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dazhwegisidoon vti2

lay it out spread flat

Paired with: dazhwegishim vta

indazhwegisidoon 1s - 0s ind; odazhwegisidoon 3s - 0s ind; dazhwegisidood 3s - 0 conj; dazhwegisidood 3s - 0 ch-conj; dazhwegisidoon 2s - 0 imp; Stem: /dazhwegisid-/

Ogidaabik ogii-tazhwegisidoon baasang ogiboodiyegwaazon.

He spread out his pants on top of a rock to dry them.

dazhwegisidoon /dazhwegisid-/: /dazhw-/
; /-eg-/
sheet-like (two-dimensional flexible objects of material such as bark, hide/skin, cloth, and paper)
; /-sid/
cause it to fall or lie (drop, lay, set, put), impact it (hit, hit against, hit with something)