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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

daa- pv tns modal preverb of possibility, necessity, or obligation: can, could, should, would, might, must

shoot and wound
maakinaw vta shoot and wound h/

wound a certain way
inaapinazh vta injure, wound, kill h/ a certain way

wiiwegin vta wrap h/

Paired with: wiiweginan vti

wiiweginan vti wrap it (as or as with something sheet-like)

Paired with: wiiwegin vta

wiiweginamaw vta wrap (it) for h/

wiiweginige vai s/he wraps (things)

wiiweginigaade vii it is wrapped (by someone), "they" wrap it

wiiweginigaazo vai s/he is wrapped (by someone), "they" wrap h/

wrap in a bundle
gashkiiwegin vta wrap h/, it (animate) in a bundle

Paired with: gashkiiweginan vti

gashkiiweginan vti wrap it in a bundle

Paired with: gashkiiwegin vta

wrap up and tie
gashkiigapide vii it is wrapped up and tied

Paired with: gashkiigapizo vai

gashkiigapidoon vti2 wrap it up and tie it

Paired with: gashkiigapizh vta

gashkiigapizh vta wrap it (animate) up and tie it

Paired with: gashkiigapidoon vti2

gashkiigapizo vai s/he is wrapped up and tied

Paired with: gashkiigapide vii

wrap and tie in a bundle
gashkibidoon vti2 wrap and tie it in a bundle

Paired with: gashkibizh vta

gashkibizh vta wrap and tie h/ in a bundle

Paired with: gashkibidoon vti2

gashkibijige vai s/he wraps and ties things in bundle

gashkibijigaade vii it is wrapped and tied in a bundle (by someone)

gashkibijigaazo vai s/he is wrapped and tied in a bundle (by someone)

gashkibide vii it is wrapped and tied in a bundle

Paired with: gashkibizo vai

gashkibizo vai s/he is wrapped and tied in a bundle

Paired with: gashkibide vii

wrapped up warm
giizhoopizo vai s/he is wrapped up warm

cradle board wrapper
dikineyaab ni a cradle board wrapper

biima'igan ni [BL] a tool that turns: a screwdriver, a wrench

biimiskwa'igan ni a tool that turns: a screwdriver, a wrench

See also: biimaskwa'igan ni

biimaskwa'igan ni a tool that turns: a screwdriver, a wrench

See also: biimiskwa'igan ni

gagwejiiwaadan vti wrestle it

Paired with: gagwejiiwaazh vta

gagwejiiwaazh vta wrestle h/

gagwejiiwaazo vai s/he wrestles

gagwejiiwaanidiwag vai they wrestle each other

gagwejiiwaazoowinini na a wrestler

wring neck
bookogwebizh vta wring h/ neck

ziikoobiiginan vti strain it; drain it, wring it out

ziikoobiiginige vai s/he strains things; s/he drains things, wrings things out

ziikoobiiginigaade vii it is strained (by someone), "they" strain it; it is drained, wrung out (by someone), "they" drain it, wring it out

ziikoobiiginigaazo vai s/he is strained (by someone), "they" strain h/; s/he is drained, wrung out (by someone), "they" drain h/, wring h/ out

ziinaakwa'ige vii s/he wrings something out (using something stick-like)

ziinibidoon vti2 press, squeeze, wring it

Paired with: ziinibizh vta

ziinibizh vta press, squeeze, wring h/

Paired with: ziinibidoon vti2

ziinibiiginan vti wring it out

Paired with: ziinibiigin vta

ziinibiigin vta wring h/ out

Paired with: ziinibiiginan vti

clothes wringer
ziinaakwa'igan ni a clothespin; a clothes wringer

oziigaa vii it is wrinkled

Paired with: oziigizi vai

oziigizi vai s/he is wrinkled

Paired with: oziigaa vii

wrinkled face
oziigiingwe vai s/he has a wrinkled face

wrinkled hand
oziigininjii vai s/he has a wrinkled hand or wrinkled hands

wrinkled neck
oziigigwayawe vai s/he has a wrinkled neck

wrinkled forehead
oziigigatigwe vai s/he has a wrinkled forehead

oziigiskatigwe vai s/he has a wrinkled forehead

ozhibii'an vti sign it; write it; write it down, jot it down

Paired with: ozhibii' vta

ozhibii' vta write h/ down; vote for h/

Paired with: ozhibii'an vti

ozhibii'amaw vta write (it) down for /h; write (it) for h/

ozhibii'ige vai s/he writes (things); s/he writes (things) down

ozhibii'igaade vii it is written (by someone), "they" write it; it is written down (by someone), "they" write it down

ozhibii'igaazo vai s/he is written down (as on a list) (by someone), "they write h/ down

ozhibii'igan ni something written: a piece of writing (a paper, essay, report, etc.); something used for writing

know how to write
nitaawibii'an vti know how to write it

nitaawibii'ige vai s/he knows how to write

start writing
maajibii'an vti start writing it

maajibii'ige vai s/he starts writing

make a mistake writing
wanibii'an vti make a mistake writing it

wanibii'ige vai s/he makes a mistake writing something

write a letter
maajiibii'amaw vta write a letter to h/

maajiibii'ige vai s/he writes a letter

write all over
miziwebii'an vti write all over it

miziwebii'ige vai s/he writes all over something

write back
nakwebii'amaw vta write (it) back to h/

nakwebii'amaadiwag vai they write (it) back to each other

write big
mangibii'an vti write it big, draw it big

write correctly
gwayakobii'an vti write it correctly

gwayakobii'ige vai s/he writes correctly

write down
ozhibii' vta write h/ down; vote for h/

Paired with: ozhibii'an vti

ozhibii'an vti sign it; write it; write it down, jot it down

Paired with: ozhibii' vta

ozhibii'ige vai s/he writes (things); s/he writes (things) down

ozhibii'amaw vta write (it) down for /h; write (it) for h/

ozhibii'igaade vii it is written (by someone), "they" write it; it is written down (by someone), "they" write it down

ozhibii'igaazo vai s/he is written down (as on a list) (by someone), "they write h/ down

write here
biijibii'ige vai s/he sends a letter here; s/he writes here

write in a certain place
dazhibii'ige vai s/he writes in a certain place

write in English
zhaaganaashiiwibii'an vti write it in English

zhaaganaashiiwibii'amaw vta write (it) in English to or for h/

zhaaganaashiiwibii'ige vai s/he writes in English

zhaaganaashiiwibii'igaade vii it is written in English (by someone), "they" write it in English

zhaaganaashiiwisidoon vti2 [BL] express it in English; write it in English

write in Indian
anishinaabewibii'an vti write it in Indian, write it in Ojibwe

anishinaabewibii'amaw vta write (it) in Indian (Ojibwe) to h/, write (it) in Ojibwe to h/

anishinaabewibii'igaade vii it is written in Indian (Ojibwe) by someone, "they" write it in Indian (Ojibwe)

anishinaabewibii'igan ni something written in Indian (Ojibwe), Indian (Ojibwe) writing

anishinaabewisidoon vti2 write it in Indian (Ojibwe) (e.g., a book or document); express it in Indian (Ojibwe)

anishinaabewisin vii it is written in Indian (Ojibwe) (e.g., a book or document)

write in Ojibwe
anishinaabewibii'an vti write it in Indian, write it in Ojibwe

anishinaabewibii'amaw vta write (it) in Indian (Ojibwe) to h/, write (it) in Ojibwe to h/

anishinaabewibii'igaade vii it is written in Indian (Ojibwe) by someone, "they" write it in Indian (Ojibwe)

anishinaabewibii'igan ni something written in Indian (Ojibwe), Indian (Ojibwe) writing

anishinaabewisidoon vti2 write it in Indian (Ojibwe) (e.g., a book or document); express it in Indian (Ojibwe)

anishinaabewisin vii it is written in Indian (Ojibwe) (e.g., a book or document)

write nonsense
gagiibaajibii'ige vai s/he writes crazy things, writes nonsense

write numbers
asigibii'ige vai s/he writes numbers, tallies up

write on
apibii'ige vai s/he writes on something

write on all over
miziwebii'an vti write all over it

miziwebii'gaade vii it is written on all over (by someone), "they" write on it all over

write over
aanjibii'an vti write it over, rewrite it

aanjibii'ige vai s/he writes things over, rewrites things

aanjibii'igaade vii it is rewritten, "they" rewrite it

write quickly
dadaatabibii'an vti write it quickly

dadaatabibii'ige vai s/he writes quickly

write small
agaasibii'an vti write it small, draw it small

ozhibii'igan ni something written: a piece of writing (a paper, essay, report, etc.); something used for writing

Indian writing
anishinaabewibii'igan ni something written in Indian (Ojibwe), Indian (Ojibwe) writing

sacred writing
gichitwaawibii'igan ni sacred writing, scripture

[not correct]
do something wrong
maazhichige vai s/he does something wrong, does something bad

go wrong
maazhise vai s/he has things go wrong, has bad luck

hang wrong way
napaadagoodoon vti2 hang it the wrong way

napaadagoozh vta hang h/ the wrong way

Paired with: napaadagoodoon vti2

napaadagoojige vai s/he hangs things the wrong way

napaadagoode vii it hangs the wrong way

Paired with: napaadagoojin vai

napaadagoojin vai s/he hangs the wrong way

Paired with: napaadagoode vii

harness wrong way
napaadapizh vta tie, harness h/ the wrong way

Paired with: napaadapidoon vti2

hold wrong way
napaadin vta hold h/ the wrong way

Paired with: napaadinan vti

napaadinan vti hold it the wrong way

Paired with: napaadin vta

make wrong
maanaaji' vta make h/ wrong, make h/ odd

Paired with: maanaajitoon vti2

maanaajitoon vti2 make it wrong, make it odd

Paired with: maanaaji' vta

run wrong way
wanibatoo vai s/he runs the wrong way

shoes on wrong feet
nanaapaadakizine vai s/he has shoes on the wrong feet

take wrong one
wanin vta take, touch h/ (the wrong one)

Paired with: waninan vti

waninan vti hold, take, touch it the wrong way or the wrong one

Paired with: wanin vta

tie wrong way
napaadapidoon vti2 tie it the wrong way

Paired with: napaadapizh vta

napaadapizh vta tie, harness h/ the wrong way

Paired with: napaadapidoon vti2

touch wrong one
wanin vta take, touch h/ (the wrong one)

Paired with: waninan vti

waninan vti hold, take, touch it the wrong way or the wrong one

Paired with: wanin vta

wear wrong way
napaazikan vti wear it the wrong way; put it on the wrong way

Paired with: napaazikaw vta

napaazikaw vta wear h/ the wrong way; put h/ on the wrong way

Paired with: napaazikan vti

napaazikige vai s/he puts things on wrong; s/he wears things wrong

wrong way
napaajaya'ii adv loc the left side; the wrong way; the wrong side