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maanadik na a goat

maanadikosh na a goat

maanadikoshens na a goat

maanagoode vii it hangs awkwardly

Paired with: maanagoojin vai

maanagoodoon vti2 hang it poorly

Paired with: maanagoozh vta

maanagoojin vai s/he hangs awkwardky

Paired with: maanagoode vii

maanagoozh vta hang h/ poorly

Paired with: maanagoodoon vti2

maana'amii vai s/he has trouble walking

maana'e vai s/he takes a bad shot

maanakamigad vii it is an unfortunate or tragic event

maanakamigaa vii it is poor ground, is rough ground

maanamaniso vai s/he has a bad premonition or sign

maanamanji'o vai s/he feels bad, feels out of sorts, is depressed; s/he is in poor health, is ill

maanamanji'oshkine vai s/he feels bad from having a full stomach

maanameg na a catfish

channel catfish
Ictalurus punctatus

maanamon vii it (road or trail) is bad, is poor

maananoons na an ironwood

eastern hornbeam
Ostrya viginiana

(verb of abundance) maananoonsikaa vii there are (many) ironwood trees
maananoonsikaa vii there are (many) ironwood trees

maanapide vii it is poorly tied

Paired with: maanapizo vai

maanapidoon vti2 tie it poorly

Paired with: maanapizh vta

maanapizh vta tie h/ poorly

Paired with: maanapidoon vti2

maanapizo vai s/he is poorly tied

Paired with: maanapide vii

maanashigan na a sheepshead (fish)

freshwater drum
Aplodinotus grunniens

maanashkime vai s/he weaves snowhoe webbing poorly

maanashkinataaso vai s/he packs things poorly

maanashkinatoon vti2 fill it poorly, fit it in poorly

maanashkine vii it doesn't fit right (in a container), is badly filled

maanataanadaawewinini na [NI] a fur-buyer

See also: maanataaniiwinini na [NI]

maanataaniiwinini na [NI] a fur-buyer

See also: maanataanadaawewinini na [NI]

maanazaadi na a Balm of Gilead tree; a balsam poplar

balsam poplar
Populus balsamifera

maanaabadad vii it is misused

Paired with: maanaabadizi vai

maanaabadizi vai s/he is misused

Paired with: maanaabadad vii

maanaabaji' vta misuse h/

Paired with: maanaabajitoon vti2

maanaabajitoon vti2 misuse it

Paired with: maanaabaji' vta

maanaabam vta have a bad dream about h/; don't like how it looks

maanaabandam vai2 s/he has a bad dream, had a nightmare

maanaabandan vti have bad dreams of it; don't like how it looks

maanaabide vai s/he has crooked teeth

maanaadad vii it is bad, is no good, is ugly

Paired with: maanaadizi vai

maanaadizi vai s/he is ugly, is homely

Paired with: maanaadad vii

maanaadodan vti tell bad news of it

maanaagamide vii it is poorly brewed

maanaagamin vii it (a liquid) tastes bad

maanaagamisin vii it (a liquid) turns bad, sours

maanaagamitoon vti2 make it (a liquid) poorly

maanaagiyawe vai s/he has a poor body build

maanaaji' vta make h/ wrong, make h/ odd

Paired with: maanaajitoon vti2

maanaajimo vai s/he tells a bad story, tells bad news

maanaajitoon vti2 make it wrong, make it odd

Paired with: maanaaji' vta

maanaakiz vta take a poor picture of h/

Paired with: maanaakizan vti

maanaakizan vti take a poor picture of it

Paired with: maanaakiz vta

maanaate vii it has a poor light

maanaatese vii it is a bad movie, is a poor movie

maanendam vai2 s/he feels bad, feels out of sorts, is depressed

(derived noun) maanendamowin ni sadness
maanendaminaagozi vai s/he looks distraught, looks sad

maanendamowin ni sadness

maanendan vti think or consider it bad, poor, or disagreeable

Paired with: maanenim vta

maanendaagozi vai s/he is thought bad, is thought poor, is thought disagreeable

Paired with: maanendaagwad vii

maanendaagwad vii it is thought bad, is thought poor, is thought disagreeable

Paired with: maanendaagozi vai

maanenim vta think or consider h/ bad, poor, or disagreeable

Paired with: maanendan vti

maang na a loon

common loon
Gavia immer

maango-giizis na [BL] April

maangogwan na a loon feather

maangwazison ni [BL] a loon's nest

maanikamii vai s/he has uneven footing

maanikozh vta give h/ a bad haircut

maanin vta hold, handle h/ wrong

Paired with: maaninan vti

maaninan vti hold, handle it wrong

Paired with: maanin vta

maanishtaanish na a sheep

domestic sheep
Ovis aries

maanishtaanishens na a lamb

maanishtaanishi-wiiyaas ni lamb [meat]

maanishtaanishiwayaan ni a sheepskin

maanishtaanishiiwinini na a sheep farmer; a shepherd

maanitam vai2 s/he doesn't hear right, mishears, misunderstands

maanitan vti it sounds bad to h/, doesn't sound right to h/

Paired with: maanitaw vta

maanitaw vta dislike what h/ says or sounds like; find what h/ says or sounds like disagreeable

Paired with: maanitan vti

maanitaagozi vai s/he sounds bad, doesn't sound right

Paired with: maanitaagwad vii

maanitaagwad vii it sounds bad, doesn't sound right

Paired with: maanitaagozi vai

maanose vai s/he walks with discomfort

maanowe vai s/he is hoarse, has a bad voice

maanoo adv man don't; don't care; let it be; never mind

maanwewebide vii it sounds bad running [motor]

maashkinoozhe na a muskellunge

Esox masquinongy

maawandoobiwag vai they sit together

maawandoogindan vti total it up (as an account)

maawandoogindaaso vai s/he totals up (as an account)

maawandoogwaadan vti sew it together (e.g., pieces for a quilt)

Paired with: maawandoogwaazh vta

maawandoogwaaso vai s/he sews together

(verb of making) maawandoogwaasonike vai s/he makes a quilt maawandoogwaasonikaan ni a quilt (being made)
maawandoogwaason ni a quilt

(verb of making) maawandoogwaasonike vai s/he makes a quilt
maawandoogwaasonikaan ni a quilt (being made)

maawandoogwaasonike vai s/he makes a quilt

maawandoogwaazh vta sew h/ together

Paired with: maawandoogwaadan vti

maawandoonan vti bring them (inanimate) together

maawandoosidoon vti2 put them (inanimate) together, gather and put them (inanimate) together

Paired with: maawandooshim vta

maawandooshim vta put them (animate) together, gather and put them (animate) together

Paired with: maawandoosidoon vti2

maawanji' vta collect h/

Paired with: maawanjitoon vti2

(reciprocal) maawanji'idiwag vai they come together, meet with each other, have a meeting (detransitive) maawanji'iwe vai s/he gets people together
maawanji'idiwag vai they come together, meet with each other, have a meeting

maawanji'iwe vai s/he gets people together

maawanjitoon vti2 collect it

Paired with: maawanji' vta

maawiin adv man [BL] maybe; no doubt

See also: gaa maawiin adv man [BL]