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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/zhiibaa-/ initial

through a passage or opening under something
zhiibaakwazhiwe vai s/he paddles under something; s/he paddles through a channel
zhiibaangwashi vai s/he takes a quick nap
zhiibaaweba' vta knock h/ under something
zhiibaaweba'an vti knock it under something
zhiibaawebin vta throw or shove h/ under something
zhiibaawebinan vti throw or shove it under something
zhiibaawebishkan vti kick, shove it under something
zhiibaawebishkaw vta kick, shove h/ under something
zhiibaayaa vii it has space to go through; there is a passage or tunnel
zhiibaayaabandan vti see through it
zhiibaayaabi vai s/he sees through something (e.g., binoculars, telescope, scope)
zhiibaayaabiiginan vti pull it under something on a line
zhiibaayaakizo vai s/he gets x-rayed
zhiibaayaamikaa vii there is a passage, tunnel, or trench in the bottom (of a body of water)
zhiibaayaandagaa vii there is a space under the boughs
zhiibaayaanike vai s/he digs an opening or passage underneath, tunnels
zhiibaayaasige vai it (animate; the sun) shines under the clouds
zhiibaayoode vai s/he crawls under something, crawls though a passage