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/dazhw-/ initial

dazhobidoon vti2 spread it out flat (with hands)
dazhobizh vta spread h/ out flat (with hands)
dazhoshkwemagishkoodoon vti2 press it (bark) flat with weight
dazhwaabiigibizh vta spread it (string-like) out (by pulling)
dazhwaabiigitaa vai s/he, it (animate, string-like) straightens out
dazhwaakogaade vai s/he has h/ leg or legs spread out
dazhwaakogaadebi vai s/he sits with h/ legs spread out
dazhwaakogaadeni vai s/he spreads out h/ leg or legs
dazhwaakoninjiini vai s/he puts h/ hand out straight
dazhwaangeni vai it (a bird) spreads out its wings
dazhwaanikwe vai s/he has straight hair
dazhweginan vti spread it out flat
dazhwegisidoon vti2 lay it out spread flat
dazhwegisin vii it lies spread out flat
dazhwegishim vta spread h/ [sheet-like] out
dazhwegishin vai s/he lies spread out flat
dazhwegishkan vti spread it out flat (with foot or body)
dazhwegishkaw vta spread h/ out flat (with foot or body)
dazhwegishkaa vii it spreads out flat, opens up flat
dazhwegishkaa vai s/he spreads out flat, opens up flat
dazhwegiwebinan vti spread it (something sheet-like) out with hands
dazhwegizh vta slice, cut it (animate) into sheets or filets
dazhwegizhan vti slice, cut it into sheets or filets