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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

akawe adv tmp first (in a time sequence), first of all

first of all
akawe adv tmp first (in a time sequence), first of all

live in the first house
nitamige vai s/he lives in the first house

first day of the month
bezhigwaginzo vai [BL] it is the first (of the month)

maadaginzo vai the month begins, it is the first (of the month)

first person
first person
n= pf I, me [the one or ones speaking, the first person]; my [the one or ones speaking, the first person]

ni= pf I, me [the one or ones speaking, the first person]; my [the one or ones speaking, the first person]

ind= pf I, me [the one or ones speaking, the first person]; my [the one or ones speaking, the first person]

nind= pf I, me [the one or ones speaking, the first person]; my [the one or ones speaking, the first person]

niin pron per I, me

See also: gaye niin pron per ; geniin pron per

first person exclusive plural
first person exclusive plural
niinawind pron per we, us

See also: gaye niinawind pron per ; geniinawind pron per

niinetawind pron per only we, only us; just us (inclusive)

niinitamawind pron per our turn, us next [exclusive]

first person inclusive plural
first person inclusive plural
giinawind pron per we, us

See also: gaye giinawind pron per ; gegiinawind pron per

giinetawind pron per only we, only us; just us (inclusive)

giinitamawind pron per our turn, us next [inclusive]

first person inclusive plural
first person inclusive plural
giinawind pron per we, us

See also: gaye giinawind pron per ; gegiinawind pron per

giinetawind pron per only we, only us; just us (inclusive)

giinitamawind pron per our turn, us next [inclusive]

nitamoozhaan na an eldest child; a first-born child

first-quarter moon
first-quarter moon
aabitawaasige vai there is a first-quarter or last-quarter moon

aabitawaabikizi vai
  1. s/he is half (as something mineral)
  2. it (the moon) is a half-moon

giigoonh na a fish

See also: giingoo na [RL]

clean fish
bakazhaawe vai s/he cleans fish

fire-cured meat or fish
abwewasigan ni fire-cured meat or fish

roasted fish
abwaajigan ni roasted meat or fish

scale fish
jiiga'amegwe vai s/he scales fish

jiiga'e vai s/he scales fish

smoked fish
gaaski-giigoonh na smoked fish

gaaskaabasigan na smoke-cured animal or fish

See also: gaaskaabasigan ni

giigoonyike vai s/he fishes

noojigiigoonyiwe vai s/he goes fishing

fish through the ice with a spear
akwa'waa vai [ML] s/he fishes through the ice with spear

fish with a hook and line
wewebanaabii vai s/he fishes with a hook and line

fish with a net
bagida'waa vai s/he fishes (with a net), sets net

fish with a setline
bagidaabii vai s/he fishes with a setline

go fishing
noojigiigoonyiwe vai s/he goes fishing

fish decoy
fish decoy
okeyaw na a fish decoy

fish egg
fish egg
waak na a fish egg, roe

fish egg bread
fish egg bread
waakoonsiwi-bakwezhigan na fish-egg bread

fish grease
fish grease
giigoonhwi-bimide ni fish grease

fish hook
fish hook
migiskan ni [BL] a fish hook

wewebanaabaan ni [BL] [BL] a fish hook; [RL] a fishing pole and line

fish house
fish house for spearing
akwa'wewigamig ni [ML] a fish house for spearing

fish scale
fish scale
onaga'ayan nad its scale (of a fish)

fish soup
fish soup
giigoonhwaaboo ni fish soup

fish spear
fish spear
anit ni a fish spear

bazhiba'igan ni a fishing harpoon, a fishing spear with a long attached line

fish tail
fish tail
ozhigwan nid h/ tail (of a fish or snake)

fish trap
fish trap
biindasaagan na a raft; a winter net setting board

biinjiboonaagan na a fish trap

ojiig na a fisher

Martes pennanti

fisher hide
fisher hide
ojiigiwayaan na a fisher hide

giigoonyikewinini na fisherman

bagida'wewinini na a commercial net fisherman

fishing using a hook
wewebanaabiiwin ni fishing using a hook, angling

fishing used a net
bagida'wewin ni fishing using a net

fishing license
fishing license
noojigiigoonyiwe-mazina'igaans ni a fishing license

fishing pole
fishing pole
migiskanaak ni a fishing pole

wewebanaabaan ni [BL] [BL] a fish hook; [RL] a fishing pole and line

wewebanaabaanaak ni [BL] a fishing pole

debashkine vii it fits, adequately holds

Paired with: debashkine vai

debashkine vai s/he fits, adequately holds

Paired with: debashkine vii

debibii vii it adequately holds (something liquid); it fits (of liquid)

fit loosely
geshawishkan vti fit it loosely

Paired with: geshawishkaw vta

geshawishkaw vta fit h/ loosely

Paired with: geshawishkan vti

fit well
minwashkine vii it fits well; it is well filled

Paired with: minwashkine vai

minwashkine vai s/he fits well; s/he is well filled

minokan vti fit it well

Paired with: minokaw vta

minokaw vta
  1. fit h/ well
  2. [inverse] it (something consumed) agrees with h/, does h/ good

See also: minokan vti

fit with foot or body
debishkan vti fit it (with foot or body)

Paired with: debishkaw vta

debishkaw vta fit h/ (with foot or body)

Paired with: debishkan vti

fitness center
fitness center
banaskwiiwagitaawigamig ni a fitness center, a gym for working out

naano- pv qnt five

naanan adv num five

naananiwag vai they (animate) are five, there are five of them

Paired with: naananinoon vii

naananinoon vii they (inanimate) are five, there are four of them

Paired with: naananiwag vai

and five
ashi-naanan adv num
  1. and five
  2. fifteen

ashi-naano- pv qnt and five

five acres
naano-diba'igaans adv num
  1. five minutes
  2. five acres

five bags
naanooshkimod adv num five bags

naanooshkin adv num five bags

five boatloads
naanoonag adv num five boats or canoes, five boatloads

five boats
naanoonag adv num five boats or canoes, five boatloads

five canoes
naanoonag adv num five boats or canoes, five boatloads

five days
naano-giizhik adv num five days

naanogon adv num five days

naanogonagad vii it is five days

Paired with: naanogonagizi vai

five days old
naanogonagizi vai it is the fifth (of the month); s/he is five days old

Paired with: naanogonagad vii

five dollars
naanwaabik adv num five dollars

five feet
naanozid adv num five feet

five hours
naano-diba'igan adv num
  1. five miles
  2. five hours

five inches
naano-mininj adv num [NI] five inches

naanoninj adv num five inches

five miles
naano-diba'igan adv num
  1. five miles
  2. five hours

five minutes
naano-diba'igaans adv num
  1. five minutes
  2. five acres

five months
naano-giizis adv num five months

naano-giiziswagad vii it is five months

Paired with: naano-giiziswagizi vai

five nights
naano-dibik adv num five nights

five o'clock
naano-diba'iganed vii [S] it is five o'clock

naano-diba'igane vii [N] it is five o'clock

naano-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is five o'clock

five pairs
naanwewaan adv num five pairs; five sets

five pieces of something sheet-like
naanweg adv num five pieces of something sheet-like

five pounds
naano-dibaabiishkoojigan adv num five pounds

five sets
naanwewaan adv num five pairs; five sets

five times
naaning adv tmp five times

five weeks
naano-anama'e-giizhigad vii it is five weeks

naano-anama'e-giizhik adv num five weeks

naano-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is five weeks

five years old
naano-biboonagizi vai s/he is five years old

Paired with: naano-biboonagad vii

five years
naano-biboon adv num five years; five winters

naano-biboonagad vii it is five years

naano-gikinoonowin adv num five years

niiyo-gikinoonowin adv num four years

tie five
naanoopidoon vti2 tie five of them (inanimate) together

Paired with: naanoopizh vta

naanoopizh vta tie, hitch five of them (animate) together

naanoopidewan vii five of them (inanimate) are tied together

Paired with: naanoopizowag vai

naanoopizowag vai five of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together

Paired with: naanoopidewan vii

five (card)
naanoobii'igan na a five (card)

five hundred
five hundred
naanwaak adv num five hundred

five o'clock
five o'clock
naano-diba'iganed vii [S] it is five o'clock

naano-diba'igane vii [N] it is five o'clock

naano-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is five o'clock

five thousand
five thousand
naanosagoons adv num five thousand

nanaa'itoon vti2 fix, repair it

Paired with: nanaa'i' vta

nanaa'i' vta fix, repair h/; put h/ in place

Paired with: nanaa'itoon vti2

nanaa'ichige vai s/he fixes, repairs things

nanaa'itaw vta fix, repair (it) for h/

See also: nanaa'itamaw vta

nanaa'itamaw vta fix, repair (it) for h/

See also: nanaa'itaw vta

nanaa'ichigaade vii it is fixed, repaired (by someone), "they" fix, repair it

nanaa'ichigaazo vai s/he is fixed, repaired (by someone), "they" fix, repair h/

nanaa'inan vti fix it; put it in order, put it away

Paired with: nanaa'in vta

nanaa'in vta fix, repair h/; put h/ away; put h/ in order

Paired with: nanaa'inan vti

gikiwe'on ni a flag

gikiwe'onaatig ni a flagpole

waazakonebijigan ni a flashlight

zakaasigan ni a flashlight

nabagi- pv lex flat

nabagaa vii it is flat

Paired with: nabagizi vai

nabagizi vai s/he is flat

Paired with: nabagaa vii

flat nose
nabagijaane vai s/he has a flat nose

flat tire
nabagijiishin vai s/he has a flat tire

pound flat
nabagada'an vti pound it flat (using a stick or stick-like tool)

apaabowe vai s/he flavors, seasons soup

babig na a flea

obabigomi vai s/he has a flea or fleas

ginjiba' vta flee from. run away from h/

ozhimo vai s/he flees

ginjiba'iwe vai s/he flees from people, runs away from people

giimii vai s/he sneaks away, escapes; s/he flees

flee for good
aapijinizhimo vai s/he flees for good

arrive fleeing
bagamiba'iwe vai s/he arrives fleeing from people

start to flee
maajiiba'iwe vai s/he runs away from someone in fear, flees

start off fleeing
maajinizhimo vai s/he starts off fleeing, starts off running away

=iiyaas nid someone's flesh; someone's meat (of the body)

northern flicker
mooningwane na a flicker

northern flicker
Colaptes auratus

fling open (stick-like)
baakaakowebinan vti fling, shove it open (as something stick- or wood-like, e.g., a door)

baakaakowebinamaw vta fling, shove something open for h/

biiwaanag na flint

tip with foot or body
gwanabishkan vti tip it (with foot or body)

noodendam vai2 s/he flirts

noodenim vta flirt with h/

See also: noondenim vta [RL]

noondenim vta [RL] flirt with h/

See also: noodenim vta

talk flirtatiously
noojiwigiizhwe vai s/he talks flirtatiously

noojiwigiizhwaam vta talk flirtatiously to h/

noojiwigiizhwaandiwag vai they talk flirtatiously to each othe

float for a fishing line
net float
agonjoonaagan ni a net float

agwinjiwinaagan ni [BL] a net float

agwanji'onaagan ni a net float

agwanjin vai s/he is in or on the water, floats, soaks

See also: agonjin vai

agonde vii it is in or on the water, floats, soaks

Paired with: agonjin vai See also: agwinde vii

agonjin vai s/he is in or on the water, floats, soaks

See also: agwanjin vai

agwinde vii it is in or on the water, floats, soaks

See also: agonjin vai

okwiinowag vai they are in a group, a herd, a flock, a swarm

Paired with: okwiinadoon vii

mooshka'an vii it is flooded; there is a flood

mooshka'an vii it is flooded; there is a flood

nikibii vai s/he is flooded

Paired with: nikibii vii

michisag ni a floor

bloody floor
miskwiiwisagaa vii it is a bloody floor

cool floor
dakisagaa vii it is a cool floor

dirty floor
wiinisagaa vii the floor is dirty

wiinisagishkige vai s/he gets the floor dirty walking on it

in the middle of a floor
naawisag adv loc in the middle of the floor

scrub floor
mimigosaga'ige vai s/he scrubs the floor

under the floor
anaamisag adv loc under the floor, in the basement

anaamisagong adv loc under the floor, in the basement

warm floor
giizhoosagaa vii it is a warm floor

wash floor
giziibiigisaginige vai s/he washes the floor

See also: giziisaginige vai [BL]

giziisaginan vti wash it (a floor); wipe it (a floor)

giziisaginige vai [BL] s/he wipes the floor; [BL] s/he washes the floor

See also: giziibiigisaginige vai

giziisaginamaw vta wash the floor for h/; wipe the floor for h/

wipe floor
giziisaginan vti wash it (a floor); wipe it (a floor)

giziisaginige vai [BL] s/he wipes the floor; [BL] s/he washes the floor

See also: giziibiigisaginige vai

giziisaginamaw vta wash the floor for h/; wipe the floor for h/

ashkaawangi-bakwezhigan na [BL] flour

bakwezhigan na
  1. bread, bannock
  2. flour

bebinezid bakwezhigan na-v flour

bibine-bakwezhigan na flour

unbleached flour
makade-bakwezhigan na unbleached flour

flour box
flour box
bakwezhigani-makak ni a bread box; a flour box

flow along
bimijiwan vii it flows along

flow away
animijiwan vii it flows away

flow continuously
aabijijiwan vii it flows continuously

flow in
biinjijiwan vii it flows in

flow off to the side
bakejiwan vii it flows off to the side

heard flowing away
animwewejiwan vii it is heard flowing away

heard flowing in a certain place
danwewejiwan vii it is heard flowing in a certain place

heard flowing here
biidwewejiwan vii it is heard flowing this way, here

waabigwan ni a flower

flower shop
flower shop
waabigwanii-adaawewigamig ni a flower shop

bibigwan ni a flute

babigwan ni [BL] a flute

See also: bibigwan ni

play flute
bibigwe vai s/he plays the flute

[move freely]
fly face down
animikose vii it turns face down, flies face down

Paired with: animikose vai

animikose vai s/he turns face down, flies face down

Paired with: animikose vii

fly open (stick-like)
baakaakose vii it flies open (as something stick- or wood-liken e.g., a door)

fly open
baakise vii it comes open, comes uncovered, flies open

Paired with: baakise vai

fly into the water
bakobiise vii it falls, flies into the water

Paired with: bakobiise vai

bakobiise vai s/he falls, flies into the water

Paired with: bakobiise vii

fly in
biinjibide vii it drives, speeds, flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjibizo vai

biinjise vii it flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjise vai

[move quickly]
fly away
animibide vii it speeds away, drives away, flies away

Paired with: animibizo vai

animibizo vai s/he speeds away, drives away, flies away

Paired with: animibide vii

animise vii it flies away

Paired with: animise vai

animise vai s/he flies away

Paired with: animise vii

fly away making noise
animwewebide vii it speeds, drives, flies away making noise

Paired with: animwewebizo vai

animwewebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies away making noise

Paired with: animwewebide vii

fly at a certain speed
apiichibide vii it speeds, drives, flies, runs (as a machine) at a certain speed

Paired with: apiichibizo vai

apiichibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies, runs (as a machine) at a certain speed

Paired with: apiichibide vii

fly about
babaamise vai s/he flies about

Paired with: babaamise vii

babaamise vii it flies about

Paired with: babaamise vai

babaamibide vii it speeds about, drives about, flies about

Paired with: babaamibizo vai

babaamibizo vai s/he speeds about, drives about, flies about

Paired with: babaamibide vii

arrive flying
bagamibide vii it arrives speeding, driving, flying

Paired with: bagamibizo vai

bagamibizo vai s/he arrives speeding, driving, flying

Paired with: bagamibide vii

bagamise vii it arrives flying

Paired with: bagamise vai

bagamise vai s/he arrives flying

Paired with: bagamise vii

fly here
biijibide vii it speeds, drives, flies here

Paired with: biijibizo vai

biijise vai s/he flies here

Paired with: biijise vii

biijise vii it flies here

Paired with: biijise vai

fly inside
biindigebide vii it speeds, drives, flies inside

Paired with: biindigebizo vai

fly in
biinjibide vii it drives, speeds, flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjibizo vai

biinjise vii it flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjise vai

fly along
bimibide vii it speeds, drives, flies along

Paired with: bimibizo vai

[travel through air]
cast a shadow flying
agawaatese vii it casts a shadow flying

agawaatese vai s/he casts a shadow flying

fly away
animibide vii it speeds away, drives away, flies away

Paired with: animibizo vai

animibizo vai s/he speeds away, drives away, flies away

Paired with: animibide vii

animise vii it flies away

Paired with: animise vai

animise vai s/he flies away

Paired with: animise vii

fly about
babaamise vai s/he flies about

Paired with: babaamise vii

babaamise vii it flies about

Paired with: babaamise vai

babaamibide vii it speeds about, drives about, flies about

Paired with: babaamibizo vai

babaamibizo vai s/he speeds about, drives about, flies about

Paired with: babaamibide vii

arrive flying
bagamibide vii it arrives speeding, driving, flying

Paired with: bagamibizo vai

bagamibizo vai s/he arrives speeding, driving, flying

Paired with: bagamibide vii

bagamise vii it arrives flying

Paired with: bagamise vai

bagamise vai s/he arrives flying

Paired with: bagamise vii

fly here
biijibide vii it speeds, drives, flies here

Paired with: biijibizo vai

biijise vai s/he flies here

Paired with: biijise vii

biijise vii it flies here

Paired with: biijise vai

fly in
biinjibide vii it drives, speeds, flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjibizo vai

biinjise vii it flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjise vai

oojiins na a fly

oojii na fly (insect)

oojiins na a fly

deer fly
mizizaakoons na a deer fly

horse fly
mizizaak na a horse fly

[the beings that fly]
gaa-babaamisewaad na-v [BL] the beings that fly about: the Flyers

flying squirrel
flying squirrel
zhagashkaandawe na a flying squirrel

northern flying squirrel
Glaucomys sabrinus

biite ni foam

biitewan vii it is foamy

awan vii it is foggy, there is fog

gashkawan vii it is a dense fog

awan vii it is foggy, there is fog

biskaabiiginan vti fold it (string-like)

biskibidoon vti2 bend it over, fold it (with hands)

Paired with: biskibizh vta

biskibizh vta bend h/ over, fold h/ (with hands)

Paired with: biskibidoon vti2

biskin vta bend h/ over, bow h/

Paired with: biskinan vti

biskinan vti bend it over, bow it

Paired with: biskin vta

biskinige vai s/he folds things

biskinigaade vii it is bent over, folded (by someone) (with hands), "they" bent it over, fold it (with hands)

biskitenan vti fold it (as something sheet-like)

fold (sheet-like)
biskiigin vta fold h/ (as something sheet-like)

Paired with: biskiiginan vti

biskiiginan vti fold it (as something sheet-like)

Paired with: biskiigin vta

biskiiginige vai s/he folds things (as something sheet-like)

biskiiginigaade vii it is folded (by someone) [as something sheet-like]

biskiigisin vii it is folded (sheet-like)

Paired with: biskiigishin vai

biskiigishin vai s/he is folded (as something sheet-like)

Paired with: biskiigisin vii

ozhiigin vta roll h/ [cigarette]; fold, prepare, set h/ (something sheet-like)

Paired with: ozhiiginan vti

ozhiiginan vti fold, prepare, set it (something sheet-like)

Paired with: ozhiigin vta

ozhiiginamaw vta fold, prepare, set it (something sheet-like) for h/; roll (a cigarette) for h/

biskaa vii it is bent over, folded

biskiiginigaade vii it is folded (by someone) [as something sheet-like]

[move along a route]
follow a trail
maada'adoo vai s/he goes off following a trail

maada'adoon vti2 start following it (road or trail)

Paired with: maada'azh vta

maada'azh vta go off following h/ trail

Paired with: maada'adoon vti2

follow a trail along
bima'adoo vai s/he follows a trail along

bima'adoon vti2 follow it along as a trail

Paired with: bima'azh vta

bima'azh vta track h/ along, follow h/ trail along

Paired with: bima'adoon vti2

follow a trail away
anima'adoo vai s/he follows a trail away

anima'adoon vti2 follow it away as a trail

Paired with: anima'azh vta

anima'azh vta follow h/ trail away

Paired with: anima'adoon vti2

follow a trail here
biida'adoo vai s/he follows a trail here

biida'adoon vti2 follow it as a trail here

Paired with: biida'azh vta

biida'azh vta follow h/ trail here

Paired with: biida'adoon vti2

follow a trail to a certain place
ina'adoo vai s/he walks a certain way or to a certain place on a trail

ina'adoon vti2 follow it as a trail to a certain place

Paired with: ina'azh vta

ina'azh vta follow h/ trail to a certain place

Paired with: ina'adoon vti2

[obey something]
follow instructions
gikinootaw vta imitate what h/ says or sounds like, follow h/ instructions

[go behind]
biminizha' vta follow h/ along

Paired with: biminizha'an vti

biminizha'an vti follow it along, pursue it

Paired with: biminizha' vta

biminizha'ige vai s/he follows things along

aanikeshkaw vta stand next to or in place of h/, follow in h/ steps, suceed h/

Fond du Lac
Fond du Lac
Nagaajiwanaang name place Fond du Lac Reservation

miijim ni food

wiisiniwin ni food

buy food
miijimadaawe vai s/he buys food

commodity food
ashandiwin ni food that is given out or distributed, commodity food, rations

cooked food
jiibaakwaan ni food being cooked or cooked (by boiling); cooking

feast food
wiikwandiwin ni a feast; feast food

food being cooked
jiibaakwaan ni food being cooked or cooked (by boiling); cooking

get food
nandawenjige vai
  1. s/he hunts or fishes for food
  2. s/he needs, wants things

go get food
naajimiijime vai s/he goes to get food

serve food
asham vta feed (it) to, serve (it) to h/

Paired with: ashandan vti

ashange vai s/he feeds people, serves food

steal food
gimoojimiijime vai s/he steals food

take along food
niimimiijime vai s/he takes along food

gagiibaadad vii it is foolish, is silly

Paired with: gagiibaadizi vai

gagiibaadizi vai s/he is foolish, is silly, is naughty

appear foolish
gagiibaazinaagozi vai s/he looks foolish, appears foolish

Paired with: gagiibaazinaagwad vii

gagiibaazinaagwad vii it looks foolish, appears foolish

Paired with: gagiibaazinaagozi vai

do foolish things
gagiibaajichige vai s/he does foolish things

do something foolish
gagiibaajitoon vti2 do it foolishly, do it (something foolish)

look foolish
gagiibaazinaagozi vai s/he looks foolish, appears foolish

Paired with: gagiibaazinaagwad vii

gagiibaazinaagwad vii it looks foolish, appears foolish

Paired with: gagiibaazinaagozi vai

seem foolish
gagiibaadendaagozi vai s/he is thought foolish, seems foolish

Paired with: gagiibaadendaagwad vii

gagiibaadendaagwad vii it is thought foolish, seems foolish

Paired with: gagiibaadendaagozi vai

sound foolish
gagiibaazitaagozi vai s/he sounds foolish

Paired with: gagiibaazitaagwad vii

gagiibaazitaagwad vii it sounds foolish

Paired with: gagiibaazitaagozi vai

think something or someone foolish
gagiibaadendan vti think it foolish

Paired with: gagiibaadenim vta

gagiibaadenim vta think h/ foolish

Paired with: gagiibaadendan vti

thought foolish
gagiibaadendaagozi vai s/he is thought foolish, seems foolish

Paired with: gagiibaadendaagwad vii

gagiibaadendaagwad vii it is thought foolish, seems foolish

Paired with: gagiibaadendaagozi vai

do foolishly
gagiibaajitoon vti2 do it foolishly, do it (something foolish)

think foolishly
gagiibaadendam vai2 s/he thinks foolishly

The medial /-zid-/ occurs in verbs referring to the foot or feet.
nizid nid my foot

See also: inzid nid

inzid nid my foot

See also: nizid nid

gizid nid your foot

ozid nid h/ foot

big foot
mangizide vai s/he has a big foot or big feet

mamaangizide vai s/he has big feet

blister on foot
abashkwebiigizideshin vai s/he gets a blister or blisters on h/ foot

bloody foot
miskwiiwizide vai s/he has a bloody foot

bump foot
bitaakozideshin vai s/he bumps h/ foot on something, stubs h/ toe

clean foot
biinizide vai s/he has a clean foot or clean feet

dirty foot
wiinizide vai s/he has a dirty foot or dirty feet

foot aches
dewizide vai s/he has an ache in h/ foot

foot itches
gizhiibizide vai h/ foot itches

foot sticks out
zaagizideshin vai s/he lies with h/ foot or feet sticking out

hairy foot
miishizide vai s/he has hairy feet

infected foot
miniiwizide vai s/he has an infected foot

left foot
namanjizid ni a left foot

long foot
ginwaakozide vai s/he has long feet

gagaanwaakozide vai s/he has long feet

move foot a certain way
izhizideni vai s/he moves h/ foot a certain way

muddy foot
azhashkiiwizide vai s/he has muddy feet

numb foot
biinisizide vai s/he has numb foot or numb feet

giikimanizide vai h/ foot is asleep, feet are asleep; h/ foot feels numb, feet feel numb

right foot
gichizid ni right foot

small foot
agaasizide vai s/he has small feet

ayagaasizide vai s/he has tiny feet

sore foot
gaagiijizide vai s/he has a sore foot

sprain foot
zegizideshin vai s/he sprains h/ foot

stick out foot
zaagizideni vai s/he sticks h/ foot out

stinky foot
maazhimaagozide vai s/he has smelly feet, has stinky feet

such a foot
izhizide vai s/he has such a foot or such feet

sweaty foot
abwezide vai s/he has a sweaty foot

swollen foot
baagizide vai s/he has h/ foot or feet swell up, has a swollen foot or swollen feet

babaagizide vai s/he has swollen feet

tap foot
jiichiibizideni vai s/he taps h/ foot

tiny foot
babiiwizide vai s/he has tiny feet

tip of foot
wanakozid ni tip of a toe or foot

warm foot
abizidezo vai s/he warms h/ (own) foot or feet

abizidezwi vta warm h/ foot or feet

wash foot
giziibiigizide vai s/he washes h/ (own) feet

giziibiigiziden vta wash h/ feet

wide foot
mangadezide vai s/he has a wide foot or wide feet

mamaangadezide vai s/he has a wide foot or wide feet

certain number of feet
daso-mizid adv num [NI] a certain number of feet

dasozid adv num a certain number of feet; so many feet

so many feet
dasozid adv num a certain number of feet; so many feet

one foot
ingodozid adv num one foot

See also: ningodozid adv num

ningodozid adv num one foot

See also: ingodozid adv num

two feet
niizho-mizid adv num [NI] two feet

niizhozid adv num two feet

three feet
niso-mizid adv num [NI] three feet

nisozid adv num three feet

four feet
niiwozid adv num four feet

See also: niiyozid adv num

niiyozid adv num four feet

See also: niiwozid adv num

five feet
naanozid adv num five feet

six feet
ningodwaaso-mizid adv num [NI] six feet

ingodwaasozid adv num six feet

See also: ningodwaasozid adv num

ningodwaasozid adv num six feet

See also: ingodwaasozid adv num

seven feet
niizhwaasozid adv num seven feet

niizhwaaso-mizid adv num [NI] seven feet

eight feet
nishwaaso-mizid adv num [NI] eight feet

ishwaasozid adv num eight feet

nine feet
zhaangaso-mizid adv num [NI] nine feet

zhaangasozid adv num nine feet

ten feet
midaasozid adv num ten feet

midaaso-mizid adv num [NI] ten feet

aazhawaandawaagan ni a footbridge

ozide-miikana ni a footpath

bimikawaan ni a footprint, a track

cradle board footrest
apizideyaakwa'igan ni [ML] a cradleboard footrest

cradleboard footrest
aajizide'onaak ni a cradleboard footrest

aajizide'on ni [ML] a cradleboard footrest

apizideyaakwa'igan ni [ML] a cradleboard footrest

apizideshinowin ni a place to put your feet: a footstool, a floor mat

gina'amaw vta forbid h/ to, warn h/ against

take forcibly
makam vta take (it) from h/ (forcibly), rob h/ of (it)

nikatig nid my forehead, brow

gikatig nid your forhead, brow

okatig nid h/ forehead, brow

middle of the forehead
naawigatig adv loc in the middle of the forehead

mayagi- pv lex exotic; foreign; strange; unusual; different from the usual

mayagizi vai s/he is strange, is foreign

look foreign
mayaginaagozi vai s/he looks strange, looks foreign

Paired with: mayaginaagwad vii

mayaginaagwad vii it looks strange, looks foreign

Paired with: mayaginaagozi vai

sound foreign
mayagitaagozi vai s/he sounds strange, sounds foreign, has an accent

Paired with: mayagitaagwad vii

mayagitaagwad vii it sounds strange, sounds foreign

Paired with: mayagitaagozi vai

mayagwewinini na a foreigner, a speaker of a foreign language

beaver forepaw
amikoninj ni a beaver forepaw

foretell the future
onwaachige vai s/he foretells the future, prophesies

gaagige- pv lex forever

boonendan vti forget, ignore it

Paired with: boonenim vta

boonenim vta forget, ignore h/; quit thinking or worrying about h/

Paired with: boonendan vti

waniiken vai + o s/he forgets (it)

wanendam vai2 s/he forgets

wanendan vti forget, ignore it

Paired with: wanenim vta

wanenim vta forget, ignore h/

Paired with: wanendan vti

waniike vai s/he forgets

badaka'igan ni a fork

roasting fork
gichi-badaka'igan ni a roasting fork

use a fork on
badaka' vta
  1. stick h/ with something sharp, prick h/, use a fork on h/
  2. give h/ an injection, a shot

Paired with: badaka'an vti

badaka'an vti stick it (with something sharp), prick it, use a fork on it

Paired with: badaka' vta