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ozaawijiishkiwagad vii it is yellow mud, is brown mud

ozaawikaadaak ni a carrot

See also: ozaawikaadaak na [RL]

ozaawikaadaak na [RL] a carrot

See also: ozaawikaadaak ni

ozaawikonaye vai s/he wears yellow, wears brown

ozaawikosimaan ni a pumpkin

ozaawikoozhe vai s/he has a brown or yellow bill

See also: bagaki-ozaawikoozhe vai

ozaawiminagad vii it is yellow or brown (globular)

See also: ozaawiminagizi vai

ozaawiminagizi vai s/he is yellow or brown (globular)

ozaawinaagozi vai s/he looks yellow, appears yellow; s/he looks brown, appears brown

Paired with: ozaawinaagwad vii

ozaawinaagwad vii it looks yellow, appears yellow; it looks brown, appears brown

Paired with: ozaawinaagozi vai

ozaawindibe vai s/he has blond hair, brown hair

ozhaawishkogwane vai [BL] s/he (a bird) has blue feathers; s/he (a bird) has green feathers

ozhaawishkojiisag ni [NI] foxfire; (a piece of) rotten wood that glows at night

See also: ozhaawashkojiisag ni

ozaawitigwaane vai [BL] s/he is blond; it (animate) has a yellow or brown head

ozaawizi vai s/he is yellow, is brown

Paired with: ozaawaa vii

ozaawizigwaa vii it (slab-like) is yellow, is brown

ozhi-ayaan vai + o get it ready; prepare it

Paired with: ozhi-ayaaw vta

ozhi-ayaaw vta get h/ ready; prepare h/

Paired with: ozhi-ayaan vai + o

ozibanaakozi vai it (animate; stick-like) is moist with sap, has wood moist with sap

Paired with: ozibanaakwad vii

ozibanaakwad vii it (stick-like) is moist with sap

ozhibidoon vti2 shape it by pulling or pushing with hands

Paired with: ozhibizh vta

ozhibizh vta shape h/ by pulling or pushing with hands

Paired with: ozhibidoon vti2

ozhibii' vta write h/ down; vote for h/

Paired with: ozhibii'an vti

ozhibii'amaw vta write (it) down for /h; write (it) for h/

ozhibii'amaadiwag vai they write (it) to each other

ozhibii'an vti sign it; write it; write it down, jot it down

Paired with: ozhibii' vta

(detransitive) ozhibii'ige vai s/he writes (things); s/he writes (things) down (benefactive) ozhibii'amaw vta write (it) for h/; write (it) down for /h (verb of undergoing) ozhibii'igaade vii it is written (by someone), "they" write it; it is written down (by someone), "they" write it down (verb of undergoing) ozhibii'igaazo vai s/he is written down (as on a list) (by someone), "they write h/ down (derived noun) ozhibii'igan ni something written: a piece of writing (a paper, essay, report, etc.); something used for writing
ozhibii'igan ni something written: a piece of writing (a paper, essay, report, etc.); something used for writing

ozhibii'iganaabo ni [BL] ink, paint

See also: ozhibii'iganaaboo ni

ozhibii'iganaaboo ni ink

ozhibii'iganaak ni a pencil, a pen

ozhibii'iganaak na [BL] [LL] a pencil, a pen

ozhibii'igaade vii it is written (by someone), "they" write it; it is written down (by someone), "they" write it down

ozhibii'igaazo vai s/he is written down (as on a list) (by someone), "they write h/ down

ozhibii'ige vai s/he writes (things); s/he writes (things) down

ozhibii'ige-adoopowin ni [ML] a desk

ozhibii'igetamaw vai s/he writes something for h/

ozhibii'igewigamig ni an office

ozhibii'igewikwe na a (female) office worker, a clerk, a secretary

ozhibii'igewinini na a (male) office worker, a clerk, a secretary

ozhiboodoon vti2 saw it to shape

Paired with: ozhiboozh vta

ozhiboozh vta saw h/ to shape

Paired with: ozhiboodoon vti2

ozhichigan ni something made, built, or formed: a hand-made thing, a manufactured thing, a product

ozhichigaade vii it is made, built, formed (by someone), "they" make, build, form it

ozhichigaazo vai s/he is made, built, formed (by someone), "they" make, build, form h/

ozhichige vai s/he makes, builds, forms things

ozid nid h/ foot

ozhidaabaanike vai s/he gets h/ sled ready, packs h/ sled

ozide-miikana ni a footpath

ozhiga' vta
  1. hew h/ to shape
  2. tap h/ (a tree, to get sap)

Paired with: ozhiga'an vti

ozhiga'an vti
  1. hew it to shape
  2. tap it

Paired with: ozhiga' vta

(detransitive) ozhiga'ige vai s/he taps trees (derived noun) ozhiga'igan ni a faucet; a tap, a spile, a spigot (for getting sap from a tree) (derived noun) ozhiga'igan na a tapped tree (verb of undergoing) ozhiga'igaazo vai s/he (a tree) is tapped, can be tapped (by someone)
ozhiga'igan na a tapped tree

ozhiga'igan ni a faucet; a tap, a spile, a spigot (for getting sap from a tree)

ozhiga'igaazo vai s/he (a tree) is tapped, can be tapped (by someone)

ozhiga'ige vai s/he taps trees

ozhiga'wi vta [NI]

ozhiga' vta

ozhigaw vta build a dwelling (lodge, house) for h/

ozhigaabawi vai s/he stands in place, stands ready

ozhigaabawi' vta give h/ a place to stand

ozhigaabawitan vti stand before it

Paired with: ozhigaabawitaw vta

ozhigaabawitaw vta stand before h/

Paired with: ozhigaabawitan vti

ozhigaage vai s/he builds dwellings (lodge, house) for people

ozhige vai s/he builds a dwelling (lodge, house), makes camp

(benefactive) ozhigaw vta build a dwelling (lodge, house) for h/
(detransitive) ozhigaage vai s/he builds dwellings (lodge, house) for people
ozhigi vai s/he grows and takes form; s/he comes to life in the womb

Paired with: ozhigin vii

ozhigin vii it takes form growing

Paired with: ozhigi vai

ozigosan nad h/ aunt (cross-aunt: father's sister)

ozigozisan nad h/ mother-in-law

ozigozisi vai s/he has a mother-in-law

ozhigwan nid h/ tail (of a fish or snake)

ozigwaakomin na [BL] a serviceberry

serviceberry, juneberry, saskatoon
Amelanchier spp.

ozigwaakominaganzh na a serviceberry bush

serviceberry, juneberry
Amelanchier spp.

ozhi' vta make, build, form h/

Paired with: ozhitoon vti2

ozhijiishkiwagin vta form h/ [dough] into shape

ozhikodan vti carve it to shape

Paired with: ozhikozh vta

(derived noun) ozhikojigan ni a carving, a sculpture
ozhikojigan ni a carving, a sculpture

ozhikozh vta carve h/ to shape

Paired with: ozhikodan vti

ozhim vta flee, escape, get away from h/

ozhimaagani vai s/he has a lance, spear

ozhiminagandan vti form it into a ball in the mouth

(detransitive) ozhiminaganjige vai s/he forms a shot round in h/ mouth (derived noun) ozhiminaganjigan ni a round shot formed in the mouth
ozhiminaganjigan ni a round shot formed in the mouth

ozhiminaganjige vai s/he forms a shot round in h/ mouth

ozhimo vai s/he flees

ozinisan nad h/ father-in-law

ozisidoon vti2
  1. put it in place, arrange it
  2. make it (a bed)
  3. set it (a table)

Paired with: ozhishim vta

(detransitive) ozisijige vai s/he makes a bed
ozhisidoon vti2
  1. put it in place, arrange it
  2. make it (a bed)
  3. set it (a table)

Paired with: ozhishim vta See also: ozisidoon vti2

ozisijige vai s/he makes a bed

ozisin vii it lies in place, is set in place

Paired with: ozhishin vai See also: ozhisin vii

ozhisin vii it lies in place, is set in place

Paired with: ozhishin vai See also: ozisin vii

ozisinaagane vai s/he sets the table

ozhishenyan nad h/ uncle (cross-uncle: mother's brother)

ozhishim vta put h/ in place, arrange h/, set h/ up

Paired with: ozisidoon vti2

ozhishin vai s/he has a place to sleep; s/he lies in place, is set in place

Paired with: ozisin vii ; ozhisin vii

ozhitamaw vta make, build, form (it) for h/

See also: ozhitaw vta

ozhitamaage vai s/he makes something for people

ozhitamaazo vai s/he makes, builds, forms (it) for h/ self

ozhitaw vta make, build, form (it) for h/

See also: ozhitamaw vta

ozhitoon vti2 make, build, form it

Paired with: ozhi' vta

(benefactive) ozhitaw vta make, build, form (it) for h/
(benefactive) ozhitamaw vta make, build, form (it) for h/
(reflexive) ozhitamaazo vai s/he makes, builds, forms (it) for h/ self
(detransitive) ozhichige vai s/he makes, builds, forms things (verb of undergoing) ozhichigaade vii it is made, built, formed (by someone), "they" make, build, form it (verb of undergoing) ozhichigaazo vai s/he is made, built, formed (by someone), "they" make, build, form h/ (derived noun) ozhichigan ni something made, built, or formed: a hand-made thing, a manufactured thing, a product
ozhiwanikaadan vti make a pack or bundle of it

Paired with: ozhiwanikaazh vta

ozhiwanikaazh vta make a pack or bundle of h/

Paired with: ozhiwanikaadan vti

ozhiwanike vai s/he packs up

(applicative) ozhiwanikaadan vti make a pack or bundle of it ozhiwanikaazh vta make a pack or bundle of h/
ozhiigan nid the small of h/ back; (the upper part of) h/ rump, rear end; its croup (top of the rump of an animal)