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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

inaabi vai rg

s/he looks to a certain place, peeks

indinaab 1s ind; nindinaab 1s ind; nidinaab 1s ind; inaabi 3s ind; inaabid 3s conj; enaabid 3s ch-conj; Stem: /inaabi-/

inaabi 3s ind rg

Anaamaya'ii gii-inaabi andawaabandang ogiboodiyegwaazon.

He looked underneath for his trousers.

inaabi /inaabi-/: /iN-/
thus, in a certain direction, in a certain manner
; /-aabi/
s/he looks, has such vision, has an eye is such a state or condition