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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

bikwaakwadozi vai s/he is round (like a ball), is chubby

bikwaakwadwaagonagin vta make h/ (snow) into a snowball

bikwaawigan vai [ML] s/he is hunchback

bikwaawigane vai [N] s/he is a hunchback

See also: bikwaawigan vai [ML]

bikwegishin vii it lies in a hump as under a blanket or cover

bimadaawangose vai s/he walks along on sand

bimademo vai s/he goes along crying

bimadewe vai s/he goes, walks along on the snow crust

bimadinaa vii there is a ridge or range of hills or mountains extending along

bimagoojin vai s/he falls down from up high

bima'adoo vai s/he follows a trail along

bima'adoobatoo vai s/he runs along a trail, is out for a run, is jogging

bima'adoon vti2 follow it along as a trail

Paired with: bima'azh vta

(detransitive) bima'ajige vai s/he follows something along as a trail
bima'ajige vai s/he follows something along as a trail

bima'amaazo vai s/he goes along singing

bima'an vti skim it

(detransitive) bima'ige vai s/he skims things
bima'azh vta track h/ along, follow h/ trail along

Paired with: bima'adoon vti2

bima'ige vai s/he skims things

bima'oodoo vai s/he poles a boat along

bima'oodoon vti2 pole it along in a boat; take it along in a boat

Paired with: bima'oozh vta

bima'ookii vai s/he poles a boat along

bima'oozh vta pole h/ along in a boat; take h/ along in a boat

Paired with: bima'oodoon vti2

bimakwazhiwe vai
  1. s/he paddles along, goes along by boat
  2. s/he swims along (as a fish)

bimamon vii it (road or trail) leads along

bimanaandam vai2 s/he goes along hungry

bimaabate vii it (smoke) goes along

bimaabaagwe vai s/he goes along, goes by thirsty

bimaabiigamon vii it leads along (as something string-like)

bimaabiigin vta string h/ along

Paired with: bimaabiiginan vti

bimaabiiginan vti string it along

Paired with: bimaabiigin vta

bimaabogo vai s/he floats or drifts along with the current

bimaaboode vii it drifts along on the current

Paired with: bimaaboozo vai

bimaaboono vai s/he goes along carried on the rapids or another moving medium (snow, sand, etc.)

bimaaboozo vai s/he drifts along on the current

Paired with: bimaaboode vii

bimaadad vii it is alive, is living

Paired with: bimaadizi vai

bimaadaga'oodoon vti2 pull, tow it along through the water

Paired with: bimaadaga'oozh vti2

bimaadaga'oojige vai s/he pulls, tows things through the water

bimaadaga'oozh vti2 pull, tow h/ along through the water

Paired with: bimaadaga'oodoon vti2

bimaadagaa vai s/he swims along

See also: bimaadage vai [BL]

bimaadagaako vai s/he goes along on the ice

bimaadagaakoba'iwe vai s/he runs along on the ice in flight from someone

bimaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs along on the ice

bimaadagaazii vai s/he wades along

bimaadagaaziibatoo vai s/he runs along wading in the water

bimaadage vai [BL] s/he swims along

See also: bimaadagaa vai

bimaada'e vai s/he skates along

bimaadizi vai s/he lives, is alive

Paired with: bimaadad vii

(derived noun) bimaadiziwin ni life
bimaadiziwin ni life

bimaadiziimagad vii it is alive, is living

bimaagime vai [S] s/he snowshoes along or by, goes snowshoeing

bimaagimose vai [BL] s/he snowshoes along or by, goes snowshoeing

bimaagonagii vai s/he goes along in snow

bimaagone vai s/he goes along in the snow

bimaagonebizo vai s/he drives by, along in the snow

bimaa'ago vai [BL] s/he drifts along on the waves

Paired with: bimaa'an vii See also: bimaa'ogo vai

bimaa'an vii it drifts along on the waves

Paired with: bimaa'ago vai [BL] ; bimaa'ogo vai

bimaa'ogo vai s/he drifts along on the waves

Paired with: bimaa'an vii See also: bimaa'ago vai [BL]

bimaaji' vta save h/ life, rescue h/

bimaakosidoon vti2 put it along (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: bimaakoshim vta

bimaakosin vii it lies along (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: bimaakoshin vai

bimaakoshim vta put h/ along (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: bimaakosidoon vti2

bimaakoshin vai s/he lies along (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: bimaakosin vii

bimaanagidoone [N] s/he goes along talking

bimaanakwad vii clouds go along

bimaandawaadan vti climb along on it

Paired with: bimaandawaazh vta

bimaandawaazh vta climb along on h/

Paired with: bimaandawaadan vti

bimaandawe vai s/he climbs along

(applicative) bimaandawaadan vti climb along on it (applicative) bimaandawaazh vta climb along on h/
bimaanimad vii the winds blows along

bimaanimizi vai s/he goes along in fear

bimaapi vai s/he goes by laughing

bimaasin vii it is blown along (by the wind); sails, soars along

Paired with: bimaashi vai

bimaashi vai s/he is blown along (by the wind); sails, soars along

Paired with: bimaasin vii

bimaashkaa vii waves go by

bimaatigwe vai [BL] s/he moves logs along

bimaatigwewi-naabikwaan ni [BL] a tugboat used for moving log booms

bimaawadaaso vai they travel along in a group

bimaawadaasoowidaabaan na [BL] a truck

bimaawadoon vti2 haul it along

Paired with: bimaawazh vta

bimaawangad vii it is powdered, is a powder

Paired with: bimaawangizi vai

bimaawangizi vai s/he is powdered, is a powder

Paired with: bimaawangad vii

bimaawanidiwag vai they travel along along in a group

bimaawazh vta haul h/ along

Paired with: bimaawadoon vti2

(detransitive) bimaawazhiwe vai s/he hauls (people) along; transports people (reciprocal) bimaawanidiwag vai they travel along along in a group
bimaawazhiwe vai s/he hauls (people) along; transports people

bimaawazhiwewinini na a cab driver; a taxi driver

bimaazhagaame vai s/he goes along on the shore or edge of something

bimaazhagaamebatoo vai s/he runs along on the shore

bimaazakonenjige vai s/he goes along with a light

bimi- pv dir along; going along; going by; going past; on the way

bimi-ayaa vai s/he goes, travels along

bimi-ayaa vii it goes along, by, past

Paired with: bimi-ayaa vai

bimiba'idiwag vai they run along together

bimiba'igo vai s/he rides along, drives along (drawn by horse or dog)

bimiba'iwe vai s/he runs along in flight from someone

bimibatoo vai
  1. s/he runs, runs along
  2. s/he runs as a candidate

(applicative) bimibatwaadan vti run along with it (applicative) bimibatwaazh vta run along with h/
bimibatwaadan vti run along with it

bimibatwaazh vta run along with h/

bimibide vii it speeds, drives, flies along

Paired with: bimibizo vai

bimibidewi-giishkiboojigan ni [BL] a power saw, a chain saw

bimibidewi-giishkiboojiganeyaab ni a saw chain

See also: giishkiboojiganeyaab ni

bimibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies along

Paired with: bimibide vii