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ningozigoshin vai s/he is covered in ice

Paired with: ningozigosin vii

ningozigwa' vta cover h/ with ice

Paired with: ningozigwa'an vti

ningozigwa'an vti cover it with ice

Paired with: ningozigwa' vta

ningozigwa'wi vta [NI]

ningozigwa' vta

ningozis nad my son

See also: ingozis nad ; ningwizis nad [BL] ; ingwizis nad [BL]

ningoodaas nid my dress

ningwada' vta cover it by using a hoe

Paired with: ningwada'an vti

ningwada'an vti cover it using a hoe

Paired with: ningwada' vta

(detransitive) ningwada'ige vai s/he covers things using a hoe
ningwada'ige vai s/he covers things using a hoe

ningwadaasin vii it is covered by blowing snow

Paired with: ningwadaashi vai

ningwadaashi vai it (animate) is covered with blowing snow

Paired with: ningwadaasin vii

ningwadaawanga' vta cover h/ with sand (using something)

Paired with: ningwadaawanga'an vti

ningwadaawanga'an vti cover it with sand (using something)

ningwadaawanga'wi vta [NI]

ningwadaawanga' vta

ningwadaawangaasin vii it is covered with blowing sand

Paired with: ningwadaawangaashi vai

ningwadaawangaashi vai s/he is covered with blowing sand

Paired with: ningwadaawangaasin vii

ningwa' vta bury h/

Paired with: ningwa'an vti

ningwa'abwaadan vti cook it under the ashes

Paired with: ningwa'abwaazh vta

ningwa'abwaan na bread baked under the ashes

ningwa'abwaazh vta cook h/ under the ashes

Paired with: ningwa'abwaadan vti

ningwa'abwe vai s/he cooks (something) under the ashes

(applicative) ningwa'abwaadan vti cook it under the ashes (applicative) ningwa'abwaazh vta cook h/ under the ashes ningwa'abwaan na bread baked under the ashes
ningwa'abwen vai + o s/he cooks something under the ashes

ningwa'akii vai s/he buries something (in the ground); s/he spreads dirt on something

ningwa'amaw vta bury (it) for h/

ningwa'an vti bury it

Paired with: ningwa' vta

(benefactive) ningwa'amaw vta bury (it) for h/ (detransitive) ningwa'ige vai s/he buries things (verb of undergoing) ningwa'igaade vii it is buried (by someone), "they" bury it (verb of undergoing) ningwa'igaazo vai s/he is buried (by someone), "they" bury h/
ningwa'igaade vii it is buried (by someone), "they" bury it

ningwa'igaazo vai s/he is buried (by someone), "they" bury h/

(verb of undergoing) ningwa'igaade vii it is buried (by someone), "they" bury it
ningwa'ige vai s/he buries things

ningwa'wi vta [NI]

ningwa' vta

ningwaja' vta cover it by using a hoe

Paired with: ningwaja'an vti

ningwaja'an vti hoe it

Paired with: ningwaja' vta

(detransitive) ningwaja'ige vai s/he covers things using a hoe (derived noun) ningwaja'igan ni a hoe
ningwaja'igan ni a hoe

ningwaja'ige vai s/he covers things using a hoe

ningwakamiga' vta bury h/ in the ground (using something)

Paired with: ningwakamiga'an vti

ningwakamiga'an vti bury it in the ground (using something)

Paired with: ningwakamiga' vta

(verb of undergoing) ningwakamiga'igaade vii it is buried in ground (by someone), "they" bury it in the ground (verb of undergoing) ningwakamiga'igaazo vai s/he, it (animate) is buried in the ground (by someone), "they" bury h/, it (animate) in the ground
ningwakamiga'igaade vii it is buried in ground (by someone), "they" bury it in the ground

ningwakamiga'igaazo vai s/he, it (animate) is buried in the ground (by someone), "they" bury h/, it (animate) in the ground

ningwakamiga'wi vta [NI]

ningwakamiga' vta

ningwakamigin vta put h/ under the ground

ningwakamigishkan vti bury it in ground with the feet

ningwakwad vii it is cloudy

ningwaniso vai s/he goes to get the meat from killed game

ningwano vai s/he is covered with snow

ningwaagone vii it is covered with snow

ningwaagone' vta cover h/ with snow (using something)

Paired with: ningwaagone'an vti

ningwaagone'an vti cover it in with snow (using something)

Paired with: ningwaagone' vta

(detransitive) ningwaagone'ige vai s/he covers (things) with snow (using something) (verb of undergoing) ningwaagone'igaade vii it is covered with snow (by someone), "they" cover it with snow
ningwaagone'igaade vii it is covered with snow (by someone), "they" cover it with snow

ningwaagone'ige vai s/he covers (things) with snow (using something)

ningwaagone'wi vta [NI]

ningwaagone' vta

ningwaagonemon vii road is snow-covered

ningwaagonenan vti bury it in the snow (by hand)

ningwaagonesin vii it is covered by snow, is under the snow

ningwaagoneshin vai s/he is covered by snow, is under the snow

Paired with: ningwaagonesin vii

ningwaagonewebishkan vti bury it in the snow (forcefully with foot or body)

Paired with: ningwaagonewebishkaw vta

ningwaagonewebishkaw vta bury h/ in the snow (forcefully with foot or body)

Paired with: ningwaagonewebishkan vti

ningwaagoneyaasin vii it is covered by blown snow

Paired with: ningwaagoneyaashi vai

ningwaagoneyaashi vai s/he is covered by blown snow

Paired with: ningwaagoneyaasin vii

ningwaanakwad vii it is cloudy

ningwaashi vai s/he (sun or moon) is covered by drifting clouds

ningwizis nad [BL] my son

See also: ingozis nad ; ingwizis nad [BL] ; ningozis nad

ninik nid my arm

nining nid h/ armpit

niningishkaa vii it trembles, shakes

niningwan nad my son-in-law

niningwanis nad my nephew (cross-nephew: a male's sister's son or a female's brother's son)

nininj nid my hand, finger

ninishiwag nad my testicles

niniigi'ig nad my parent

niniijaanis nad my child

niniishk nad my gland (lymph node)

ninjaan nid [N] my nose

See also: injaanzh nid [S]

ninjichaag nad my soul (the spirit within)

ninoshenh nad my stepmother; my aunt (parallel aunt: mother's sister)

ninow nid [ML] my cheek

ninoogan nid my hip

nipan nid my lung

nipigay nad [BL] my rib

nipigemag nid [ML] my rib

nipikwan nid my back

nisawa'ogaan ni lodge with peaked roof

nisawaya'ii adv loc in between them

nisawayi'ii adv loc in between them

See also: nisawaya'ii adv loc

nisawaabik adv loc between rocks

nisawaajiwan adv loc in the middle of the rapids

nisawaatig adv loc between trees

nisawi- pv lex between, in between

nisawi-desabiwin adv loc [BL] between the chairs

nisawi-minis between the islands

nisawi-nibewin adv loc between the beds

nisawi-waakaa'igan adv loc between houses, between buildings

nisawigamig adv loc between houses or lodges

nisawigaabawi vai s/he stands in the middle

nisawisidoon vti2 put it in the middle

Paired with: nisawishim vta

nisawisin vii it lies in the middle

Paired with: nisawishin vai

nisawishim vta put h/ in the middle

Paired with: nisawisidoon vti2

nisawishin vai s/he lies in the middle

Paired with: nisawisin vii

nisayenh nad my older brother

nisaabaawazh vta drown h/; wet h/

nisaabaawe vai s/he gets wet

Paired with: nisaabaawe vii

nisaabaawe vii it gets wet

Paired with: nisaabaawe vai