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mooshkinebii vai s/he is full (of liquid)

Paired with: mooshkinebii vii

mooshkinebii'an vti fill it out with writing

(detransitive) mooshkinebii'ige vai s/he fills out a form
mooshkinebii'ige vai s/he fills out a form

mooshkinebiise vii it fills up (with liquid)

Paired with: mooshkinebiise vai

mooshkinebiise vii it fills up (with liquid)

mooshkinebiise vai h/ fills up (with liquid)

Paired with: mooshkinebiise vii

mooshkinegaabawiwag vai they are crowded standing (there)

mooshkinegaamo vai s/he is full of fat

mooshkineshinoog vai they are crowded lying (there)

mooshkineyaabate vii it is filled with smoke

moowens ni a small animal dropping, pellet, or turd

moowiwan vii it has shit on it

Paired with: moowiwi vai

moowiwi vai s/he has shit on h/

Paired with: moowiwan vii

mooz na a moose

Alces alces

(verb of making) moozoke vai s/he dresses a moose
moozhag adv tmp always, often, all the time

moozhagin vta pick them (animate) up; gather, collect them (animate)

Paired with: moozhaginan vti

moozhaginamaw vta pick (them) up for h/; gather, collect (them) up for h/

moozhaginan vti pick them (inanimate) up; gather, collect them (inanimate)

Paired with: moozhagin vta

(detransitive) moozhaginige vai s/he picks up, gathers, collects things (benefactive) moozhaginamaw vta pick (them) up for h/; gather, collect (them) up for h/
moozhaginige vai s/he picks up, gathers, collects things

moozhagipinii vai s/he picks potatoes

moozhaabe na [ML] a bachelor, an unmarried man

moozhi' vta feel h/ in or on h/ body; sense h/ presence

Paired with: moozhitoon vti2

moozhi'o vai s/he feels something

moozhitoon vti2 feel it in or on h/ body

Paired with: moozhi' vta

moozo-bimide ni moose tallow

moozo-boodaajigan ni a moose call

moozo-moo ni moose dung

moozo-wiinin ni moose fat

moozo-wiis ni moose tripe

moozo-wiiyaas ni moose meat

moozobwaam ni a moose hindquarter

moozode' ni a moose heart

moozodenaniw ni a moose tongue

moozodoodikosiw na a moose kidney

moozogan ni a moose bone

moozojaan ni a moose nose

moozoke vai s/he dresses a moose

moozokon ni a moose liver

moozonagizh ni moose gut, moose intestine; a moose sausage

moozonagizhiins ni a moose sausage

moozopigay na a moose rib

moozoshtigwaan ni [MN] a moose head

See also: moozotigwaan ni [BL]

moozotigwaan ni [BL] a moose head

See also: moozoshtigwaan ni [MN]

moozowaazhawa'adoowagwaakwa'igan ni a moose crossing sign

moozhwaagan ni a pair of scissors

(verb of possession) omoozhwaagani vai s/he has scissors
moozwegin ni a tanned moose hide, moose hide leather

moozwegino-makizin ni a moosehide mocassin

See also: moozweginwakizin ni

moozweginwakizin ni a moosehide mocassin

moozweshkan na a moose antler