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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/ziig-/ initial

moving liquid, pour, spill, flow
ziiga'an vti pour or scoop it out (using something)
ziigashkinadoon vti2 fill it to overflowing (with solids)
ziigashkina' vta fill h/ to overflowing (with solids)
ziigaajiwande vii it boils over
ziigaajiwanz vta let h/ boil over
ziigaajiwanzan vti let it boil over
ziigaajiwanzo vai it (animate, e.g. a kettle) boils over
ziigibadoon vti2 fill it to overflowing (with liquid)
ziigibazh vta fill h/ to overflowing (with liquid)
ziigibide vii it pours out quick, spills over
ziigibizo vai s/he pours out quick, spills over
ziigibiise vii it overflows; it (a container) spills, spills out
ziigibiise vai s/he overflows; s/he (a container) spills, spills out
ziigigamide vii it boils over
ziigigamizo vai it (animate, e.g. a kettle) boils over
ziigijiwan vii it flows out; it flows off
ziiginan vti pour, spill it out
ziigise vii it pours out, spills out
ziigiwane vai s/he has h/ pack spill out as s/he carries it
ziigwebin vta spill h/, pour h/ out, dump h/ out
ziigwebinan vti spill it, pour it out, dump it out