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adaawen vai + o s/he buys (it)

adaawetamaw vta buy (it) for h/

(reciprocal) adaawetamaadiwag vai they buy (it) for each other (reflexive) adaawetamaadizo vai s/he buys (it) for h/ self (reflexive) adaawetamaazo vai s/he buys (it) for h/ self (detransitive) adaawetamaage vai s/he buys (it) for others
adaawetamaadiwag vai they buy (it) for each other

adaawetamaadizo vai s/he buys (it) for h/ self

adaawetamaage vai s/he buys (it) for others

adaawetamaazo vai s/he buys (it) for h/ self

adaawewigamig ni a store, a shop, a trading post

adaawewikwe na [RL] a store keeper, a merchant, a store clerk, a trader (female)

adaawewikwewi vai she is a female storekeeper, merchant, store clerk, or trader
adaawewikwewi vai she is a female storekeeper, merchant, store clerk, or trader

adaawewin ni item for sale, for purchase, or purchased; (one's) shopping or groceries

adaawewinini na a store keeper, a merchant, a store clerk, a trader

(verb of being) adaawewininiiwi vai he is a storekeeper, merchant, store clerk, or trader
adaawewininiikwe na a store keeper, a merchant, a store clerk, a trader (female)

(verb of being) adaawewininiikwewi vai she is a female storekeeper, merchant, store clerk, or trader
adaawewininiikwewi vai she is a female storekeeper, merchant, store clerk, or trader

adaawewininiiwi vai he is a storekeeper, merchant, store clerk, or trader

adik na a caribou, a reindeer

Rangifer tarandus

adikameg na a whitefish

lake whitefish
Coregonus clupeaformis

adikinaagan ni [RL] a cradle board

See also: dikinaagan ni

adiko-wiiyaas ni caribou meat

adikokaa vii there are (a lot of) caribou

adim vta catch up to, overtake h/

Paired with: adindan vti

adima' vta catch up to, overtake h/ (by boat)

Paired with: adima'an vti

adima'an vti catch up to, overtake it (by boat)

Paired with: adima' vta

adima'wi vta [NI] catch up to, overtake h/ (by boat)

adima' vta

adiman ni a snowshoe strap

(verb of making) adimanike vai s/he puts the footstrap on snowshoes
(benefactive) adimanikaw vta make a snowshoe strap for h/ (applicative) adimanikaazh vta put a snowshoe strap on it (animate; snowshoe)
adimanikaw vta make a snowshoe strap for h/

adimanikaazh vta put a snowshoe strap on it (animate; snowshoe)

adimanike vai s/he puts the footstrap on snowshoes

adindan vti catch up to, overtake it

Paired with: adim vta

adis vta dye, color h/

Paired with: adisan vti See also: atis vta [ML]

adisamaw vta dye, color (it) for h/

adisan vti dye, color it

Paired with: adis vta See also: atisan vti [ML]

(benefactive) adisamaw vta dye, color (it) for h/ (detransitive) adisige vai s/he dyes, colors things (verb of undergoing) adisigaade vii it is dyed, colored (by someone), "they" dye, color it (verb of undergoing) adisigaazo vai s/he is dyed, colored (by someone), "they" dye, color h/ (derived noun) adisigan ni a dye
adisigan ni a dye

See also: atisigan ni [ML]

adisigaade vii it is dyed, colored (by someone), "they" dye, color it

adisigaazo vai s/he is dyed, colored (by someone), "they" dye, color h/

adisige vai s/he dyes, colors things

See also: atisige vai [ML]

adiso vai
  1. s/he is ripe (of a fruit or berry)
  2. s/he is dyed, colored

Paired with: adite vii See also: atiso vai

adiswi vta [NI]

adis vta

adite vii
  1. it is ripe (of a fruit or berry)
  2. it is dyed, colored

Paired with: adiso vai

aditebagaa vii there are coloured leaves

adoop ni [BL] an alder

speckled alder
Alnus rugosa

See also: wadoop na [MN]

(verb of abundance) adoopiikaa vii there are alders there
adoopiibag ni [BL] an alder leaf

adoopiikaa vii there are alders there

adoopon vai + o s/he eats from (it)

adoopowin ni a table

See also: adoopowinaak ni [BL] [RL]

adoopowinaak ni [BL] [RL] a table

See also: adoopowin ni

adoopowiniigin ni a table cloth

agadendam vai2 s/he is ashamed, feels shy, is embarrassed

agadendan vti be ashamed of it

Paired with: agadenim vta

agadendaagozi vai s/he seems ashamed, shy, embarrassed

Paired with: agadendaagwad vii

agadendaagwad vii it is shameful, is embarrassing

Paired with: agadendaagozi vai

agadenim vta be ashamed of, be embarrassed by h/

Paired with: agadendan vti

agaji vai s/he is ashamed, is shy, is bashful

(verb of addiction) agajishki vai s/he is a shy person agaji' vta make h/ ashamed, embarrass h/, disgrace h/ (detransitive) agaji'iwe vai s/he embarrasses (people) agajiitaw vta be shy in front of, be ashamed before h/
agaji' vta make h/ ashamed, embarrass h/, disgrace h/

agaji'iwe vai s/he embarrasses (people)

agajishki vai s/he is a shy person

agajitoon vti2 be ashamed of it

agajiwin ni shame

agajiitaw vta be shy in front of, be ashamed before h/

agamiing adv loc at the lake; at the water; on the shore

agawaatebi vai s/he sits in the shade

agawaatebiigisin vii it is reflected in the water

Paired with: agawaatebiigishin vai

agawaatebiigishin vai s/he is reflected in the water

Paired with: agawaatebiigisin vii

agawaate'on ni an umbrella

agawaatese vai s/he casts a shadow flying

agawaatese vii it casts a shadow flying

agawaatesin vii it is in shade; it is in shadow

Paired with: agawaateshin vai

agawaateshin vai s/he is in shade; s/he is in shadow

Paired with: agawaatesin vii

agawaateshkan vti cast a shadow on it; shade it

Paired with: agawaateshkaw vta

agawaateshkaw vta cast a shadow on h/; shade h/

Paired with: agawaateshkan vti

agawaateshkaa vii it moves into the shade or or a shadow

Paired with: agawaateshkaa vai

agawaateshkaa vai s/he moves into the shade or a shadow

Paired with: agawaateshkaa vii

agawaateyaa vii there is shade; there is shadow

agazitaagozi vai s/he sounds embarrassing (what s/he says is embarrassing)

Paired with: agazitaagwad vii

agazitaagwad vii it sounds embarrassing

Paired with: agazitaagozi vai

agazom vta embarrass h/ by speech

(detransitive) agazonge vai s/he speaks embarassing people (reflexive) agazondizo vai s/he embarasses h/ self in speech (reciprocal) agazondiwag vai they speak and embarrass each other
agazondiwag vai they speak and embarrass each other

agazondizo vai s/he embarasses h/ self in speech

agazonge vai s/he speaks embarassing people

agaamajiw adv loc across on the other hill or mountain

agaamakiing adv loc overseas, in Europe

agaamashkiig adv loc across a muskeg

agaamashkosiw adv loc on the other side of a meadow or hay field

agaamaya'ii adv loc across something, across the way

agaamayi'ii adv loc across it; on the other side of it

agaamaabik adv loc across on the other rock or rocks

agaamaakwaa adv loc the woods on the other side of the clearing or across an open area

agaami- pv lex across; on the other side of

agaami-gichigami adv loc across a great lake or a sea

agaami-ishkodewidaabaanikana adv loc on the other side of the tracks

agaami-oodena adv loc across town, on the other side of town

agaami-zaaga'igan adv loc across the lake

agaami-ziibi adv loc across the river

agaamikana adv loc on the other side of the road or trail, across the road or trail

agaamikwam adv loc across the ice on the other side

agaamindekaw vta live across from h/ in the lodge

agaamindekodaadiwag vai they live cross form each other in the lodge

agaamindesi adv loc on the other side of the lodge

agaaming adv loc on the other side of a body of water (a lake, a river), across a body of water (a lake, a river)

agaamisag adv loc across in the other room

agaamishkode adv loc on the other side of the fire, across the fire