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bepeshaawigane vai s/he has stripes on h/ back

bepeshigwane vai s/he (a bird) has striped feathers

bepeshin vta tag h/

bepeshinidiwag vai they play tag with each other

bepeshinidiwin ni game of tag

bepeshiningwii vai s/he has striped wings

bepeshizi vai s/he has stripes, lines

Paired with: bepeshaa vii

bepeshiigad vii it (something sheet-like) has stripes

Paired with: bepeshiigizi vai

bepeshiigizi vai s/he (something sheet-like) has stripes

Paired with: bepeshiigad vii

beshaa vii it has a line, has a stripe

Paired with: beshizi vai

beshaakwanashkidii vai s/he (a bird) has a striped tail

beshaanowe vai s/he has a stripe on h/ tail

beshaawigane vai [N] s/he has a stripe on h/ back

beshaawiganezh vta cut h/ on h/ back

beshaawiganezhwi vta [BL]

beshaawiganezh vta

beshibii' vta mark h/ with a stripe

Paired with: beshibii'an vti

beshibii'amaw vta mark (it) with a line or stripe for h/

beshibii'an vti mark it with a line or stripe

Paired with: beshibii' vta

(benefactive) beshibii'amaw vta mark (it) with a line or stripe for h/ (detransitive) beshibii'ige vai s/he marks things with a line or stripe (verb of undergoing) beshibii'igaade vii it is marked with a line or stripe (by someone), "they" mark it with a line or stripe (verb of undergoing) beshibii'igaazo vai h/ is marked with a line or stripe (by someone), "they" mark it with a line or stripe
beshibii'igaade vii it is marked with a line or stripe (by someone), "they" mark it with a line or stripe

beshibii'igaazo vai h/ is marked with a line or stripe (by someone), "they" mark it with a line or stripe

beshibii'ige vai s/he marks things with a line or stripe

beshidaamikaneshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ chin or jaw

beshidooneshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ mouth

beshigaadeshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ leg

beshinikeshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ arm

beshininjiishin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ hand

beshizh vta make a cut on h/

Paired with: beshizhan vti

beshizhan vti make a cut on it

Paired with: beshizh vta

beshizi vai s/he has a line, has a stripe

Paired with: beshaa vii

beshizideshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ foot

beshizhwi vta [NI]

beshizh vta

beshiigad vii it (something sheet-like) has a stripe, a mark

beshiigizi vai s/he (something sheet-like) has a stripe, has a line

Paired with: beshiigad vii

beshiigizi vai

beshiingweshin vai s/he gets or has a cut on h/ face

beshk na [BL] a nighthawk

common nighthawk
Chordeiles minor

See also: beshkwe na

beshkwe na a nighthawk

common nighthawk
Chordeiles minor

See also: beshk na [BL]

besho adv loc near, nearby, close

beshonaagozi vai s/he appears to be close

Paired with: beshonaagwad vii

beshonaagwad vii it appears to be close

Paired with: beshonaagozi vai

beshotan vti be in close hearing of it, hear it coming closer

Paired with: beshotaw vta

beshotaw vta be in close hearing of h/, hear h/ coming closer

Paired with: beshotan vti

beshowad vii it is near, is nearby, is close

beshwaji' vta be close friends with h/

beshwaabam vta see h/ nearby, be in close view of h/, catch sight of h/

Paired with: beshwaabandan vti

beshwaabandan vti see it nearby, be in close view of it, catch sight of it

Paired with: beshwaabam vta

beshwendan vti think it to be near or soon

Paired with: beshwenim vta

beshwendaagozi vai s/he is thought near

Paired with: beshwendaagwad vii

beshwendaagwad vii it is thought near

Paired with: beshwendaagozi vai

beshwenim vta think h/ to be near or near soon

Paired with: beshwendan vti

beshwewidam vai2 s/he is heard making sound nearby

bezhig adv num
  1. one
  2. a certain one

bezhigo vai s/he is alone, is one, is the only one

bezhigo- pv qnt one

bezhigo-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is one o'clock

bezhigozigwam adv num one block of ice

bezhigoobi vai one sits, is at home

bezhigoobii'igan na an ace

bezhigoogaabawi vai one (animate) stands; s/he stands alone

bezhigoopide vii one (inanimate) is tied

Paired with: bezhigoopizo vai

bezhigoopidoon vti2 tie one of it

Paired with: bezhigoopizh vta

bezhigoopizh vta tie, hitch one (animate)

Paired with: bezhigoopidoon vti2

bezhigoopizo vai one (animate) is tied, is hitched

Paired with: bezhigoopide vii

bezhigooshin vai s/he lies alone

bezhigwaginzo vai [BL] it is the first (of the month)

bezhigwan vii it is one; it is the only one; it is the same

bezhigwanong adv loc in one place; one place

bezhigwaabik na one dollar

bezhigwaatig adv num one stick-like object

bezhigweg adv num one piece of something sheet-like

bezikaa vai s/he moves slowly

bezikaabatoo vai s/he runs slowly

bezhizhooniyaans na a dime

bi- pv dir here; hither; this way; toward the speaker

bi-izhaa vai s/he comes

bi-naagozi vai s/he appears; s/he comes into view

Paired with: bi-naagwad vii

bi-naagwad vii it appears; it comes into view

Paired with: bi-naagozi vai

bibagadin vii it is frozen thin

bibaganagekozi vai s/he (a tree) has thin bark

bibagaa vii it is thin

Paired with: bibagizi vai

bibagaabikad vii it is thin (as something mineral)

Paired with: bibagaabikizi vai

bibagaabikizi vai s/he is thin (as something mineral)

Paired with: bibagaabikad vii

bibagaakwadin vii it freezes thin, is frozen thin

Paired with: bibagaakwaji vai

bibagaakwaji vai s/he freezes thin, is frozen thin

Paired with: bibagaakwadin vii

bibagikodan vti slice it thin

Paired with: bibagikozh vta

bibagikonaye vai s/he wears a thin layer of clothes

bibagikozh vta slice h/ thin

Paired with: bibagikodan vti

bibagisin vii it lies in a thin layer

Paired with: bibagishin vai

bibagishin vai s/he lies in a thin layer

Paired with: bibagisin vii

bibagizh vta cut h/ thin

Paired with: bibagizhan vti

bibagizhan vti cut it thin

Paired with: bibagizh vta

bibagizi vai s/he is thin

Paired with: bibagaa vii

bibagizigwaa vii it (something slab-like) is thin; there is thin ice

bibagizhwi vta [NI]

bibagizh vta

bibagiigad vii it (something sheet-like) is thin

Paired with: bibagiigizi vai

bibagiigizi vai s/he is thin (as something sheet-like)

Paired with: bibagiigad vii

bibigwan ni a flute

bibigwe vai s/he plays the flute

bibine- pv lex powdered, finely granulated

bibine-bakwezhigan na flour