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biniwebaasin vii it is blown down from above

Paired with: biniwebaashi vai

biniwebaashi vai s/he is blown down from above

Paired with: biniwebaasin vii

biniwebishkan vti knock it down from its position above (with force by body or foot)

Paired with: biniwebishkaw vta

biniwebishkaw vta knock h/ down from h/ position above (with force by body or foot)

Paired with: biniwebishkan vti

biniwine vai s/he sheds h/ antlers

binzini vai s/he has something in h/ eye

bipakoombens ni [ML] a cucumber

See also: zhiiwi-bipakoombens ni [ML]

bisigadanaaboo ni dumpling soup

bisikan vti bump it; hit it in an accident

bisikaw vta body check h/; bump h/ (with foot or body); hit h/ in an accident

Paired with: bisikan vti

(detransitive) bisikaage vai s/he bumps into, collides with (someone) (reciprocal) bisikodaadiwag vai they bump into, collide with each other
bisikaage vai s/he bumps into, collides with (someone)

bisikodaadiwag vai they bump into, collide with each other

bisitaw vta be offended by what h/ says about you

biskane vii it catches fire, ignites

biskanebidoon vti2 switch it on

biskanesidoon vti2 light it by striking

biskaa vii it is bent over, folded

biskaabii vai s/he makes a round trip in one day

biskaabiiginan vti fold it (string-like)

biskaakonebijigan ni a switch

biskaanowe vai s/he has a up-turned tail

biskibidoon vti2 bend it over, fold it (with hands)

Paired with: biskibizh vta

(detransitive) biskibijige vai s/he bends, folds things (with hands) (verb of undergoing) biskibijigaade vii it is bent over, folded (by someone) (with hands), "they" bent it over, fold it (with hands) (verb of undergoing) biskibijigaazo vai s/he is bent over, folded (by someone) (with hands), "they" bend h/ over, fold h/ (with hands)
biskibijigaade vii it is bent over, folded (by someone) (with hands), "they" bent it over, fold it (with hands)

biskibijigaazo vai s/he is bent over, folded (by someone) (with hands), "they" bend h/ over, fold h/ (with hands)

biskibijige vai s/he bends, folds things (with hands)

biskibizh vta bend h/ over, fold h/ (with hands)

Paired with: biskibidoon vti2

biskigaadeni vai s/he bends, folds h/ leg

biskigaamo vai s/he is so fat s/he's bent over

biskigwaadan vti fold and sew, hem it

Paired with: biskigwaazh vta

biskigwaade vii it is folded and sewn, is hemmed

Paired with: biskigwaazo vai

biskigwaazh vta fold and sew, hem h/

Paired with: biskigwaadan vti

biskigwaazo vai s/he is folded and sewn, is hemmed

Paired with: biskigwaade vii

biskijiigaabawi vai s/he stands bent over at the waist

biskin vta bend h/ over, bow h/

Paired with: biskinan vti

biskinan vti bend it over, bow it

Paired with: biskin vta

(verb of undergoing) biskinigaade vii it is bent over, folded (by someone) (with hands), "they" bent it over, fold it (with hands) (detransitive) biskinige vai s/he folds things
biskinigaade vii it is bent over, folded (by someone) (with hands), "they" bent it over, fold it (with hands)

biskinige vai s/he folds things

biskinikeni vai s/he bends, folds h/ arms

biskininjiini vai s/he bends h/ fingers or hand over

biskise vii it folds over

biskitawageni vai s/he wiggles h/ ears

biskitenan vti fold it (as something sheet-like)

biskitenaagan ni a sap bucket of folded birch bark; [BL] a birch bark basket

(verb of making) biskitenaaganike vai s/he makes a biskitenaagan (a birch bark sap bucket); [BL] s/he makes a birch bark basket
biskitenaaganike vai s/he makes a biskitenaagan (a birch bark sap bucket); [BL] s/he makes a birch bark basket

biskitigweyaa vii the river has a sharp bend in it

biskizideni vai s/he bends, flexes h/ foot

biskiigad vii it (something sheet-like) is folded

Paired with: biskiigizi vai

biskiigin vta fold h/ (as something sheet-like)

Paired with: biskiiginan vti

biskiiginan vti fold it (as something sheet-like)

Paired with: biskiigin vta

(detransitive) biskiiginige vai s/he folds things (as something sheet-like) (verb of undergoing) biskiiginigaade vii it is folded (by someone) [as something sheet-like]
biskiiginigaade vii it is folded (by someone) [as something sheet-like]

biskiiginige vai s/he folds things (as something sheet-like)

biskiigisin vii it is folded (sheet-like)

Paired with: biskiigishin vai

biskiigishin vai s/he is folded (as something sheet-like)

Paired with: biskiigisin vii

biskiigizi vai s/he (something sheet-like) is folded

Paired with: biskiigad vii

bisom vta mention h/ accidentally

bishagam vta peel h/ with the teeth

Paired with: bishagandan vti

bishaganagekobidoon vti2 peel bark off it with the hands

bishagandan vti peel it with the teeth

Paired with: bishagam vta

bishagaakwa' vta peel bark off it (animate) (using something)

Paired with: bishagaakwa'an vti

bishagaakwa'an vti peel bark off it (using something)

Paired with: bishagaakwa' vta

(detransitive) bishagaakwa'ige vai s/he peels timber (using something) bishagaakwa'igan ni a log peeler
bishagaakwa'igan ni a log peeler

bishagaakwa'ige vai s/he peels timber (using something)

bishagaakwa'wi vta [NI]

bishagaakwa' vta

bishagaakwam vta chew bark off h/ (a tree)

(detransitive) bishagaakwanjige vai s/he chews bark off trees
bishagaakwanjige vai s/he chews bark off trees

bishagaaso vai s/he peels from being sunburned

bishagibide vii it peels off in a machine

Paired with: bishagibizo vai

bishagibidoon vti2 peel it (with hands)

Paired with: bishagibizh vta

(detransitive) bishagibijige vai s/he peels things (with hands)
bishagibijige vai s/he peels things (with hands)

bishagibizh vta peel h/ (with hands)

Paired with: bishagibizh vta

bishagibizo vai it (animate) peels off in a machine

Paired with: bishagibide vii

bishagidooswaneshin vai s/he skins h/ elbow on something

bishagigaadeshin vai s/he falls and scrapes h/ leg

bishagigidigweshin vai s/he skins h/ knee

bishagikodan vti peel it (with a knife)

Paired with: bishagikozh vta

bishagikojige vai s/he peels things (with a knife)

bishagikozh vta peel h/ (with a knife, pare h/

Paired with: bishagikodan vti

bishaginikeshin vai s/he falls and skins h/ arm

bishagipinii vai s/he peels potatoes

bishagise vii it peels, peels off

bishagisidoon vti2 scrape, skin it on something

Paired with: bishagishim vta

bishagishim vta scrape, skin h/ on something

Paired with: bishagisidoon vti2

bishagishkaa vii it peels off

Paired with: bishagishkaa vai

bishagishkaa vai s/he peels, peels off

Paired with: bishagishkaa vii

bishagiwebishkan vti peel it (by foot or body action)

bishagizideshin vai s/he skins h/ foot on something

bishagiingweshin vai s/he falls and skins h/ face

bishagiishkate vii it is dark indoors

bishagiishkaa vii it is dark, gets dark (as night)

bishagiishkaande vii it is dark colored

Paired with: bishagiishkaanzo vai

bishagiishkaanzo vai s/he is dark colored

Paired with: bishagiishkaande vii

bisha'igobii vai s/he peels basswood bark

bishigobide vii it slips, slips off

Paired with: bishigobizo vai

bishigobidoon vti2 miss grabbing or catching it

Paired with: bishigobizh vta

bishigobizh vta miss grabbing or catching h/

Paired with: bishigobidoon vti2

bishigobizo vai s/he drives off the road, derails; s/he slips, slips off

Paired with: bishigobide vii

bishigon vta miss grabbing or catching h/; drop or let h/ go from your grasp

Paired with: bishigonan vti

bishigonan vti miss grabbing or catching it; drop or let it go from your grasp

Paired with: bishigon vta

bishigosidoon vti2 miss putting it in the right place

Paired with: bishigoshim vta

bishigoshim vta miss putting h/ in the right place

Paired with: bishigosidoon vti2