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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/iN-/ initial

thus, in a certain direction, in a certain manner
in , izh
idan vti say so to it; speak to it in a certain way
idiwag vai they say to each other; they speak to each other in a certain way
ikido vai s/he says, speaks so
inabi vai s/he sits a certain way, lives a certain way at home
inadaawangose s/he walks to a certain place on sand
inademo vai s/he cries a certain way, goes to a certain place crying
inadewe vai s/he goes, walks to a certain place on the snow crust
inadinaa vii it is a certain kind of hill
inadis vta dye, color h/, it (animate) a certain color
inadisan vti dye, color it a certain color
inadite vii it is dyed, colored a certain color
inagim vta charge a certain price for, set a certain price for h/
inagindan vti charge a certain price for, set a certain price for it
inaginde vii it has a certain cost, price, or value
inaginzo vai
  1. s/he has a certain cost, has a certain price
  2. it is a certain date (of a month)
inagoode vii it hangs a certain way
inagoodoon vti2 hang it a certain way
inagoojin vai
  1. s/he hangs a certain way
  2. the moon is in a certain phase
inagoozh vta hang h/ a certain way
ina'adoo vai s/he walks a certain way or to a certain place on a trail
ina'adoon vti2 follow it as a trail to a certain place
ina'am vai2 s/he sings a certain way
ina'amaazo vai s/he goes to a certain place singing, sings to h/ self a certain way
ina'amii vai s/he walks, steps a certain way
ina'an vti sing it a certain way
ina'azh vta follow h/ trail to a certain place
ina'e vai s/he aims or shoots in a certain way or direction
ina'o vai s/he paddles a certain way or to a certain place
ina'oodoo vai s/he poles a boat to a certain place
ina'oodoon vti2 take it to a certain place by boat
ina'oozh vta take h/ to a certain place by boat
ina'oozh vta distribute (it) so to h/
inakamigad vii it is a certain event, happens a certain way
inakamigaa vii it is ground of a certain slope or condition
inakamigizi vai s/he does a certain thing, has certain things happen to h/
inakizine vai s/he wears certain footwear
inakwazhiwe vai
  1. s/he paddles a certain way, paddles to a certain place
  2. s/he swims to a certain place (as a fish)
inam vta eat, bite h/ a certain way
inamanji'o vai s/he feels a certain way
inamon vii it leads to a certain place (as a road or trail)
inanaamo vai s/he breathes a certain way, uses h/ voice a certain way, utters a certain way
inanaandam vai2 s/he goes to a certain place hungry
inandan vti eat, bite it a certain way
inangide vii it costs a certain amount, has a certain price
inangizo vai s/he has a certain cost, has a certain price
inanokii vai s/he works a certain way, does a certain kind of work, has a certain job
inanoozh vta hire h/ to do a certain job, hire h/ to go to a certain place
inanoozo vai s/he goes there smoking tobacco
inapide vii it is tied a certain way
inapidoon vti2 tie it a certain way
inapizh vta tie h/ a certain way
inapizo vai s/he is tied a certain way
inashkine vai s/he is so full; s/he fills something a certain way
inashkine vii it is so full; it fills something a certain way
inaabadad vii it is used in a certain way, is employed in a certain way
inaabadizi vai s/he is used in a certain way, is employed in a certain way
inaabaji' vta use, employ h/ a certain way
inaabajitoon vti2 use, employ it a certain way
inaabam vta see h/ a certain way as in a dream; have such a dream about h/
inaabandam vai2 s/he dreams a certain way; s/he has a certain view of something, has a certain belief about something
inaabandan vti see it a certain way as in a dream; have such a dream about it
inaabaso vai h/ smoke goes a certain way
inaabate vii it (smoke) goes a certain direction
inaabi vai s/he looks to a certain place, peeks
inaabide vai s/he has such a tooth or teeth, has a tooth or teeth in a certain condition
inaabikad vii it is a certain way (as something mineral)
inaabikaa vii there is a certain kind of rock
inaabikinan vti set it (a machine, a stove) a certain way
inaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is of a certain kind, goes a certain way
inaabiigad vii it (something string-like) is a certain kind, goes a certain way
inaabiigamon vii it (string-like, line) leads to a certain place
inaabiigin vta string h/ a certain way
inaabiiginan vti string it a certain way
inaabiigizi vai s/he is a certain way (as something string-like)
inaabogo vai s/he drifts or floats to a certain place on the current
inaaboode vii it drifts to a certain place on the current
inaaboono vai s/he goes a certain way or to a certain place carried on the rapids or another moving medium (snow, sand, etc.)
inaaboozo vai
inaadaga'oodoon vti2 pull, tow it to a certain place through the water
inaadagaa vai s/he swims a certain way, swims to a certain place
inaadagaako vai s/he goes to a certain place on the ice
inaadagaazii vai s/he wades to a certain place
inaadage vai s/he swims a certain way, swims to a certain place
inaada'e vai s/he skates a cetain way, skates to a certain place
inaadizi vai s/he has a certain character or nature, has a certain way of life
inaadizooke vai s/he tells legends a certain way
inaadodan vti tell a certain way about it
inaagamin vii it (a liquid) is a certain way
inaagime vai [S] s/he snowshoes to a certain place, snowshoes in a certain way
inaagimose vai [BL] s/he snowshoes to a certain place, snowshoes in a certain way
inaagin vta bend h/ a certain way
inaaginan vti bend it a certain way
inaagonagii vai s/he goes to a certain place in snow
inaagone vai s/he goes to a certain place through snow
inaa'ago vai s/he drifts to a certain place on the waves
inaa'an vii it drifts to a certain place on the waves
inaa'ogo vai s/he drifts to a certain place on the waves
inaajim vta tell of h/ a certain way
inaajimo vai s/he tells a certain way
inaakide vii it burns a certain way
inaakiz vta burn h/ a certain way
inaakizan vti burn it a certain way
inaakizo vai s/he burns a certain way
inaakon vta decide about h/ a certain way; judge h/ a certain way; sentence h/ a certain way
inaakonan vti decide a certain way about it; judge it a certain way
inaakozi vai s/he is a certain way (as something stick- or wood-like)
inaakwad vii it is a certain way (as something stick- or wood-like)
inaamikaa vii it is a certain kind of bottom
inaanagidoone vai [N] s/he talks a certain way; s/he goes to a certain place talking
inaanakwad vii there are such clouds; clouds go a certain way
inaanakwagoode vii it (cloud) goes there; there are such clouds in the sky
inaandawe vai s/he climbs a certain way, climbs to a certain place
inaande vii it is a certain color, is colored a certain way
inaanike vai s/he digs to a certain place
inaanikwe vai s/he has such hair
inaanimad vii the wind blows a certain way
inaanimizi vai s/he goes to a certain place in fear; s/he is scared in a certain way
inaanowebagizo vai s/he flicks h/ tail a certain way
inaanowebani'o vai s/he flicks h/ tail a certain way
inaanoweni vai s/he moves tail a certain way or to a certain place
inaanzo vai s/he is a certain color, is colored a certain way
inaapi vai s/he goes to a certain place laughing; s/he laughs a certain way
inaapine vai s/he is afflicted, sick in a certain way
inaasamabi vai s/he sits facing in a certain way
inaasamigaabawi vai s/he stands facing a certain way
inaasamisidoon vti2 put it facing a certain way
inaasamisin vii it lies facing a certain way
inaasamishim vta put h/ facing a certain way
inaasamishin vai s/he lies facing a certain way
inaasige vai it (animate; sun, moon, or star) shines a certain way
inaasin vii it is blown to a certain place or in a certain way (by the wind); sails, soars to a certain place or in a certain way; it sails to a certain place
inaashi vai s/he is blown to a certain place or in a certain way (by the wind); sails, soars to a certain place or in a certain waysoars, sails to a certain place
inaashkaa vii waves come a certain way, to a certain place
inaate vii it shines a certain way, to a certain place
inaawadoon vti2 haul it to a certain place
inaawazh vta haul h/ to a certain place
inaazhagaame vai s/he walks along shore to a certain place
inaazakonenjige vai s/he goes to a certain place with light, shines a light to a certain place
inendam vai2
  1. s/he thinks a certain way
  2. s/he decides, agrees, consents
inendan vti think of it a certain way
inendi vai s/he is away, absent, gone so long
inenim vta think of h/ a certain way
inide vii it is cooked a certain way
inikodan vti slice it a certain way
inikonaye vai s/he dresses a certain way
inikozh vta slice h/ a certain way
inikwe' vta steer h/ a certain way
inikwe'an vti steer it a certain way
inikweni vai s/he puts h/ head a certain way, nods h/ head a certain way
inikweshin vai s/he lies with h/ head a certain way
inikwetaw vta nod h/ head to h/ a certain way
inin vta hold, handle h/ a certain way
ininan vti hold, handle it a certain way
initam vai2 s/he hears a certain sounds, understands something heard
initan vti hear, understand it a certain way
initaw vta hear h/ a certain way; understand h/ a certain way
initaagozi vai s/he is heard, is understood a certain way
initaagwad vii it is heard, is understood a certain way
iniz vta cook h/ a certain way; heat h/ a certain way
inizh vta cut h/ a certain way
inizan vti cook it a certain way; heat it a certain way
inizhan vti cut it a certain way
inizekwe vai s/he cooks a certain way
inizo vai s/he is cooked a certain way
inose vai s/he walks in a certain way, walks to a certain place
inoode vai s/he crawls a certain way, crawls to a certain place
inoom vta carry h/ to a certain place on h/ back
inoomigo vai s/he rides to a certain place on horseback
inoondan vti carry it to a certain place on h/ back
inwe vai s/he makes a characteristic call (of an animal or bird); s/he speaks a certain language
inwewe vii it makes a certain noise
inwewebagaasin vii its leaves sound a certain way blowing in the wind
inweweba'idiwag vai they are heard running to a certain place together
inwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running to a certain place
inwewebizo vai s/he drives, flies, speeds to a certain place making noise
inwewebiisaa vii [MN] the rain sounds a certain way
inwewebiisaan vii [BL] the rain sounds a certain way
inwewesidoon vti2 drop and make it sound a certain way
inwewesin vii it sounds a certain way falling or hitting
inweweshim vta drop and make h/ sound a certain way
inweweshin vai s/he sounds a certain way falling, hitting, or stepping
inwewetoo vai s/he goes to a certain place speaking publicly, making sounds
inweweyaadagaa vai s/he is heard swimming to a certain place
inweweyaadagaako vai s/he is heard going to a certain place on the ice
inweweyaadagaazii vai s/he is heard wading to a certain place
inweweyaanimad vii the wind is heard blowing a certain way
inweweyaashkaa vii waves make a certain sound
inwewidam vai s/he is heard speaking going to a certain place
ipa'igo vai s/he rides to a certain place, drives to a certain place (drawn by horse or dog)
ipide vii it speeds, drives, flies to a certain place
ipizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies to a certain place
ipizoni' vta drive h/ to a certain place
ipizonitoon vti2 drive it to a certain place
ipogozi vai s/he has a certain taste
ipogwad vii it has a certain taste
izhaa vai s/he goes to a certain place
izhi vta say to h/, speak so to h/
izhibagad vii it has such leaves, has leaves going a certain way
izhibagizi vai it (animate) has such leaves, has leaves going a certain way
izhiba'igo vai s/he rides to a certain place, drives to a certain place (drawn by horse or dog)
izhibii'an vti write it a certain way
izhibiisaa vii rain goes a certain way
izhidaabaadan vti drag, pull it to a certain place
izhidaabaazh vta drag, pull h/ to a certain place
izhidaabaazo vai s/he is pulled or dragged to a certain place
izhidaabii vai s/he drags a load to a certain place
izhidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives to a certain place
izhidaamikane vai s/he has such a chin or jaw
izhidiyeni vai s/he moves h/ rear a certain way
izhidiyeshin vai s/he lies with h/ rear facing a certain way
izhidoonem vta point h/ out with lips
izhidooneni vai s/he points a certain way with lips
izhidoonetaw vta point (it) out to h/ with lips
izhigamaa vii it is a lake of a certain kind or shape
izhigaabawi vai s/he stands a certain way; s/he has a certain stature
izhigaade vai s/he has such a leg or such legs
izhigaadeni vai s/he moves h/ leg a certain way
izhigi vai s/he grows a certain way
izhigidaazo vai s/he goes to a certain place angry, goes to a certain place mad
izhigin vii it grows a certain way
izhigiizhwe vai [BF] s/he talks a certain way
izhigozi vai s/he moves there
izhigwaadan vti sew it a certain way
izhigwaade vii it is sewn a certain way
izhigwaaso vai s/he sews a certain way
izhigwaashkwani vai s/je jumps to a certain place, jumps in a certain way
izhigwaazh vta sew h/ a certain way
izhigwaazo vai s/he is sewn a certain way
izhi' vta
  1. make or cause h/ to be a certain way
  2. make or cause h/ to do something (a certain way)
izhi'o vai s/he dresses a certain way
izhijaane vai s/he has such a nose
izhijiwan vii it flows a certain way, flows to a certain place
izhikawe vai s/he leaves tracks going to a certain place
izhikonaye vai s/he dresses a certain way
izhimaagozi vai s/he smells a certain way
izhimaagwad vii it smells a certain way
izhimaam vta find s/he smells a certain way
izhimaandan vti find it smells a certain way
izhimaaso vai s/he smells a certain way cooking or burning
izhimaate vii it smells a certain way cooking or burning; its aroma goes to a certain place
izhinam vai2 s/he has a certain dream or vision, thinks s/he sees something a certain way
izhinan vti see, perceive it a certain way
izhinaw vta see, perceive h/ a certain way
izhinaago' vta make h/ look a certain way
izhinaagotoon vti2 make it look a certain way
izhinaagozi vai s/he has a certain look or appearance
izhinaagwad vii it has a certain look or appearance
izhinaazha' vta chase h/ to a certain place
izhingwashi vai s/he sleeps so
izhinige vai s/he carries something to a certain place on the shoulder
izhinikaadan vti name it a certain way; call it by such a name
izhinikaade vii it is named a certain way; it is called by such a name
izhinikaazh vta name h/ a certain way; call h/ by such a name
izhinikaazo vai s/he is named a certain way, has such a name; s/he is called by such a name
izhinike vai s/he has such an arm or such arms
izhinikeni vai s/he moves h/ arm a certain way
izhininjii vai s/he has such a hand or such hands
izhininjiini vai s/he moves h/ hand a certain way
izhinizha' vta chase h/ to a certain place; send h/ to a certain place
izhinizha'an vti send it to a certain place
izhinizhikaw vta chase h/ to a certain place
izhinizhimo vai s/he runs to a certain place in flight
izhipon vii snow goes there
izhise vai s/he flies to a certain place
izhise vii
  1. it flies to a certain place
  2. it passes (as time
izhisidoon vti2
  1. put, lay, set it a certain way
  2. put or express it a certain way in speech, song, or writing
  3. write, print it a certain way
izhisin vii
  1. it lies a certain way
  2. it is put or expressed a certain way (in speech, song, or writing)
  3. it is written, printed a certain way (as in a book)
izisin vii
  1. it lies a certain way
  2. it is put or expressed a certain way (in speech, song, or writing)
  3. it is written, printed a certain way (as in a book)
izhishim vta put, lay, set h/ a certain way
izhishimo vai s/he dances a certain way, dances to a certain place
izhishin vai s/he lies a certain way
izhishkiinzhigwe vai s/he has such an eye or eyes
izhitawage vai s/he has such an ear or ears
izhitigweyaa vii it (river) flows a certain way, flows to a certain place
izhitoon vti2 cause it to be a certain way, make it a certain way
izhitwaa vai s/he has a certain custom or belief, practices a certain religion
izhiwebad vii
  1. it happens a certain way
  2. it is a certain weather condition
izhiweba'an vti shove it a certain way using something
izhiwebin vta throw, toss, shove h/ a certain way or to a certain place
izhiwebinan vti throw, toss, shove it a certain way or to a certain place
izhiwebishkan vti shove it a certain way (with foot or body); kick it a certain way
izhiwebishkaw vta shove h/ a certain way (with foot or body); kick h/ a certain way
izhiwebizi vai s/he has certain things happen to h/; s/he behaves, fares a certain way
izhiwidoon vti2 take, carry it to a certain place
izhiwizh vta take, carry h/ to a certain place
izhizide vai s/he has such a foot or such feet
izhizideni vai s/he moves h/ foot a certain way
izhizidetaw vta reach out one's foor to h/
izhiigad vii it is a certain way (as something sheet-like)
izhiigin vta fold it (animate; sheet-like) a certain way
izhiiginan vti fold it (something sheet-like) a certain way
izhiigisidoon vti2 spread it a certain way (sheet-like)
izhiigizi vai s/he is a certain way (as something sheet-like)