiinidiye vai s/he has a dirty rear
wiinidoon vai [ML]
  1. s/he has a dirty mouth
  2. s/he has a filthy mouth (using bad language)
wiinidoondane vai s/he has a dirty heel or dirty heels
wiinidoone vai
  1. s/he has a dirty mouth
  2. s/he has a filthy mouth (using bad language)
wiiniganzhii vai s/he has a dirty nail or dirty nails
wiinigaade vai s/he has dirty legs
wiinigiizhwe vai s/he speaks nastily
wiinigwayawe vai s/he has a dirty neck
wiini' vta make h/ dirty
wiini'o vai s/he wears dirty clothes
wiinijaane vai s/he has dirty nose
wiinijiishkiwagaa vii there is patch of dirty mud
wiinijiishkiwagizi vai s/he is muddy, dirty with mud
wiinimaagozi vai s/he smells dirty
wiinimaagwad vii it smells dirty
wiinimisade vai s/he has a dirty belly
wiininaagane vai s/he has a dirty dish or dirty dishes
wiininaagozi vai s/he looks dirty
wiininaagwad vii it looks dirty
wiinindibe vai s/he has a dirty head
wiininike vai s/he has a dirty arm or dirty arms
wiinininjii vai s/he has a dirty hand or dirty hands
wiinisagaa vii the floor is dirty
wiinisin vii it is dirty, gets dirty from lying around
wiinishin vai s/he is dirty, gets dirty from lying around
wiinishkan vti get it dirty by wearing it, get it dirty it with foot or body
wiinishkaw vta get it (animate) dirty by wearing it, get h/ dirty with foot or body
wiinishkiinzhigwe vai s/he has dirty eyes
wiinitawage vai s/he has a dirty ear or dirty ears
wiinitoon vti2 make it dirty
wiinitwaa vai s/he is dirty, keeps a dirty house
wiinizi vai s/he is dirty
wiinizide vai s/he has a dirty foot or dirty feet
wiiniigad vii it is dirty (sheet-like)
wiiniigizi vai s/he is dirty (sheet-like)
wiiniingwe vai s/he has a dirty face