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zeginaagwad vii it looks scary, looks frightening

Paired with: zeginaagozi vai

zegindiwag vai they scare, frighten, intimidate, alarm each other (verbally)

zegingwashi vai s/he has a nightmare

zeginikeshin vai s/he sprains h/ arm

zegininjiishin vai s/he sprains h/ hand

zegise vai s/he a sudden feeling of fear, is scared suddenly

zegitan vti hear it (something scary)

Paired with: zegitaw vta

zegitaw vta hear h/ (someone scary)

Paired with: zegitan vti

zegitaagozi vai s/he sounds scary, sounds frightening

Paired with: zegitaagwad vii

zegitaagwad vii it sounds scary, sounds frightening

Paired with: zegitaagozi vai

zegizi vai s/he is afraid, frightened, scared

(verb of pretending) zegiziikaazo vai s/he pretends to be afraid, frightened, scared
zegizideshin vai s/he sprains h/ foot

zegiziikaazo vai s/he pretends to be afraid, frightened, scared

zegwewe vii it rumbles

zenibaanh na a ribbon; silk

zenibaanh-babagiwayaan ni a ribbon shirt

zenibaanh-majigoodenh ni a ribbon dress

zenibaawegin ni silk, satin

zesab na a nettle

zesegaandag na a black spruce

Picea mariana

zesegaandago-bigiw ni black spruce pitch

zesegaandagwadab na a black spruce root

zesegaandagwanagek na black spruce bark

zesegizi vai s/he is scared off and on

zesegwaabide'o vai s/he picks h/ teeth

zesegwaabide'on ni a toothpick

zezika adv tmp suddenly

ziko vai s/he spits

(verb of addiction) zikoshki vai s/he always is spitting (applicative) zikwaadan vti spit on it
(detransitive) zikwaajige vai s/he spits on things
(applicative) zikwaazh vta spit on h/ (derived noun) zikowin ni spit, saliva (derived noun) zikwaagan ni a spitoon
zikoshki vai s/he always is spitting

zikowin ni spit, saliva

zikowinaagan ni a spitoon

zikwaadan vti spit on it

Paired with: zikwaazh vta

zikwaagan ni a spitoon

zikwaajige vai s/he spits on things

zikwaazh vta spit on h/

Paired with: zikwaadan vti

zinap na [RL] snuff

zinigobidoon vti2 rub, massage it with something

Paired with: zinigobizh vta

zinigobizh vta rub, massage h/ with something

Paired with: zinigobidoon vti2

zinigobizhiwe vai s/he rubs (people) with something, massages (people)

zinigobizhiwewikwe na a masseuse

zinigobizhiwewinini na a masseur

zinigogaaden vta rub h/ leg, massage h/ leg

zinigojiibizh vta massage h/

(detransitive) zinigojiibizhiwe vai s/he massages people
zinigojiibizhiwe vai s/he massages people

zinigojiibizhiwewikwe na a masseuse

zinigojiibizhiwewinini na a masseur

zinigon vta rub h/ with something

Paired with: zinigonan vti

(reciprocal) zinigonidiwag vai they rub each other with something (reflexive) zinigonidizo vai s/he rubs h/ self with something
zinigonamaw vta rub (it) with something for h/

zinigonan vti rub it with something

Paired with: zinigon vta

(benefactive) zinigonamaw vta rub (it) with something for h/ (detransitive) zinigonige vai s/he rubs (things) with something (verb of undergoing) zinigonigaade vii it is rubbed with something (by someone), "they" rub it with something (verb of undergoing) zinigonigaazo vai s/he is rubbed with something (by someone), "they" rub h/ with something
zinigonidiwag vai they rub each other with something

zinigonidizo vai s/he rubs h/ self with something

zinigonigaade vii it is rubbed with something (by someone), "they" rub it with something

zinigonigaazo vai s/he is rubbed with something (by someone), "they" rub h/ with something

zinigonige vai s/he rubs (things) with something

zinigoninjiin vta massage h/ hand; rub h/ hand

zinigoshkan vti rub it (with foot or body)

Paired with: zinigoshkaw vta

zinigoshkaw vta rub h/ (with foot or body)

Paired with: zinigoshkan vti

zinigozidebizh vta massage h/ foot

zinigwazhe'o vai s/he rubs something on h/ skin

zinigwazhen vta rub h/ skin

zinigwenim vta worry about h/; think about h/ all the time

zipobidoon vti2 close it up by pulling; zip it up

Paired with: zipobidoon vti2

zipobijigan ni a zipper

zipobizh vta close h/ up by pulling; zip h/ up

Paired with: zipobidoon vti2

zipwaangeni vai s/he closes h/ wings

zipwegishkaa vii it (sheet-like) closes up, comes together

zisiboode vii it is filed, ground down

Paired with: zisiboozo vai

zisiboodoon vti2 file, grind it down; sharpen it (an ax)

Paired with: zisiboozh vta

(detransitive) zisiboojige vai s/he files, grinds things down (derived noun) zisiboojigan ni a file, a rasp
zisiboojigan ni a file, a rasp

zisiboojige vai s/he files, grinds things down

zisiboozh vta file, grind h/ down

Paired with: zisiboodoon vti2

zisiboozo vai s/he is filed, ground down

Paired with: zisiboode vii

ziswam vta spray water on h/ from the mouth

Paired with: ziswandan vti

ziswandan vti spray water on it from the mouth

Paired with: ziswam vta

(detransitive) ziswanjige vai s/he sprays water on things from the mouth
ziswanjige vai s/he sprays water on things from the mouth

ziibaaska'igan ni a jingle (on dress)

ziibaaska'iganagooday ni a jingle dress

ziibaaskobijige vai s/he sets a net under the ice

ziibi ni a river

(verb of abundance) ziibiikaa vii there are (many) rivers
ziibiskaaj adv man not in a hurry, leisurely, reluctantly, unwillingly

ziibii-gookoosh na a hippopotamus

ziibii-manoomin ni river rice: wild rice from a river

ziibiikaa vii there are (many) rivers

ziibiins ni a stream, a creek

ziibiinsiwakamigaa vii it is a dry stream bed

ziidawaakogwayawe vai [BL] s/he has a stiff neck

ziidawaawigane vai [BL] s/he has a stiff back

ziidawaawiganeshin vai s/he falls and gets a stiff back

ziidonan vti support it (with hand); hold it up; hang on to it

ziiga'an vti pour or scoop it out (using something)

(detransitive) ziiga'ige vai s/he pours things out (using something), scoops or ladles it out; s/he casts sugar cones (verb of undergoing) ziiga'igaade vii it is poured out (by somone) (using something), "they" pour it out (using something) (derived noun) ziiga'igan ni a sugar cake, a sugar cone,
(verb of making) ziiga'iganike vai s/he makes a sugar cone
ziiga'andan vti pour liquid on it; water it

Paired with: ziiga'andaw vta

ziiga'andaw vta
  1. pour liquid on h/
  2. baptize h/

Paired with: ziiga'andan vti

ziiga'igan ni a sugar cake, a sugar cone,

ziiga'iganike vai s/he makes a sugar cone

ziiga'igaade vii it is poured out (by somone) (using something), "they" pour it out (using something)

ziiga'ige vai s/he casts sugar cones; s/he pours things out (using something), scoops or ladles it out

ziiga'ogo vai s/he gets water splashing in h/ boat

ziigana' vta spoon feed h/ a liquid

ziigashkinadoon vti2 fill it to overflowing (with solids)

Paired with: ziigashkina' vta

ziigashkina' vta fill h/ to overflowing (with solids)

Paired with: ziigashkinadoon vti2