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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/zhigad-/ initial

tire of, impatient
zhigadam vta be tired of eating h/
zhigadandan vti be tired of eating it
zhigadendan vti be tired of it; be disgusted with it
zhigadenim vta be tired of h/; be disgusted with h/
zhigajibii' vta be tired of waiting for h/
zhigajibii'o vai s/he is tired of waiting
zhigajibiitoon vti2 be tired of waiting for it
zhigajimaam vta get tired of h/ smell
zhigajimaandan vti get tired of its smell
zhigajitan vti be tired of hearing it
zhigajitaw vta be tired of hearing h/
zhigajii vai s/he is impatient, grows tired of something
zhigazitan vti be tired of hearing it
zhigazitaw vta be tired of hearing h/