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wanibagizo vai s/he missteps in dancing

wanibatoo vai s/he runs the wrong way

wanibizo vai s/he gets lost driving

wanibii'an vti make a mistake writing it

(detransitive) wanibii'ige vai s/he makes a mistake writing something
wanibii'ige vai s/he makes a mistake writing something

wanichigaade vii it is lost (by somone), "they" lose it; it is made wrong (by someone), "they" make it wrong

wanichigaazo vai s/he is lost (by someone), "they" lose h/

wanichige vai s/he makes a mistake, makes things wrong

wanigiizhwe vai s/he makes a mistake speaking, mispronounces something

wanigwaadan vti make a mistake sewing it

Paired with: wanigwaazh vta

wanigwaade vii it is sewn wrong

Paired with: wanigwaazo vai

wanigwaaso vai s/he makes a mistake sewing

wanigwaazh vta make a mistake sewing h/

Paired with: wanigwaadan vti

wanigwaazo vai s/he is sewn wrong

Paired with: wanigwaade vii

wani' vta lose, miss h/

Paired with: wanitoon vti2

wani'aawaso vai s/he loses a child

wanim vta mislead, confuse h/ (by speech)

(reciprocal) wanindiwag vai they mislead, confuse, fool each other
wanimo vai s/he makes a mistake in speaking, mispronounces something

wanin vta take, touch h/ (the wrong one)

Paired with: waninan vti

waninamaw vta hand wrong one of something to h/

waninan vti hold, take, touch it the wrong way or the wrong one

Paired with: wanin vta

(benefactive) waninamaw vta hand wrong one of something to h/
waninawe'an vti stir it

See also: wanawe'an vti [BL]

(derived noun) waninawe'igan ni something used to stir or mix with: a stirring stick, an eggbeater, a mixer
waninawe'igan ni something used to stir or mix with: a stirring stick, an eggbeater, a mixer

See also: wanawe'igan ni [BL]

wanindiwag vai they mislead, confuse, fool each other

wanisidoon vti2 misplace it

Paired with: wanishim vta

wanisin vii it is lost, gets lost

Paired with: wanishin vai

wanishim vta

Paired with: wanisidoon vti2

wanishin vai s/he is lost, gets lost

Paired with: wanisin vii

wanishkwe' vta disturb, distract, interrupt h/

(reciprocal) wanishkwe'idiwag vai they disturb, distract, interrupt each other
wanishkwe'idiwag vai they disturb, distract, interrupt each other

wanishkwem vta disturb, distract, interrupt h/ (by speech)

wanishkweyendam vai s/he is distracted

wanitam vai2 s/he misunderstands something heard

wanitaw vta misunderstand (what) h/ (says)

wanitoon vti2 lose, miss it

Paired with: wani' vta

(detransitive) wanichige vai s/he makes a mistake, makes things wrong (verb of undergoing) wanichigaade vii it is lost (by somone), "they" lose it; it is made wrong (by someone), "they" make it wrong (verb of undergoing) wanichigaazo vai s/he is lost (by someone), "they" lose h/
wanizekwe vai s/he makes a mistake cooking

wanii'amaw vta trap (for) h/

wanii'igan ni a trap

wanii'ige vai s/he traps

wanii'ige-mazina'igan ni [BL] a trapping license

See also: wanii'ige-mazina'igaans ni [ML]

wanii'ige-mazina'igaans ni [ML] a trapping license

See also: wanii'ige-mazina'igan ni [BL]

wanii'igewikwe na

wanii'igewinini na a trapper

waniike vai s/he forgets

waniiken vai + o s/he forgets (it)

waniiwizi vai s/he is forgetful, forgets

wanwewe'akokwe vai s/he makes a mistake drumming

wanwewese vai [BL] s/he hiccoughs, hiccups

wapaa' vta disturb h/ sleep

wapii adv tmp at that time

wasitaawinaagozi vai s/he looks unhappy, sorrowful, uncomfortable

washkadamon vii it (a road or trail) bends, curves

washkakwazhiwe vai s/he makes a turn paddling

washkaadagaa vai s/he turns back swimming

washkaadage vai [BL] s/he turns around swimming

See also: washkaadagaa vai

washkibagizo vai s/he quickly turns

washkibatoo vai s/he turns and runs

washkibide vii it makes a turn speeding, driving, flying

Paired with: washkibizo vai

washkibizo vai s/he makes a turn speeding, driving, flying

Paired with: washkibide vii

washkigaabawi vai s/he turns while standing

washkigiiwe vai s/he turns and goes back

washkikaa vai s/he suddenly changes directions, changes h/ course

washkitigweyaa vii it (a river) flows around a bend

wawaabijiiyaabi vai s/he has grey eyes

wawaaga'amii vai s/he walks bow-legged

wawaagigaade vai s/he is bow-legged

wawaagizide vai s/he is pigeon-toed

wawaagizide'amii vai s/he walks pigeon-toed

wawaagizidekawe vai s/he leaves pigeon-toed tracks

wawaanendam vai2 s/he doesn't know what to do or think, is dumfounded

wawaasaabizo vai h/ eyes shine

wawaasese vii there is lightning

wawaashkitigweyaa vii it is a winding river

wawaawashkamon vii it is a winding road or trail

wawaawashkaakozi vai it (stick-like, animate) is crooked, is a crooked tree

wawaawashkaakwad vii it (stick-like) is crooked, is a crooked stick

Paired with: wawaawashkaakozi vai

wawenabi vai s/he is sitting down, stays seated

wawepizo vai a/he dresses up

wawezhichigaade vii it is decorated (by someone), "they" decorate it

wawezhichigaazo vai s/he is decorated (by someone), "they" decorate h/

wawezhichige vai s/he decorates things

wawezhi' vta decorate, adorn h/; dress up, make up h/

Paired with: wawezhitoon vti2

wawezhi'o vai s/he dresses up; s/he makes up h/ self

wawezhitoon vti2 decorate it

Paired with: wawezhi' vta

(detransitive) wawezhichige vai s/he decorates things (verb of undergoing) wawezhichigaade vii it is decorated (by someone), "they" decorate it (verb of undergoing) wawezhichigaazo vai s/he is decorated (by someone), "they" decorate h/
wawiyadendam vai2 s/he is amused, finds something funny

wawiyadendamowin ni amusement

wawiyadendan vti think it cute, think it funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyadenim vta

wawiyadendaagozi vai s/he is thought cute, thought funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyadendaagwad vii

wawiyadendaagwad vii it is thought cute, thought funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyadendaagozi vai

wawiyadenim vta think h/ cute, think h/ funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyadendan vti

wawiyazh adv man comical; funny

wawiyazhinaagozi vai s/he looks cute, looks funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyazhinaagwad vii

wawiyazhinaagwad vii it looks cute, looks funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyazhinaagozi vai

wawiyazhitaagozi vai s/he sounds cute, sounds funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyazhitaagwad vii

wawiyazhitaagwad vii it sounds cute, sounds funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyazhitaagozi vai

wawizhendam vai2 s/he rejoices, is really happy and satisified

wawiinge adv man carefully; completely; properly; well

See also: owiinge adv deg [NI]

wawiingechige vai s/he does something skillfully, exactly; s/he makes things skilfully, exactly

wawiinge' vta make h/ skilfully

Paired with: wawiingetoon vti2

wawiingetoon vti2 make it skilfully

Paired with: wawiinge' vta

(detransitive) wawiingechige vai s/he does something skillfully, exactly; s/he makes things skilfully, exactly