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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/zaag-/ initial

emerge, protrude
zaagadaawangisin vai s/he lies sticking out of sand
zaagagwinde vii it sticks out of the water
zaaga'am vai2
  1. s/he goes out, exits
  2. s/he goes to the toilet
zaagakii vai it (animate; a plant) sprouts, comes up, grows out (of the ground)
zaagakii vii it (a plant) sprouts, comes up, grows out (of the ground)
zaaganakibii vai the top of the tree sticks out above the water
zaaganem vta have h/ sticking out of the mouth
zaaganendan vti have it sticking out of the mouth
zaagaabide vai s/he teethes
zaagaagone vai s/he sticks out from the snow
zaagaagone vii it sticks out from the snow
zaagaagonesin vii it lies sticking out of snow
zaagaagoneshin vai s/he lies sticking out of snow
zaagaakosidoon vti2 put it (something stick- or wood-like) so it sticks out
zaagaakosin vii it (something stick- or wood-like) sticks out
zaagaakoshim vta put h/ (something stick- or wood-like) so h/ sticks out
zaagaakoshin vai s/he (something stick- or wood-like) sticks out
zaagaanowe vai h/ tail sticks out
zaagaasige vai s/he (the sun or moon) shines out (from behind something)
zaagaate vii it shines, sun comes up or out
zaagibagaa vii the leaves come out; it buds
zaagibii vii it sticks out of the water
zaagibiise vai s/he pops up out of the water
zaagibiise vii it pops up out of the water
zaagidenaniweni vai s/he sticks out h/ tongue
zaagidenaniwetaw vta stick out h/ tongue at h/
zaagigaadeshin vai s/he lies with a leg or legs sticking out
zaagigaamo vai it (animate; animal) gets fat, fattens up
zaagigi vai it (animate; a plant) sprouts, comes up, grows out (of the ground)
zaagigin vii it (a plant) sprouts, comes up, grows out (of the ground)
zaagijaanegomo vai s/he is in the water with h/ nose sticking out
zaagijiwan vii it flows out
zaagikwebi vai s/he sits with h/ head sticking out or up
zaagikwegaabawi vai s/he stands with h/ head sticking up or out
zaagikwegomo vai s/he is in the water with h/ head sticking out
zaaginikeshin vai s/he lies with arm out
zaagisidoon vti2 put, set it sticking out
zaagisin vii it sticks out
zaagiskwagizi vai s/he bleeds
zaagishim vta put, set h/ sticking out
zaagishin vai s/he sticks out
zaagiwine vai its horn or antler emerges, grows out
zaagizidegomo vai s/he is in the water with h/ feet sticking out
zaagizideni vai s/he sticks h/ foot out
zaagizideshin vai s/he lies with h/ foot or feet sticking out
zaagizigwadin vii it sticks out of the ice
zaagizigwaji vai it (animate) sticks out of the ice
zaagiingweni vai s/he sticks h/ face out