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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

wiinawaa pron per they, them

See also: gaye wiinawaa pron per ; gewiinawaa pron per

only they
wiinetawaa pron per only they, only them; just them

their turn
wiinitamawaa pron per their turn, them next

gipagaa vii it is thick

Paired with: gipagizi vai

gipagizi vai s/he is thick

Paired with: gipagaa vii

thick (mineral)
gipagaabikad vii it is thick (as something mineral)

Paired with: gipagaabikizi vai

gipagaabikizi vai s/he is thick (as something mineral)

Paired with: gipagaabikad vii

thick (sheet-like)
gipagiigad vii it (something sheet-like) is thick

Paired with: gipagiigizi vai

gipagiigizi vai s/he is thick (as something sheet-like)

Paired with: gipagiigad vii

thick (string-like)
gipagaabiigad vii it is thick (as something string-like)

Paired with: gipagaabiigizi vai

gipagaabiigizi vai s/he is thick (as something string-like)

Paired with: gipagaabiigad vii

cut thick
gipagizhan vti cut it thick

Paired with: gipagizh vta

gipagizh vta cut h/ thick

Paired with: gipagizhan vti

frozen thick
gipagaakwadin vii it freezes thick, is frozen thick

Paired with: gipagaakwaji vai

gipagaakwaji vai s/he freezes thick, is frozen thick

Paired with: gipagaakwadin vii

gipagadin vii there is thick ice

lie thick
gipagishin vai s/he lies in a thick layer

Paired with: gipagisin vii

gipagisin vii it lies in a thick layer

Paired with: gipagishin vai

make thick
gipagitoon vti2 make it thick, thicken it

Paired with: gipagi' vta

gipagi' vta make h/ thick, thicken h/

Paired with: gipagitoon vti2

slice thick
gipagikodan vti slice it thick

Paired with: gipagikozh vta

gipagikozh vta slice h/ thick

Paired with: gipagikodan vti

thick fur
gipagawe vai s/he has thick fur

thick hair
gipagaanikwe vai s/he has thick hair

thick bark
gipaganagekozi vai s/he (a tree) has thick bark

gipagi' vta make h/ thick, thicken h/

Paired with: gipagitoon vti2

gipagitoon vti2 make it thick, thicken it

Paired with: gipagi' vta

thicken into syrup
zhiiwaagamide vii it thickens into syrup

certain thickness
apiitaa vii it is a certain height, is a certain thickness

Paired with: apiitizi vai

apiitizi vai s/he is a certain age, is a certain thickness

Paired with: apiitaa vii

gimoodishkiiwinini na a robber; a thief

giimoodishkiiwikwe na a thief (female)

gimoodishk na a thief

gimoodishki vai s/he is a thief

gimoodiiwinini na a thief (male)

gimoodiiwikwe na a thief (female)

The medial /-bwaam-/ occurs in verbs referring to the thigh or thighs.
nibwaam nid my thigh (back of thigh)

gibwaam nid your thigh (back of thigh)

obwaam nid h/ (an animal's) hindquarter; h/ thigh (back of thigh)

front of thigh
injiingwan nad my lap; my (front of) thigh

gijiingwan nad your lap; your (front of) thigh

ojiingwanan nad h/ lap; h/ (front of) thigh

bump thigh
bitaakobwaameshin vai s/he bumps h/ thigh on something

big thigh
mamaangibwaame vai s/he has big thighs

gaanda'igwaason ni a thimble

See also: gaanda'igwaason na [BL]

gaanda'igwaason na [BL] a thimble

See also: gaanda'igwaason ni

[not deep]
bibagaa vii it is thin

Paired with: bibagizi vai

bibagizi vai s/he is thin

Paired with: bibagaa vii

bakaakadozo vai (of a person) s/he is thin, is skinny

thin (mineral)
bibagaabikad vii it is thin (as something mineral)

Paired with: bibagaabikizi vai

bibagaabikizi vai s/he is thin (as something mineral)

Paired with: bibagaabikad vii

thin (sheet-like)
bibagiigad vii it (something sheet-like) is thin

Paired with: bibagiigizi vai

bibagiigizi vai s/he is thin (as something sheet-like)

Paired with: bibagiigad vii

frozen thin
bibagaakwadin vii it freezes thin, is frozen thin

Paired with: bibagaakwaji vai

bibagaakwaji vai s/he freezes thin, is frozen thin

Paired with: bibagaakwadin vii

bibagadin vii it is frozen thin

lie in a thin layer
bibagishin vai s/he lies in a thin layer

Paired with: bibagisin vii

bibagisin vii it lies in a thin layer

Paired with: bibagishin vai

slice thin
bibagikodan vti slice it thin

Paired with: bibagikozh vta

bibagikozh vta slice h/ thin

Paired with: bibagikodan vti

bibagizhwi vta [NI]

bibagizh vta

[not fat]
bakaakadozo vai (of a person) s/he is thin, is skinny

ayi'ii pron psl I don't remember what; a thing

See also: aya'ii pron psl

be a certain thing
aawan vii it is a certain thing

Paired with: aawi vai

aawi vai s/he is a certain thing or being

Paired with: aawan vii

hand-made thing
ozhichigan ni something made, built, or formed: a hand-made thing, a manufactured thing, a product

manufactured thing
ozhichigan ni something made, built, or formed: a hand-made thing, a manufactured thing, a product

variety of things
anooj gegoo pron indf a variety of things; various things

maaminonendam vai2 s/he thinks about, considers, realizes, notices something

maaminonendan vti think about, consider, realize, notice it; realize that it

Paired with: maaminonenim vta

maaminonenim vta think about, consider, realize about, notice about h/

Paired with: maaminonendan vti

naagadawendam vai2 s/he thinks

Paired with: naagadawenim vta

naanaagadawendam vai2 s/he considers, notices, thinks, reflects, realizes

come to think of
mikwendan vti recall, recollect, remember, come to think of it

Paired with: mikwenim vta

mikwenim vta recall, recollect, remember, come to think of h/

Paired with: mikwendan vti

I think that
ganabaj adv man I think that..., perhaps, maybe

quit thinking
boonenim vta forget, ignore h/; quit thinking or worrying about h/

Paired with: boonendan vti

boonenindiwag vai they quit thinking or worrying about each other

think about
naagadawenim vta think about h/

Paired with: naagadawendan vti

naagadawendan vti think about it

Paired with: naagadawenim vta

naanaagadawenim vta think about, consider, realize about, notice about h/

Paired with: naanaagadawendan vti

naanaagadawendan vti think about, consider, realize, notice it

Paired with: naanaagadawenim vta

think about going home
giiweyendam vai2 s/he thinks about returning or going home

think about returning
giiweyendam vai2 s/he thinks about returning or going home

think a certain way
inendam vai2
  1. s/he thinks a certain way
  2. s/he decides, agrees, consents

inendan vti think of it a certain way

Paired with: inenim vta

inenim vta think of h/ a certain way

Paired with: inendan vti

inendaagozi vai s/he has a certain destiny; s/he is thought of a certain way, seems to be a certain way

Paired with: inendaagwad vii

inendaagwad vii it is thought of a certain way, seems to be a certain way

Paired with: inendaagozi vai

think bad
maanendan vti think or consider it bad, poor, or disagreeable

Paired with: maanenim vta

maanenim vta think or consider h/ bad, poor, or disagreeable

Paired with: maanendan vti

maanendaagozi vai s/he is thought bad, is thought poor, is thought disagreeable

Paired with: maanendaagwad vii

maanendaagwad vii it is thought bad, is thought poor, is thought disagreeable

Paired with: maanendaagozi vai

think comical
wawiyadenim vta think h/ cute, think h/ funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyadendan vti

wawiyadendan vti think it cute, think it funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyadenim vta

think correctly
gwayakwendam vai2 s/he thinks correctly; s/he is sure, certain about something

think cute
wawiyadendan vti think it cute, think it funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyadenim vta

wawiyadenim vta think h/ cute, think h/ funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyadendan vti

wawiyadendaagozi vai s/he is thought cute, thought funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyadendaagwad vii

wawiyadendaagwad vii it is thought cute, thought funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyadendaagozi vai

think dangerous
naniizaanenim vta think h/ dangerous; think h/ to be in danger

Paired with: naniizaanendan vti

naniizaanendan vti think, consider it dangerous

Paired with: naniizaanenim vta

naniizaanendaagozi vai s/he is thought dangerous, is thought to be in danger

naniizaanendaagwad vii it is thought dangerous

think difficult
zanagendam vai2 s/he thinks things difficult, thinks things hard

zanagendan vti think it difficult, think it hard

Paired with: zanagenim vta

zanagenim vta think h/ difficult, think h/ hard

Paired with: zanagendan vti

think disagreeable
maanendan vti think or consider it bad, poor, or disagreeable

Paired with: maanenim vta

maanenim vta think or consider h/ bad, poor, or disagreeable

Paired with: maanendan vti

maanendaagozi vai s/he is thought bad, is thought poor, is thought disagreeable

Paired with: maanendaagwad vii

maanendaagwad vii it is thought bad, is thought poor, is thought disagreeable

Paired with: maanendaagozi vai

think disgusting
gagwaanisagendan vti think it terrible, think it disgusting

Paired with: gagwaanisagenim vta

gagwaanisagenim vta think h/ terrible, think h/ disgusting

Paired with: gagwaanisagendan vti

gagwaanisagendaagozi vai s/he is thought terrible, is thought disgusting

Paired with: gagwaanisagendaagwad vii

gagwaanisagendaagwad vii it is thought terrible, is thought disgusting

Paired with: gagwaanisagendaagozi vai

think fast
gizhiiyendam vai2 s/he thinks fast

think funny
wawiyadenim vta think h/ cute, think h/ funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyadendan vti

wawiyadendan vti think it cute, think it funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyadenim vta

wawiyadendaagozi vai s/he is thought cute, thought funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyadendaagwad vii

wawiyadendaagwad vii it is thought cute, thought funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyadendaagozi vai

think hard
zanagendam vai2 s/he thinks things difficult, thinks things hard

zanagendan vti think it difficult, think it hard

Paired with: zanagenim vta

zanagenim vta think h/ difficult, think h/ hard

Paired with: zanagendan vti

think highly
ishpenim vta think highly of h/

Paired with: ishpendan vti

think insignificant
agaasendan vti think little of it, think it insignificant

Paired with: agaasenim vta

agaasenim vta think h/ insignificant; think little of h/

Paired with: agaasendan vti

agaasendaagozi vai s/he is thought insignificant

Paired with: agaasendaagwad vii

agaasendaagwad vii it is thought insignificant

Paired with: agaasendaagozi vai

think light
naangendan vti think it light (in weight)

Paired with: naangenim vta

naangenim vta think h/ light in weight

Paired with: naangendan vti

think little of
agaasendan vti think little of it, think it insignificant

Paired with: agaasenim vta

agaasenim vta think h/ insignificant; think little of h/

Paired with: agaasendan vti

think near
beshwendaagozi vai s/he is thought near

Paired with: beshwendaagwad vii

beshwendaagwad vii it is thought near

Paired with: beshwendaagozi vai

beshwendan vti think it to be near or soon

Paired with: beshwenim vta

beshwenim vta think h/ to be near or near soon

Paired with: beshwendan vti

think of a certain way
inendaagwad vii it is thought of a certain way, seems to be a certain way

Paired with: inendaagozi vai

think poor
maanenim vta think or consider h/ bad, poor, or disagreeable

Paired with: maanendan vti

maanendan vti think or consider it bad, poor, or disagreeable

Paired with: maanenim vta

maanendaagozi vai s/he is thought bad, is thought poor, is thought disagreeable

Paired with: maanendaagwad vii

maanendaagwad vii it is thought bad, is thought poor, is thought disagreeable

Paired with: maanendaagozi vai

think right
gwayakwendan vti think it right, correct; be sure, certain about it

Paired with: gwayakwenim vta

gwayakwenim vta think h/ is right, correct; be sure, certain about h/

Paired with: gwayakwendan vti

gwayakwendaagozi vai s/he is thought right

Paired with: gwayakwendaagwad vii

gwayakwendaagwad vii it is thought right

Paired with: gwayakwendaagozi vai

think strange
mayagenim vta think h/ strange

Paired with: mayagendan vti

mayagendan vti think it strange

Paired with: mayagenim vta

mayagendaagwad vii it is thought strange

Paired with: mayagendaagozi vai

mayagendaagozi vai s/he is thought strange

Paired with: mayagendaagwad vii

think terrible
gagwaanisagendam vai2 s/he thinks things terrible, horrible, disgusting; s/he is horrified

gagwaanisagendan vti think it terrible, think it disgusting

Paired with: gagwaanisagenim vta

gagwaanisagenim vta think h/ terrible, think h/ disgusting

Paired with: gagwaanisagendan vti

gagwaanisagendaagozi vai s/he is thought terrible, is thought disgusting

Paired with: gagwaanisagendaagwad vii

gagwaanisagendaagwad vii it is thought terrible, is thought disgusting

Paired with: gagwaanisagendaagozi vai

think there is enough
debisewendam vai2 s/he feels satisfied, thinks there is enough

think to be in a certain place
danendan vti think, expect it to be in a certain place; have it in your mind

Paired with: danenim vta

danenim vta think, expect h/ to be in a certain place; have h/ in your mind

Paired with: danendan vti

think to be in danger
naniizaanenim vta think h/ dangerous; think h/ to be in danger

Paired with: naniizaanendan vti

think weak
niinamendan vti think it weak

See also: niinamenim vta

niinamenim vta think h/ weak

Paired with: niinamendan vti

zhaagwenim vta think h/ weak, have doubts about h/

Paired with: zhaagwendan vti

zhaagwendan vti think it weak

Paired with: zhaagwenim vta

think worthless
goopadendan vti think it worthless

Paired with: goopadenim vta

goopadenim vta think h/ worthless

Paired with: goopadendan vti

try to think
nanda-mikwendan vti try to think of it, try to remember it

Paired with: nanda-mikwenim vta

nanda-mikwenim vta try toi think of it, try to remember it

Paired with: nanda-mikwendan vti

eko-nising adv loc the third

third day of the month
nisogonagizi vai it is the third (of a month); s/he is three days old

Paired with: nisogonagad vii

third person
third person singular
gewiin pron per as for her; as for him; he too; her too; him too; she too

See also: gaye wiin pron per

wiin pron per he, she; her, him

See also: gaye wiin pron per ; gewiin pron per

wiineta pron per only she, only her; only he, only him; just him. just her

wiinitam pron per his turn, her turn; her next, him next

third person plural
gewiinawaa pron per as for them; them too; they too

See also: gaye wiinawaa pron per

wiinawaa pron per they, them

See also: gaye wiinawaa pron per ; gewiinawaa pron per

wiinetawaa pron per only they, only them; just them

wiinitamawaa pron per their turn, them next

suffer from thirst
gawaabaagwe vai s/he suffers from thirst

giishkaabaagwe vai s/he is thirsty

noondeyaabaagwe vai [BL] s/he is thirsty

ashi-niswi adv num
  1. and three
  2. thirteen

thirteenth day of the month
ashi-niswaginzo vai [BL] it is the thirteenth (of the month)

thirtieth day of the month
nisimidanaweginzo vai [BL] it is the thirtieth (of the month)

nisimidana adv num thirty

thirty-first day of the month
nisimidana-shi-bezhigwaginzo vai [BL] it is the thirty-first (of the month)

wa'aw pron dem this (animate singular)

See also: wa'a pron dem ; wa'awe pron dem [N]

wa'awe pron dem [N] this (animate singular)

See also: wa'aw pron dem

o'ow pron dem this (inanimate singular)

See also: o'owe pron dem [N]

o'o pron dem this (inanimate singular)

See also: o'ow pron dem ; o'owe pron dem [N] ; yo'o pron dem ; yo'ow pron dem

o'owe pron dem [N] this (inanimate singular)

See also: o'ow pron dem

onow pron dem these (animate obviative); this (animate obviative)

See also: onowe pron dem [N] ; ono pron dem

onowe pron dem [N] these (animate obviative); this (animate obviative)

See also: onow pron dem ; ono pron dem

this over here
o'owedi pron dem this over here (inanimate singular)

See also: owedi pron dem

wa'awedi pron dem this over here (animate singular)

onowedin pron dem these over here [inanimate plural demonstrative]; this/these over here [obviative demonstrative]

See also: onowedi pron dem

at this time
azhigwa adv tmp already; at this time; now; then

See also: zhigwa adv tmp

zhigwa adv tmp already; at this time; now; then

See also: azhigwa adv tmp

ingiw pron dem [LL] [ML] those (animate plural)

See also: igiw pron dem [N] ; igiweg pron dem [N]

agiw pron dem those (animate plural)

igiw pron dem [N] those (animate plural)

See also: igiweg pron dem [N] ; ingiw pron dem [LL] [ML]

igiweg pron dem [N] those (animate plural)

See also: igiw pron dem [N] ; ingiw pron dem [LL] [ML]

iniw pron dem that (animate obviative); those (animate obviative)

See also: iniwe pron dem ; iniwen pron dem

iniwe pron dem that (animate obviative); those (animate obviative)

See also: iniw pron dem ; iniwen pron dem

iniw pron dem those (inanimate plural)

See also: iniwe pron dem [N]

iniwe pron dem [N] those (inanimate plural)

See also: iniw pron dem

those over there
ingiwedig pron dem [LL] [ML] those over there (animate plural)

iniwedi pron dem that over there (animate obviative); those over there (animate obviative)

See also: iniwedin pron dem

igiwedi pron dem [BL] those over there (animate plural)

See also: igiwedig pron dem [N]

igiwedig pron dem [N] those over there (animate plural)

thought of a certain way
inendaagozi vai s/he has a certain destiny; s/he is thought of a certain way, seems to be a certain way

Paired with: inendaagwad vii

inendaagwad vii it is thought of a certain way, seems to be a certain way

Paired with: inendaagozi vai

thought sickly
aakoziiwendaagozi vai s/he is thought sickly

proud thoughts
maminaadendam vai2 s/he has proud thoughts, has an arrogant attitude

midaaswaak adv num thousand

certain number of thousands
dasosagoons adv num a certain number of thousands; so many thousand

so many thousand
dasosagoons adv num a certain number of thousands; so many thousand

one thousand
ingodosagoons adv num one thousand

See also: ningodosagoons adv num

ningodosagoons adv num one thousand

See also: ingodosagoons adv num

two thousand
niizhosagoons adv num two thousand

three thousand
nisosagoons adv num three thousand

four thousand
niiwosagoons adv num four thousand

niiyosagoons adv num four thousand

See also: niiwosagoons adv num

five thousand
naanosagoons adv num five thousand

six thousand
ingodwaasosagoons adv num six thousand

See also: ningodwaasosagoons adv num

ningodwaasosagoons adv num six thousand

See also: ingodwaasosagoons adv num

seven thousand
niizhwaasosagoons adv num seven thousand

eight thousand
ishwaasosagoons adv num eight thousand

See also: nishwaasosagoons adv num

nishwaasosagoons adv num eight thousand

See also: ishwaasosagoons adv num

nine thousand
zhaangasosagoons adv num nine thousand

ten thousand
midaasosagoons adv num ten thousand

naabidoo' vta thread h/; string h/ (e.g., beads)

naabidoo'an vti thread, string it; bead it (by loomwork)

Paired with: naabidoo' vta

naabidoo'ige vai s/he threads, strings, beads things

thread correctly
gwayakwaabidoo'an vti thread it correctly, bead it correctly (on a bead loom)

asabaab ni thread

asabaabis na [BL] thread

sewing thread
gashkigwaasoneyaab ni sewing thread

threatening clouds
zegaanakwad vii there are storm clouds, threatening clouds

threatening wind
zegaanimad vii it is a fierce wind, a threatening wind

niso- pv qnt three

niswi adv num three

nisinoon vii they (inanimate) are three, there are three of them

Paired with: nisiwag vai

nisiwag vai they (animate) are three, there are three of them

Paired with: nisinoon vii

and three
ashi-niso- pv qnt and three

ashi-niswi adv num
  1. and three
  2. thirteen

three acres
niso-diba'igaans adv num
  1. three minutes
  2. three acres

three bags
nisooshkimod adv num three bags

nisooshkin adv num three bags

three boatloads
nisoonag adv num three boats or canoes, three boatloads

three boats
nisoonag adv num three boats or canoes, three boatloads

three canoes
nisoonag adv num three boats or canoes, three boatloads

three days
niso-giizhik adv num three days

nisogon adv num three days

nisogonagad vii it is three days

Paired with: nisogonagizi vai

three days old
nisogonagizi vai it is the third (of a month); s/he is three days old

Paired with: nisogonagad vii

three dollars
niswaabik adv num three dollars

three each
neniswi adv num three each

three feet
niso-mizid adv num [NI] three feet

nisozid adv num three feet

three hours
niso-diba'igan adv num
  1. three hours
  2. three miles

three hundred
niswaak adv num three hundred

three inches
niso-mininj adv num [NI] three inches

nisoninj adv num three inches

three lie
nisooshinoog vai three of them lie together

three miles
niso-diba'igan adv num
  1. three hours
  2. three miles

three minutes
niso-diba'igaans adv num
  1. three minutes
  2. three acres

three months
niso-giizis adv num three months

niso-giiziswagad vii it is three months

Paired with: niso-giiziswagizi vai

three nights
niso-dibik adv num three nights

three o'clock
niso-diba'iganed vii [S] it is three o'clock

niso-diba'igane vii [N] it is three o'clock

niso-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is three o'clock

three pairs
niswewaan adv num three sets, three pairs

three pieces of something sheet-like
nisweg adv num three pieces of something sheet-like

three pounds
niso-dibaabiishkoojigan adv num three pounds

three sets
niswewaan adv num three sets, three pairs

three sit
nisoobiwag vai three of them sit together; three of them are at home

three stand
nisoogaabawiwag vai three of them stand together

three thousand
nisosagoons adv num three thousand

three times
nising adv tmp three times; thrice

three weeks
niso-anama'e-giizhigad vii it is three weeks

niso-anama'e-giizhik adv num three weeks

niso-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is three weeks

three years
niso-biboon adv num three years; three winters

niso-biboonagad vii it is three years

niso-gikinoonowin adv num three years

three years old
niso-biboonagizi vai s/he is three years old

tie three
nisoopidoon vti2 tie three of them (inanimate) together

Paired with: nisoopizh vta

nisoopizh vta tie, hitch three of them (animate) together

nisoopidewan vii three of them (inanimate) are tied together

Paired with: nisoopizowag vai

nisoopizowag vai three of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together

Paired with: nisoopidewan vii

three card
nisoobii'igan na a three (card)

three o'clock
three o'clock
niso-diba'iganed vii [S] it is three o'clock

niso-diba'igane vii [N] it is three o'clock

niso-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is three o'clock

bakiteshka'ige vai s/he threshes field crops

thresh wild rice
bawishkam vai2 s/he threshes wild rice

mimigoshkam vai2 s/he threshes, jigs something (e.g., wild rice)

Paired with: mamigoshkam vai2 [BL]

mimigoshkan vti rub it (with foot or body) to loosen it; thresh, jig it (e.g., wild rice)

See also: mamigoshkan vti [BL]

nising adv tmp three times; thrice

ingondashkway nid my throat

ningondashkway nid my throat

gigondashkway nid your throat

ogondashkway nid h/ throat

sore throat
wiisagigonewe vai s/he has a sore throat, h/ throat hurts

throat hurts
wiisagigonewe vai s/he has a sore throat, h/ throat hurts

[from one end or side to another]
zhaabwayi'ii adv loc through it

See also: zhaabwaya'ii adv loc

drive through
zhaabobizo vai s/he falls, drives through

Paired with: zhaabobide vii

zhaabobide vii it falls, drives through

Paired with: zhaabobizo vai

fall through
zhaabobide vii it falls, drives through

Paired with: zhaabobizo vai

zhaabobizo vai s/he falls, drives through

Paired with: zhaabobide vii

go through
zhaabose vii it goes through, passes through

zhaabwii vai s/he goes through, passes through, achieves something, survives

pass through
zhaabose vii it goes through, passes through

zhaabwii vai s/he goes through, passes through, achieves something, survives

push through
zhaabonige vai s/he pushes things through

zhaabonigaade vii it is pushed through by somebody [by/with hand]

zhaabonigaazo vai s/he is pushed through by somebody [by/with hand]

put through
zhaabon vta put h/ through

Paired with: zhaabonan vti

zhaabonan vti put it through

Paired with: zhaabon vta

run through
zhaabobatoo vai s/he runs through

see through
zhaabwaabam vta see through h/

Paired with: zhaabwaabandan vti

zhaabwaabandan vti see through it

Paired with: zhaabwaabam vta

zhaabwaabi vai s/he sees through something, looks through something

zhiibaayaabandan vti see through it

zhiibaayaabi vai s/he sees through something (e.g., binoculars, telescope, scope)

soak through
zhaabwaabaawe vai s/he is soaked through

Paired with: zhaabwaabaawe vai

zhaabwaabaawe vii it is soaked through

Paired with: zhaabwaabaawe vii

look through an opening
dapaabi vai s/he peeks (through an opening), looks through an opening

dapaabam vta look through a window at h/; peek (through an opening) at h/, look through an opening at h/

Paired with: dapaabandan vti

dapaabandan vti peek (through an opening) at it, look through an opening at it

Paired with: dapaabam vta

peek through an opening
dapaabi vai s/he peeks (through an opening), looks through an opening

dapaabam vta look through a window at h/; peek (through an opening) at h/, look through an opening at h/

Paired with: dapaabandan vti

dapaabandan vti peek (through an opening) at it, look through an opening at it

Paired with: dapaabam vta

bite through
giishkam vta bite through h/ cleanly

Paired with: giishkandan vti

giishkandan vti bite through it cleanly

Paired with: giishkam vta

cut through
giishkizh vta cut it (animate, string-like) off or through

Paired with: giishkizhan vti

giishkizhan vti cut it off; cut through, cut it

Paired with: giishkizh vta

fall through the ice
dwaashin vai s/he falls through the ice

wind blows through
zhaabwaanimad vii wind blows through something

gabe- pv lex throughout; whole extent of

gabe-ayi'ii adv loc a long time; throughout it

apagidaadiwag vai they throw (it) at each other

apagidamaw vta throw something at or to h/

See also: apagidaw vta

apagidaw vta throw (it) at or to h/

See also: apagidamaw vta

apagidoon vti2 throw it

Paired with: apagizh vta

apagijigaade vii it is thrown (by someone), "they" throw it

apagijigaazo vai s/he is thrown (by someone), "they" throw h/

apagijige vai s/he throws things

apagizh vta throw h/

throw aboard
boozwebin vta throw h/ aboard

Paired with: boozwebinan vti

boozwebinan vti throw it aboard

Paired with: boozwebin vta

boozwebinige vai s/he throws things aboard

throw across
aazhawiwebin vta throw, shove h/ across

Paired with: aazhawiwebinan vti

aazhawiwebinan vti fly it across

throw around
ombwewebin vta throw h/ around

ombwewebinan vta throw it around

Paired with: ombwewebin vta

ombwewebinige vai s/he makes a mess; s/he throws things around

ombwewebinigaade vii it is thrown around (by someone), "they" throw it around

ombwewebinigaazo vai h/ is thrown around (by someone), "they" throw h/ around

throw aside
ikowebin vta push, shove, toss, throw h/ aside or out of the way (with hands)

Paired with: ikowebinan vti

ikowebinan vti push, shove, toss, throw it aside or out of the way (with hands)

Paired with: ikowebin vta

ikowebinamaw vta push, shove, toss, throw (it) aside or out of the way for h/

ikowebinige vai s/he pushes, shoves, tosses, throws things aside or out of the way

ikowebinigaade vii it is pushed, shoved, tossed, thrown out of the way (by someone), "they" push, shove, toss, throw it aside or out of the way

ikowebinigaazo vai s/he is pushed, shoved, tossed, thown aside or out of the way (by someone), "they" push, shove, toss, throw h/ aside or out of the way

throw away
webin vta
  1. throw h/ away
  2. separate from, divorce h/

Paired with: webinan vti

webinan vti throw it away

Paired with: webin vta

webinige vai s/he throws things away

webinigaade vii it is thrown away (by someone), "they" throw it away

webinigaazo vai s/he is thrown away (by someone), "they" throw h/ away

throw over or down
gawiwebin vta throw, push, shove h/ down

Paired with: gawiwebinan vti

gawiwebinan vti throw, push, shove it down

Paired with: gawiwebin vta

throw down against
apagizo vai s/he throws h/ self down against something

throw down quickly
bagijwebin vta release h/ quickly; throw h/ down quickly

Paired with: bagijwebinan vti

bagijwebinan vti release it quickly, throw it down quickly

Paired with: bagijwebin vta

throw here
biijwebin vta throw h/ here

Paired with: biijwebinan vti

biijwebinan vti throw it here

Paired with: biijwebin vta

biijwebinamaw vta throw (it) here to h/

throw in
biinjwebin vta throw h/ in

Paired with: biinjwebinan vti

biinjwebinan vti
  1. throw it in
  2. cast it (a vote or ballot)

Paired with: biinjwebin vta

biinjwebinige vai
  1. s/he throws things in
  2. s/he votes

throw inside
biindigewebin vta throw h/ inside

Paired with: biindigewebinan vti

biindigewebinan vti throw it inside

Paired with: biindigewebin vta

biindigewebinige vai s/he throws things inside

throw into the water
bakobiiwebin vta throw h/ into the water

Paired with: bakobiiwebinan vti

bakobiiwebinan vti throw it into the water

Paired with: bakobiiwebin vta

bakobiiwebinige vai s/he throws (things) into the water

bakobiiwebinigaade vii it is thrown into the water (by someone), "they" throw it into the water

bakobiiwebinigaazo vai s/he is thrown into the water (by someone), "they" throw h/ into the water

throw off boat or vehicle
gabaawebin vta throw h/ off a boat or vehicle

Paired with: gabaawebinan vti

gabaawebinan vti throw it off a boat or vehicle

Paired with: gabaawebin vta

throw off to the side
bakewebinan vti throw it off to the side, off the main path

Paired with: bakewebin vta

bakewebin vta throw h/ off to the side, off the main path

Paired with: bakewebinan vti

throw on ground head first
ajidakiiwebinan vti throw it on the ground head first

Paired with: ajidakiiwebin vta

ajidakiiwebin vta throw h/ on the ground head first

Paired with: ajidakiiwebinan vti

throw out of the water
agwaawebin vta throw h/ out of the water

Paired with: agwaawebinan vti

agwaawebinan vti throw it out of the water

Paired with: agwaawebin vta

agwaawebinamaw vta throw (it) out of the water for or to h/

throw out of the way
ikowebin vta push, shove, toss, throw h/ aside or out of the way (with hands)

Paired with: ikowebinan vti

ikowebinan vti push, shove, toss, throw it aside or out of the way (with hands)

Paired with: ikowebin vta

ikowebinamaw vta push, shove, toss, throw (it) aside or out of the way for h/

ikowebinige vai s/he pushes, shoves, tosses, throws things aside or out of the way

ikowebinigaade vii it is pushed, shoved, tossed, thrown out of the way (by someone), "they" push, shove, toss, throw it aside or out of the way

ikowebinigaazo vai s/he is pushed, shoved, tossed, thown aside or out of the way (by someone), "they" push, shove, toss, throw h/ aside or out of the way

throw outside
zaagijiwebin vta throw h/ outside

Paired with: zaagijiwebinan vti

zaagijiwebinan vti throw it outside

Paired with: zaagijiwebin vta

zaagijiwebinigaade vii it is thrown outside (by someone), "they" throw it outside

zaagijiwebinige vai s/he throws things outside

zaagijiwebinamaw vta throw (it) outside for h/

throw over
baazhijiwebin vta throw h/ over

Paired with: baazhijiwebinan vti

baazhijiwebinan vti throw it over

Paired with: baazhijiwebin vta

throw over backwards (face up)
aazhigidwebin vta throw h/ over backwards

aazhigidwebinan vti throw it over backwards

Paired with: aazhigidwebin vta

throw up against (stick-like)
aatwaakowebin vta throw h/ up against (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: aatwaakowebinan vti

aatwaakowebinan vti throw it up against (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: aatwaakowebin vta

throw upwards
ombiwebin vta throw h/ upwards

Paired with: ombiwebinan vti

ombiwebinan vti throw it upwards

Paired with: ombiwebin vta

michichin ni [BL] a thumb

midechininj ni a thumb

animikiikaa vii there is thunder

make thunder
baashkikwa'am vai2 s/he makes thunder

animikii na a thunderbird, a thunderer

binesi na
  1. a bird (of a large species, such as a hawk or eagle)
  2. a thunderbird

make a thunderclap
baashkakwa'am vai2 s/he [a thunderer] makes a thunderclap

animikii na a thunderbird, a thunderer

niiwo-giizhigad vii it is Thursday

niiyo-giizhigad vii it is Thursday

ezhi- pv rel in a certain place; in a certain way; so; there; thus

izhi- pv rel

izhi- pv rel in a certain way; so; there; thus; to a certain place

it is thus that
mii adv pred it is thus that..., it is that...

miish adv pred and then; it is thus that

bimidasaa na a thwart

wood tick
ezigaa na a wood tick

odezigaami vai s/he has a woodtick or woodticks

mazina'igaans ni a small book or document: a ticket, a license

ginagijiin vta tickle h/ (at the mid-section)

ginagijiibizh vta tickle h/ (at the mid-section)

ginagijii vai [BL] s/he is itchy, is ticklish

ginagizi vai s/he is itchy, is ticklish

zagakin vta put h/ away; tidy h/

Paired with: zagakinan vti

zagakinan vti put it away; tidy it

Paired with: zagakin vta

zagakinamaw vta put (it) in order for h/; tidy (it) for h/

zagakinige vai s/he puts things away; s/he tidies things

zagakinigaade vii it is put away (by someone), "they" put it away; it is tidied (by someone), "they" tidy it

zagakinigaazo vai s/he is put away (by someone), "they" put h/ away; s/he is tidied (by someone), "they" tidy h/

dakobidoon vti2 tie, bind it

Paired with: dakobizh vta

dakobizh vta tie, bind h/

Paired with: dakobidoon vti2

dakobidaw vta tie, bind (it) for h/

dakobidamaw vta tie, bind (it) for h/

dakobijige vai s/he ties, binds things

dakobijigaade vii it is tied, bound (by someone)

Paired with: dakobijigaazo vai

dakobijigaazo vai
  1. s/he is tied, bound (by someone)
  2. s/he is wrapped for burial

Paired with: dakobijigaade vii

dakobide vii it is tied, bound

Paired with: dakobizo vai

dakobizo vai
  1. s/he is tied, bound
  2. s/he is in a cradle board

Paired with: dakobide vii

tie a certain way
inapidoon vti2 tie it a certain way

Paired with: inapizh vta

inapizh vta tie h/ a certain way

Paired with: inapidoon vti2

inapijige vai s/he ties things a certain way

inapide vii it is tied a certain way

Paired with: inapizo vai

inapizo vai s/he is tied a certain way

Paired with: inapide vii

tie in a bunch
okwapidoon vti2 tie it in a bunch

Paired with: okwapizh vta

okwapizh vta tie h/ in a bunch

Paired with: okwapidoon vti2

okwapide vii it is tied in a bunch

Paired with: okwapizo vai

okwapizo vai s/he is tied in a bunch

Paired with: okwapide vii

tie in place
onapidoon vti2 tie it in place

Paired with: onapizh vta

onapizh vta tie h/ in place, harnesss h/

Paired with: onapidoon vti2

onapijige vai s/he harnesses up; s/he ties things in place

onapide vii it is tied in place

Paired with: onapizo vai

onapizo vai s/he is tied in place, is harnessed

Paired with: onapide vii

tie on
zagapidoon vti2 tie on, tow, hitch it

Paired with: zagapizh vta

zagapizh vta tie on, tow, hitch h/

Paired with: zagapidoon vti2

zagapidamaw vta tie on, tow, hitch (it) for h/

zagapijige vai s/he ties on, tows, hitches things

zagapijigaade vii it is tied on, towed, hitched (by someone), "they" tie on, tow, hitch it

zagapijigaazo vai s/he is tied on, towed, hitched (by someone), "they" tie on, hitch, tow h/

zagapide vii it is tied on, towed, hitched

Paired with: zagapizo vai

zagapizo vai s/he is tied on, towed, hitched

Paired with: zagapide vii

agwapidoon vti2 attach it by tying on

Paired with: agwapizh vta

agwapizh vta attach h/ by tying on

Paired with: agwapidoon vti2

agwapijigaade vii it is attached by being tied on (by someone), "they" attach it by tying

agwapijigaazo vai s/he is attached by being tied on (by someone), "they" attach h/ by tying

agwapide vii it is attached by being tied on

Paired with: agwapizo vai

agwapizo vai s/he is attached by being tied on

Paired with: agwapide vii

tie out of the way
ikwapidoon vti2 tie it up higher, out of the way

Paired with: ikwapizh vta

ikwapizh vta tie h/ up higher, out of the way

Paired with: ikwapidoon vti2

ikwapide vii it is tied up higher, out of the way

Paired with: ikwapizo vai

ikwapizo vai s/he is tied up higher, out of the way

Paired with: ikwapide vii

tie shut
gashkapide vii it is tied shut, is tied up in a bundle

Paired with: gashkapizo vai

gashkapidoon vti2 tie it shut, tie it up in a bundle

Paired with: gashkapizh vta

gashkapizh vta tie h/ shut, tie h/ up in a bundle

Paired with: gashkapidoon vti2

gashkapizo vai s/he is tied shut, is tied up in a bundle

Paired with: gashkapide vii

tie tight
mashkawapidoon vti2 tie it tight

Paired with: mashkawapizh vta

mashkawapizh vta tie h/ tight

Paired with: mashkawapidoon vti2

mashkawapide vii it is tied tight

Paired with: mashkawapizo vai

mashkawapizo vai s/he is tied tight

Paired with: mashkawapide vii

tie wild rice
dakobidoo vai s/he ties wild rice

tie with a knot
gashka'oodoon vti2 tie it with a knot; lace and tie it

Paired with: gashka'oozh vta

gashka'oozh vta tie h/ with a knot

Paired with: gashka'oodoon vti2

gashka'oode vii it is knotted, is tangled

Paired with: gashka'oozo vai

gashka'oozo vai s/he is knotted, is tangled

Paired with: gashka'oode vii

tie with something else
dagwapidoon vti2 tie it with something else

Paired with: dagwapizh vta

dagwapizh vta tie h/ with something else

Paired with: dagwapidoon vti2

dagwapide vii it is tied with something else

Paired with: dagwapizo vai

dagwapizo vai s/he is tied with something else

Paired with: dagwapide vii

tie wrong way
napaadapidoon vti2 tie it the wrong way

Paired with: napaadapizh vta

napaadapizh vta tie, harness h/ the wrong way

Paired with: napaadapidoon vti2

wrap and tie in a bundle
gashkibidoon vti2 wrap and tie it in a bundle

Paired with: gashkibizh vta

gashkibizh vta wrap and tie h/ in a bundle

Paired with: gashkibidoon vti2

gashkibijige vai s/he wraps and ties things in bundle

gashkibijigaade vii it is wrapped and tied in a bundle (by someone)

gashkibijigaazo vai s/he is wrapped and tied in a bundle (by someone)

gashkibide vii it is wrapped and tied in a bundle

Paired with: gashkibizo vai

gashkibizo vai s/he is wrapped and tied in a bundle

Paired with: gashkibide vii

tie at a certain place
danapidoon vti2 tie it in a certain place

Paired with: danapizh vta

danapizh vta tie h/ at a certain place

Paired with: danapidoon vti2

tie loosely
geshawapidoon vti2 tie it loosely

Paired with: geshawapizh vta

geshawapizh vta tie h/ loosely

Paired with: geshawapidoon vti2

binangwapidoon vti2 tie it loosely

Paired with: binangwapizh vta

binangwapizh vta tie h/ loosely

Paired with: binangwapidoon vti2

tie for good
aapidapidoon vti2 tie it securely, tie it for good

Paired with: aapidapizh vta

aapidapizh vta tie h/ securely, tie h/ for good

Paired with: aapidapidoon vti2

aapidapide vii it is tied securely, tied for good

Paired with: aapidapizo vai

aapidapizo vai s/he is tied securely, tied for good

Paired with: aapidapide vii

tie to something stick-like
gitaakwapidoon vti2 tie it to something (e.g., a post)

Paired with: gitaakwapizh vta

gitaakwapizh vta tie h/ to something (e.g., a post)

Paired with: gitaakwapidoon vti2

wrap up and tie
gashkiigapide vii it is wrapped up and tied

Paired with: gashkiigapizo vai

gashkiigapidoon vti2 wrap it up and tie it

Paired with: gashkiigapizh vta

gashkiigapizh vta wrap it (animate) up and tie it

Paired with: gashkiigapidoon vti2

gashkiigapizo vai s/he is wrapped up and tied

Paired with: gashkiigapide vii

tie a certain number
dasoopidoon vti2 tie a certain number of them (inanimate) together

Paired with: dasoopizh vta

dasoopizh vta tie, hitch a certain number of them (animate) together

Paired with: dasoopidoon vti2

dasoopidewan vii a certain number of them (inanimate) are tied together

Paired with: dasoopizowag vai

dasoopizowag vai a certain number of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together

Paired with: dasoopidewan vii

tie one
bezhigoopidoon vti2 tie one of it

Paired with: bezhigoopizh vta

bezhigoopizh vta tie, hitch one (animate)

Paired with: bezhigoopidoon vti2

bezhigoopide vii one (inanimate) is tied

Paired with: bezhigoopizo vai

bezhigoopizo vai one (animate) is tied, is hitched

Paired with: bezhigoopide vii

tie two
niizhoopidoon vti2 tie two of them (inanimate) together

Paired with: niizhoopizh vta

niizhoopizh vta tie, hitch two of them (animate) together

Paired with: niizhoopidoon vti2

niizhoopidewan vii two of them (inanimate) are tied together

Paired with: niizhoopizowag vai

niizhoopizowag vai two of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together

Paired with: niizhoopidewan vii

tie three
nisoopidoon vti2 tie three of them (inanimate) together

Paired with: nisoopizh vta

nisoopizh vta tie, hitch three of them (animate) together

nisoopidewan vii three of them (inanimate) are tied together

Paired with: nisoopizowag vai

nisoopizowag vai three of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together

Paired with: nisoopidewan vii

tie four
niiyoopidoon vti2 tie four of them (inanimate) together

Paired with: niiyoopizh vta

niiyoopizh vta tie, hitch four of them (animate) together

niiyoopidewan vii four of them (inanimate) are tied together

Paired with: niiyoopizowag vai

niiyoopizowag vai four of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together

Paired with: niiyoopidewan vii

tie five
naanoopidoon vti2 tie five of them (inanimate) together

Paired with: naanoopizh vta

naanoopizh vta tie, hitch five of them (animate) together

naanoopidewan vii five of them (inanimate) are tied together

Paired with: naanoopizowag vai

naanoopizowag vai five of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together

Paired with: naanoopidewan vii

tie six
ningodwaasoopidoon vti2 tie six of them (inanimate) together

ningodwaasoopidewan vii six of them (inanimate) are tied together

Paired with: ningodwaasoopizowag vai See also: ingodwaasoopidewan vii

ningodwaasoopizowag vai six of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together

Paired with: ningodwaasoopidewan vii

tie seven
niizhwaasoopidoon vti2 tie seven of them (inanimate) together

Paired with: niizhwaasoopizh vta

niizhwaasoopizh vta tie, hitch seven of them (animate) together

niizhwaasoopidewan vii seven of them (inanimate) are tied together

Paired with: niizhwaasoopizowag vai

niizhwaasoopizowag vai seven of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together

Paired with: niizhwaasoopidewan vii

tie eight
nishwaasoopidoon vti2 tie eight of them (inanimate) together

Paired with: nishwaasoopizh vta

nishwaasoopizh vta tie, hitch eight of them (animate) together

nishwaasoopidewan vii eight of them (inanimate) are tied together

Paired with: nishwaasoopizowag vai

nishwaasoopizowag vai eight of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together

Paired with: nishwaasoopidewan vii

tie nine
zhaangasoopidoon vti2 tie nine of them (inanimate) together

Paired with: zhaangasoopizh vta

zhaangasoopizh vta tie, hitch nine of them (animate) together

Paired with: zhaangasoopidoon vti2

zhaangasoopidewan vii nine of them (inanimate) are tied together

Paired with: zhaangasoopizowag vai

zhaangasoopizowag vai nine of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together

Paired with: zhaangasoopidewan vii

tie ten
midaasoopidoon vti2 tie ten of them (inanimate) together

Paired with: midaasoopizh vta

midaasoopizh vta tie, hitch ten of them (animate) together

Paired with: midaasoopidoon vti2

midaasoopidewan vii ten of them (inanimate) are tied together

Paired with: midaasoopizowag vai

midaasoopizowag vai ten of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together

Paired with: midaasoopidewan vii

naabikawaagan na something worn around the neck: a necklace, a necktie, a neck scarf ; a necktie

tied wild rice
tied wild rice
dakobijigan ni tied wild rice

tie tight
mashkawapidoon vti2 tie it tight

Paired with: mashkawapizh vta

mashkawapizh vta tie h/ tight

Paired with: mashkawapidoon vti2

mashkawapide vii it is tied tight

Paired with: mashkawapizo vai

mashkawapizo vai s/he is tied tight

Paired with: mashkawapide vii

wedged in tightly (stick-like)
ziindaakoshin vai s/he is wedged in tightly (as something stick- or wood-like)

ziindaakosin vii it is wedged in tightly (as something stick- or wood-like)

tight place
crawl in a tight place
zhegoode vai s/he crawls in a tight place

lie in a tight place
zhegoshin vai s/he lies in a tight place

See also: zhegosin vii

zhegosin vii it lies in a tight place

See also: zhegoshin vai

put in a tight place
zhegoshim vta put h/ in a tight place

Paired with: zhegosidoon vti2

zhegosidoon vti2 put it in a tight place

Paired with: zhegoshim vta

ziinjisidoon vti2 put it in a tight place; wedge it in a tight place

Paired with: ziinjishim vta

stick in a tight place
zhegon vta stick h/ in a tight place, insert h/

Paired with: zhegonan vti

zhegonan vti

Paired with: zhegon vta

cut timber
giishka'aakwe vai s/he cuts timber

measuring stick for timber
diba'aatigwaan ni a measuring used for measuring: a yardstick, a timber measuring stick, [esp. diminutive] a ruler

peel timber
bishagaakwa' vta peel bark off it (animate) (using something)

Paired with: bishagaakwa'an vti

bishagaakwa'an vti peel bark off it (using something)

Paired with: bishagaakwa' vta

bishagaakwa'ige vai s/he peels timber (using something)

scale timber
diba'aatigwe vai s/he scales timber

ma'iingan na a wolf

timberwolf / gray wolf
Canis lupus

wolf hide
ma'iinganiwayaan na a wolf hide

a long time ago
mewinzha adv tmp a long time ago, long ago

ahead of time
nayaag adv tmp ahead of time; previously

at one time
aabiding adv tmp once, one time

ingoding adv tmp at one time; sometime

See also: ningoding adv tmp

ningoding adv tmp at one time; sometime

See also: ingoding adv num

at that time
iw apii adv tmp then; at that time

at the same time
bekish adv tmp at the same time

at the time
apii adv tmp at the time; then; when

at this time
azhigwa adv tmp already; at this time; now; then

See also: zhigwa adv tmp

zhigwa adv tmp already; at this time; now; then

See also: azhigwa adv tmp

before the usual time
noonde- pv lex before the usual time; need to

certain time in hours
daso-diba'iganed vii [S] it is a certain hour, is a certain time in hours

daso-diba'igane vii [N]
  1. it is a certain time in hours
  2. it is a certain distance in miles

See also: daso-diba'iganed vii [S]

daso-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is a certain time in hours

coming up to in time
ani- pv dir coming up to in time; going away; in progress; on the way

See also: ni- pv dir

easy time with
wenji' vta make h/ easily, have an easy time with h/

Paired with: wenjitoon vti2

wenjitoon vti2 make it easily, have an easy time with it

Paired with: wenji' vta

first time
oshki- pv lex
  1. new, young, fresh
  2. for the first time

for a long time
gabaya'ii adv loc [RL] for a long time

See also: gabeya'ii adv tmp

gabeya'ii adv tmp for a long time

See also: gabaya'ii adv loc [RL]

ginwenzh adv tmp for a long time

for some time
gomaapii adv deg for some time, some distance

give a hard time
zanagi'idiwag vai they make each other do something difficult; they make things difficult, hard for each other, give each other a hard time

zanagi'idizo vai s/he makes things difficult, hard for h/ self, gives h/ self a hard time; s/he makes h/ self do something difficult

zanagi'iwe vai s/he makes (people) do something difficult, gives people a hard time, makes trouble for people

gone a certain length of time
apiitendi vai s/he is away, absent, gone so long

inendi vai s/he is away, absent, gone so long

long time
gabe-ayi'ii adv loc a long time; throughout it

gete- pv lex old; old-time

rice for first time in season
oshki-manoominike vai s/he rices for first time in season

right at the time
na'idaa adv tmp coincidentally; just then; right at the time

some time ago
gayat adv tmp formerly, previously, some time ago

spend time in a certain place
dazhiike vai s/he takes time, spends time, stays in a certain place

dazhitaa vai
  1. s/he takes time, spends time, stays in a certain place
  2. s/he works, plays (in a certain place)

certain number of times
dasing adv tmp a certain number of times; so many times

so many times
dasing adv tmp a certain number of times; so many times

two times
niizhing adv tmp twice; two times

three times
nising adv tmp three times; thrice

four times
niiwing adv tmp four times

five times
naaning adv tmp five times

six times
ingodwaaching adv tmp six times

See also: ningodwaaching adv tmp

ningodwaaching adv tmp six times

seven times
niizhwaaching adv tmp seven times

eight times
nishwaaching adv tmp eight times

See also: ishwaaching adv tmp

ishwaaching adv tmp eight times

See also: nishwaaching adv tmp

nine times
zhaangaching adv qnt nine times

ten times
midaaching adv tmp ten times

gotaajishki vai s/he is timid

zagataagan na tinder, punk

giikimanizi vai s/he feels numb; s/he tingles

babiiwaawan vii they are tiny

Paired with: babiiwizhiinyiwag vai

babiiwizhiinyiwag vai they are tiny

Paired with: babiiwaawan vii

babiiwiminagadoon vii they are tiny (as something ball-like)

Paired with: babiiwiminagiziwag vai

babiiwiminagiziwag vai they are tiny (as something ball-like)

Paired with: babiiwiminagadoon vii

gotigobidoon vti2 roll, tip it over

Paired with: gotigobizh vta

gotigobizh vta roll, tip h/ over

Paired with: gotigobidoon vti2

gwanabinan vti tilt it, turn it over (spilling out the contents)

tip with foot or body
gwanabishkan vti tip it (with foot or body)

on the tip
wanakong adv loc on the tip; on the treetop

bajiishka'ogaan ni a tipi, a lodge with a pointed top

flat tire
nabagijiishin vai s/he has a flat tire

tire pump
tire pump
boodaajii'igan ni an air pump, a tire pump

ayekozi vai s/he is tired

See also: ekozi vai [LLC]

feel tired
ayekwamanji'o vai s/he feels tired

See also: ayekomanji'o vai

make tired
ayeko' vta make h/ tired

tired of lying
ishkishin vai s/he is tired of lying

tired of sitting
ishkabi vai s/he is tired of sitting

tired of waiting
zhigajibii'o vai s/he is tired of waiting

zhigajibii' vta be tired of waiting for h/

Paired with: zhigajibiitoon vti2

zhigajibiitoon vti2 be tired of waiting for it

Paired with: zhigajibii' vta

toilet tissue
giziindime'on ni toilet tissue

izhi- pv rel in a certain way; so; there; thus; to a certain place

chase to a certain place
izhinaazhikaw vta chase h/ to a certain place; send h/ to a certain place

izhinizhikaw vta chase h/ to a certain place

carry a baby to a certain place on back
inoomaawaso vai s/he carries a baby to a certain place on h/ back

carry a pack to a certain place
izhiwane vai s/he carries a pack to a certain place

carry to a certain place
izhiwidamaw vta take, carry (it) for h/ to a certain place

izhiwidoon vti2 take, carry it to a certain place

Paired with: izhiwizh vta

izhiwijigaade vii it is taken, carried to a certain place (by someone), "they" take, carry it to a certain place

izhiwijigaazo vai s/he is taken, carried to a certain place (by someone), "they" take, carry it to a certain place

izhiwizh vta take, carry h/ to a certain place

Paired with: izhiwidoon vti2

carry to a certain place on back
inoom vta carry h/ to a certain place on h/ back

Paired with: inoondan vti

inoondan vti carry it to a certain place on h/ back

Paired with: inoom vta

carry to the shore
madaabiiwidamaw vta take, carry (it) down to the shore for h/

madaabiiwidoon vti2 take, carry it down to the shore

Paired with: madaabiiwizh vta

madaabiiwizh vta take, carry h/ down to the shore

Paired with: madaabiiwidoon vti2

climb to certain place
inaandawe vai s/he climbs a certain way, climbs to a certain place

close to it
jiigaya'ii adv loc along it; by it

See also: jiigayi'ii adv loc

coming up to in time
ani- pv dir coming up to in time; going away; in progress; on the way

See also: ni- pv dir

crawl to a certain place
inoode vai s/he crawls a certain way, crawls to a certain place

drag to a certain place
izhidaabaadan vti drag, pull it to a certain place

Paired with: izhidaabaazh vta

izhidaabaazh vta drag, pull h/ to a certain place

Paired with: izhidaabaadan vti

izhidaabii vai s/he drags a load to a certain place

drive to a certain place
ipide vii it speeds, drives, flies to a certain place

Paired with: ipizo vai

ipizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies to a certain place

Paired with: ipide vii

izhidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives to a certain place

drive to a certain place
ipizoni' vta drive h/ to a certain place

Paired with: ipizonitoon vti2

ipizonitoon vti2 drive it to a certain place

Paired with: ipizoni' vta

drive off to the side
bakebide vii it drives off to the side; it speeds, drives, falls off to the side, off the main path

Paired with: bakebizo vai

bakebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, falls off to the side, off the main path

Paired with: bakebide vii

flow to a certain place
izhijiwan vii it flows a certain way, flows to a certain place

fly to a certain place
ipide vii it speeds, drives, flies to a certain place

Paired with: ipizo vai

ipizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies to a certain place

Paired with: ipide vii

izhise vai s/he flies to a certain place

Paired with: izhise vii

izhise vii
  1. it flies to a certain place
  2. it passes (as time

Paired with: izhise vai

follow a trail to a certain place
ina'adoo vai s/he walks a certain way or to a certain place on a trail

ina'adoon vti2 follow it as a trail to a certain place

Paired with: ina'azh vta

ina'azh vta follow h/ trail to a certain place

Paired with: ina'adoon vti2

go off to the side
bake vai s/he goes off to the side

go over somewhere to
awi- pv dir go somewhere to do something, go over there to...

See also: o- pv dir

o- pv dir go somewhere to do something, go over there to...

See also: awi- pv dir

go to a certain place
izhaa vai s/he goes to a certain place

Paired with: izhaamagad vii

izhaamagad vii it goes to a certain place

Paired with: izhaa vai

go to a certain place crying
inademo vai s/he cries a certain way, goes to a certain place crying

go to a certain place hungry
inanaandam vai2 s/he goes to a certain place hungry

go to a certain place on the ice
inaadagaako vai s/he goes to a certain place on the ice

go to a certain place singing
ina'amaazo vai s/he goes to a certain place singing, sings to h/ self a certain way

go to a certain place with light
inaazakonenjige vai s/he goes to a certain place with light, shines a light to a certain place

go to bed
gawishimo vai s/he lies down, goes to bed

go to school
gikinoo'amaagozi vai s/he is taught, is instructed, goes to school

go to the end
gabeshkaa vai s/he goes, comes to the end

gabeshkan vti go to the end of it; complete it

wayekwaashkaa vii [S] it goes, comes to the end

Paired with: wayekwaashkaa vai [S] See also: wekwaashkaa vii [N]

wayekwaashkaa vai [S] s/he goes, comes to the end

Paired with: wayekwaashkaa vii [S] See also: wekwaashkaa vai [N]

wayekwaashkan vti [S] go, come to the end of it

Paired with: wayekwaashkaw vta [S] See also: wekwaashkan vti [N]

wayekwaashkaw vta [S] go, come to the end of h/

Paired with: wayekwaashkan vti [S] See also: wekwaashkaw vta

wekwaashkaa vii [N] it goes, comes to the end

Paired with: wekwaashkaa vai [N] See also: wayekwaashkaa vii [S]

wekwaashkaa vai [N] s/he goes, comes to the end

Paired with: wekwaashkaa vii [N] See also: wayekwaashkaa vai [S]

wekwaashkan vti [N] go, come to the end of it

Paired with: wekwaashkaw vta See also: wayekwaashkan vti [S]

wekwaashkaw vta go, come to the end of h/

Paired with: wekwaashkan vti [N] See also: wayekwaashkaw vta [S]

go to the shore
madaabii vai s/he goes down to shore (or an open place)

go to the toilet
zaaga'am vai2
  1. s/he goes out, exits
  2. s/he goes to the toilet

haul to a certain place
inaawadoon vti2 haul it to a certain place

Paired with: inaawazh vta

inaawazh vta haul h/ to a certain place

Paired with: inaawadoon vti2

heard running to a certain place
inwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running to a certain place

heard speaking going to a certain place
inwewidam vai s/he is heard speaking going to a certain place

hire to go to a certain place
inanoozh vta hire h/ to do a certain job, hire h/ to go to a certain place

leave tracks going to a certain place
izhikawe vai s/he leaves tracks going to a certain place

look to a certain place
inaabi vai s/he looks to a certain place, peeks

move to a new place (to live)
aanjigozi vai s/he moves to another place to live

paddle to a certain place
ina'o vai s/he paddles a certain way or to a certain place

inakwazhiwe vai
  1. s/he paddles a certain way, paddles to a certain place
  2. s/he swims to a certain place (as a fish)

pole a boat to a certain place
ina'oodoo vai s/he poles a boat to a certain place

ride to a certain place
apa'igo vai s/he rides to a certain place, drives to a certain place (drawn by horse or dog)

See also: ipa'igo vai

river flows to a certain place
izhitigweyaa vii it (river) flows a certain way, flows to a certain place

road or trail goes off to the side
bakemon vii it (road or trail) leads off to the side, is a side road

road or trail leads to a certain place
inamon vii it leads to a certain place (as a road or trail)

run off to the side
bakebatoo vai s/he runs off to the side, off the main path

run away to a certain place
apa'iwe vai s/he runs away from someone to a certain place

run to a certain place
apatoo vai s/he runs in a certain way; s/he runs to a certain place

apa'idiwag vai they run to a certain place together

apa'iwe vai s/he runs away from someone to a certain place

inaadagaakobatoo vai s/he runs to a certain place on the ice

inwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running to a certain place

run to a certain place in flight
izhinizhimo vai s/he runs to a certain place in flight

run to the shore
madaabiibatoo vai s/he runs down to the shore

sail to a certain place
inaashi vai s/he is blown to a certain place or in a certain way (by the wind); sails, soars to a certain place or in a certain waysoars, sails to a certain place

Paired with: inaasin vii

inaasin vii it is blown to a certain place or in a certain way (by the wind); sails, soars to a certain place or in a certain way; it sails to a certain place

send smoke to a certain place
inaabasige vai s/he sends smoke to a certain place

send to a certain place
izhinaazhikaw vta chase h/ to a certain place; send h/ to a certain place

izhinizha' vta chase h/ to a certain place; send h/ to a certain place

Paired with: izhinizha'an vti

izhinizha'amaw vta send (it) to h/ to a certain place

izhinizha'an vti send it to a certain place

Paired with: izhinizha' vta

izhinizha'igaazo vai s/he is sent to a certain place (by someone), "they" send h/ to a certain place

izhinizha'ige vai s/he sends things to a certain place

izhinizha'igaade vii it is sent to a certain place (by someone), "they" send it to a certain place

skate to a certain place
inaada'e vai s/he skates a cetain way, skates to a certain place

speed off to the side
bakebide vii it drives off to the side; it speeds, drives, falls off to the side, off the main path

Paired with: bakebizo vai

bakebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, falls off to the side, off the main path

Paired with: bakebide vii

speed to a certain place
ipide vii it speeds, drives, flies to a certain place

Paired with: ipizo vai

ipizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies to a certain place

Paired with: ipide vii

swim to a certain place
inaadagaa vai s/he swims a certain way, swims to a certain place

See also: inaadage vai

inaadage vai s/he swims a certain way, swims to a certain place

See also: inaadagaa vai

inakwazhiwe vai
  1. s/he paddles a certain way, paddles to a certain place
  2. s/he swims to a certain place (as a fish)

take to a certain place
izhiwidaw vta take, carry (it) for h/ to a certain place

izhiwidoon vti2 take, carry it to a certain place

Paired with: izhiwizh vta

izhiwijigaade vii it is taken, carried to a certain place (by someone), "they" take, carry it to a certain place

izhiwijigaazo vai s/he is taken, carried to a certain place (by someone), "they" take, carry it to a certain place

izhiwijige vai s/he takes something to a certain place

izhiwizh vta take, carry h/ to a certain place

Paired with: izhiwidoon vti2

take to a certain place by boat
ina'oodoon vti2 take it to a certain place by boat

Paired with: ina'oozh vta

ina'oozh vta take h/ to a certain place by boat

Paired with: ina'oodoon vti2

take to the shore
madaabiiwidamaw vta take, carry (it) down to the shore for h/

madaabiiwidoon vti2 take, carry it down to the shore

Paired with: madaabiiwizh vta

madaabiiwizh vta take, carry h/ down to the shore

Paired with: madaabiiwidoon vti2

take down to the lake
madaabiiwidoon vti2 take, carry it down to the shore

Paired with: madaabiiwizh vta

madaabiiwizh vta take, carry h/ down to the shore

Paired with: madaabiiwidoon vti2

madaabiiwijige vai s/he takes, carries things down to the shore

madaabiiwijigaade vii it is taken, carried down to the shore (by someone), "they" take, carry it down to the shore

madaabiiwijigaazo vai s/he is taken, carried down to the shore (by someone), "they" take, carry h/ down to the shore

madaabiiwidamaw vta take, carry (it) down to the shore for h/

to a certain place
izhi- pv rel in a certain way; so; there; thus; to a certain place

travel to a certain place
inaawanidiwag vai they travel in a group to a certain place

to the east
waabanong adv loc in the east; to the east

to the south
zhaawanong adv loc in, to, from the south

wade to a certain place
inaadagaazii vai s/he wades to a certain place

walk along shore to a certain place
inaazhagaame vai s/he walks along shore to a certain place

walk to certain place
inose vai s/he walks in a certain way, walks to a certain place

waves come in to shore
agwaayaashkaa vii waves come ashore

biidaashkaa vii waves come here

obiigomakakii na a toad

toast brown
ozaawaakizan vti toast it, brown it (by fire)

Paired with: ozaawaakiz vta

ozaawaakiz vta toast h/, brown h/ (by fire)

Paired with: ozaawaakizan vti

ozaawaakizige vai s/he toasts something, browns something (by fire)

ozaawaakizigaade vii it is toasted, is browned (by fire) (by someone), "they" toast it, brown it

ozaawaakide vii it is toasted, is browned (by fire)

Paired with: ozaawaakizo vai

ozaawaakizo vai s/he is toasted, is browned (by fire)

See also: ozaawaakide vii

ozaawaakizigan ni a toaster

bakwezhigani-ozaawaakizigan ni a toaster

asemaa na tobacco

chew snuff or tobacco
biindaakwe vai s/he chews tobacco

chew tobacco
agwanenjige vai s/he chews tobacco; s/he holds things in h/ mouth; s/he puts things in h/ (own) mouth

biindaakwe vai s/he chews tobacco

make an offering of tobacco
biindaakoozh vta make an offering of tobacco to h/

Paired with: biindaakoodoon vti2

biindaakoodoon vti2 make an offering of tobacco to it

Paired with: biindaakoozh vta

biindaakoojige vai s/he makes an offering of tobacco

short of tobacco
manepwaa vai s/he is short of tobacco, needs a smoke

take along tobacco
niimasemaawe vai s/he takes tobacco along

work with tobacco
asemaake vai s/he works with tobacco, offers tobacco

tobacco bag
tobacco bag
gashkibidaagan na a bag with closeable top: a tobacco bag, a pipe bag, a satchel; [ML] a bandolier bag

gashkibidaagan ni a bag that can be pulled closed: a pouch, a tobacco bag, a pipe bag, a bundle, a satchel

See also: gashkibidaagan na

tobacco pouch
tobacco pouch
asemaa-mashkimodens ni [diminutive]: a tobacco pouch

asemaawazh ni [BL] [diminutive]: a tobacco pouch; a tobacco bag

tobacco store
tobacco store
asemaa-adaawewigamig ni a tobacco store

tobacco tray
tobacco tray
asemaawinaagan ni a tobacco tray

nabagidaabaan na a toboggan, a sled

zhooshkodaabaan na a toboggan, a sled

noongom adv tmp now, today, nowadays

niibinaakwaanizidaan ni a toe

niisiigizidaan ni [BL] a toe

stub toe
bitaakozideshin vai s/he bumps h/ foot on something, stubs h/ toe

bizozideshin vai s/he stubs h/ toe, trips

tip of toe
wanakozid ni tip of a toe or foot

nishkanzh nad
  1. my nail (fingernail, toenail)
  2. my claw

gishkanzh nad
  1. your (sg) nail (fingernail, toenail)
  2. your (sg) claw

oshkanzhiin nad
  1. h/ nail (fingernail, toenail)
  2. h/ claw

maamawi adv man together

maamawoo- pv lex together

asigagindaaso vai s/he adds, totals

asigagim vta add h/ together (e.g., money)

Paired with: asigagindan vti

asigagindan vti add it together

Paired with: asigagim vta

bring together
maawandoonan vti bring them (inanimate) together

come together
maawanji'idiwag vai they come together, meet with each other, have a meeting

asigi'idiwag vai they come together, assemble

get people together
maawanji'iwe vai s/he gets people together

meet together
maawanji'idiwag vai they come together, meet with each other, have a meeting

put together
asigisidoon vti2 assemble it, put it together

Paired with: asigishim vta

zagakinamaw vta put (it) in order for h/; tidy (it) for h/

sew together
maawandoogwaaso vai s/he sews together

maawandoogwaadan vti sew it together (e.g., pieces for a quilt)

Paired with: maawandoogwaazh vta

maawandoogwaazh vta sew h/ together

Paired with: maawandoogwaadan vti

sit together
maawandoobiwag vai they sit together

miiziiwigamig ni a toilet, a bathroom, an outhouse, a privy

zaaga'amoowigamig ni a toilet, a bathroom, an outhouse, a privy

miiziiwinaagan ni a toilet (fixture)

go to the toilet
zaaga'am vai2
  1. s/he goes out, exits
  2. s/he goes to the toilet

toilet tissue
toilet tissue
giziindime'on ni toilet tissue

ceremonial token
izhi'on ni a ceremonial token or charm

gichi-ogin na a tomato

ogin na a tomato; a rose hip

tomato juice
oginiiwaaboo ni tomato juice

tomato soup
gichi-oginii-naboob ni tomato soup

tomato juice
tomato juice
oginiiwaaboo ni tomato juice

waaban vii
  1. it is tomorrow
  2. it is dawn

day after tomorrow
awaswaabang adv tmp day after tomorrow

The medial /-denaniw-/ occurs in verbs referring to the tongue.
indenaniw nid my tongue

gidenaniw nid your tongue

odenaniw nid h/ tongue

dry tongue
bengodenaniwe vai h/ tongue is dry

moccasin tongue
apiingwe'igan ni a moccasin vamp

sore tongue
gaagiijidenaniwe vai h/ tongue is sore

stick out tongue
zaagidenaniweni vai s/he sticks out h/ tongue

zaagidenaniwetaw vta stick out h/ tongue at h/

stick tongue into
biinjidenaniweni vai s/he sticks h/ tongue into something

swollen tongue
baagidenaniwe vai s/he has a swollen tongue

tongue hurts
wiisagidenaniwe vai h/ tongue hurts

wiggle tongue
mamigodenaniwebagizo vai s/he wiggles h/ tonque

gaye adv conj as for, also, too, and

ge adv conj also; as for, also, too, and; too

he too
gaye wiin pron per he too; her too; him too; she too

See also: gewiin pron per

gewiin pron per as for her; as for him; he too; her too; him too; she too

See also: gaye wiin pron per

her too
gaye wiin pron per he too; her too; him too; she too

See also: gewiin pron per

gewiin pron per as for her; as for him; he too; her too; him too; she too

See also: gaye wiin pron per

him too
gaye wiinawaa pron per them too; they too

See also: gewiinawaa pron per

gewiin pron per as for her; as for him; he too; her too; him too; she too

See also: gaye wiin pron per

I too
gaye niin pron per I too; me too

See also: geniin pron per

geniin pron per I too; me too; as for me

See also: gaye niin pron per

me too
gaye niin pron per I too; me too

See also: geniin pron per

geniin pron per I too; me too; as for me

See also: gaye niin pron per

she too
gaye wiin pron per he too; her too; him too; she too

See also: gewiin pron per

gewiin pron per as for her; as for him; he too; her too; him too; she too

See also: gaye wiin pron per

them too
gaye wiinawaa pron per them too; they too

See also: gewiinawaa pron per

gewiinawaa pron per as for them; them too; they too

See also: gaye wiinawaa pron per

they too
gaye wiinawaa pron per them too; they too

See also: gewiinawaa pron per

gewiinawaa pron per as for them; them too; they too

See also: gaye wiinawaa pron per

us too
gaye niinawind pron per us too; we too

See also: geniinawind pron per

geniinawind pron per as for us; us too; we too

See also: gaye niinawind pron per

gaye giinawind pron per us too; we too

gegiinawind pron per as for us; us too; we too

See also: gaye giinawind pron per

you too
gaye giin pron per you too [singular]

See also: gegiin pron per

gegiin pron per as for you [singular]; you too [singular]

See also: gaye giin pron per

gaye giinawaa pron per you too [plural]

See also: gegiinawaa pron per

gegiinawaa pron per you too [plural]; as for you [plural]

See also: gaye giinawaa pron per

we too
gaye niinawind pron per us too; we too

See also: geniinawind pron per

geniinawind pron per as for us; us too; we too

See also: gaye niinawind pron per

gaye giinawind pron per us too; we too

gegiinawind pron per as for us; us too; we too

See also: gaye giinawind pron per

drink too much
onzaamibii vai s/he drinks too much

give too much consideration
onzaamendam vai2 s/he gives too much consideration

give too much to drink
onzaamibazh vta overfill h/ (with liquid); give h/ too much to drink

Paired with: onzaamibadoon vti2

not too hard
na'egaaj adv man go easy!; not too hard!; easily; without effort

make too much of
onzaamitoon vti2 make too much of it

pack too much of a load
onzaamiwane vai s/he carries too much in h/ pack

talk too much
onzaamidoon vai [LL] [ML] s/he talks too much

See also: onzaamidoone vai [N]

too late
naanabem adv man it should have been done; too late; it's about time; why now?

too many
onzaam niibiwa adv qnt too many; too much

See also: niibiwa adv qnt [N] ; onzaam adv qnt

onzaamiinad vii [plural] there are a large number of them, are too many of them; there is a large amount of it, is too much of it

Paired with: onzaamiino vai

onzaamiino vai [plural] there is a large number of them, is too many of them; there is a large amount of h/, is too much of h/

Paired with: onzaamiinad vii

too much
onzaam adv qnt
  1. too, too much, excessively
  2. because (of an excess or an extreme condition or event)

onzaam niibiwa adv qnt too many; too much

See also: niibiwa adv qnt [N] ; onzaam adv qnt

onzaamiinad vii [plural] there are a large number of them, are too many of them; there is a large amount of it, is too much of it

Paired with: onzaamiino vai

onzaamiino vai [plural] there is a large number of them, is too many of them; there is a large amount of h/, is too much of h/

Paired with: onzaamiinad vii

aabajichigan ni something used: a tool, equipment, material

The medial /-aabid-/ occurs in verbs referring to a tooth or the teeth.
giibid nid your tooth

wiibid nid tooth

abscessed tooth
miniiwaabide vai s/he has an abscessed tooth

bare teeth
niiskaabideni vai s/he bares h/ teeth in a snarl

niiskaabidetaw vta bare teeth to h/

beaver tooth
amikwaabid ni a beaver tooth

big teeth
mangaabide vai s/he has big teeth

mamaangaabide vai s/he has big teeth

break tooth
bookwaabide vai s/he has a broken tooth, breaks h/ tooth

bookwaabideshin vai s/he falls and breaks a tooth or teeth

broken tooth
bookwaabide vai s/he has a broken tooth, breaks h/ tooth

brush teeth
giziiyaabide'o vai s/he brushes h/ (own) teeth

giziiyaabide'odizo vai s/he brushes h/ (own) teeth

chip tooth
bakweyaabideshin vai s/he chips a tooth on something

clean teeth
biinaabide vai s/he has clean teeth; h/ teeth are clean

crooked teeth
maanaabide vai s/he has crooked teeth

mamaanaabide vai s/he has crooked teeth

false teeth
wiibidaakaajiganan ni false teeth

wiibidaakaanan ni false teeth

gap in teeth
dawaabide vai s/he has teeth missing, has a gap in h/ teeth

good teeth
minwaabide vai s/he has good teeth

missing teeth
dawaabide vai s/he has teeth missing, has a gap in h/ teeth

pick teeth
zhegwaabide'o vai s/he picks h/ teeth

zesegwaabide'o vai s/he picks h/ teeth

pull off with teeth
giichigwam vta pull h/ off with teeth

giichigwandan vti pull it off with teeth

Paired with: giichigwam vta

pull tooth out
bakwadaabidebijige vai s/he pulls out teeth

bakwadaabidebizh vta pull h/ teeth out

punch teeth out
mazhiiyaabideganaam vta punch h/ teeth out

sharp teeth
gaashaabide vai [BL] s/he has a sharp tooth or sharp teeth

gagaashaabide vai [BL] s/he has a sharp tooth or sharp teeth

giinaabide vai s/he has a sharp tooth or sharp teeth

such teeth
inaabide vai s/he has such a tooth or teeth, has a tooth or teeth in a certain condition

swollen at tooth
baagaabide vai s/he is swollen at a tooth

teeth in a certain condition
inaabide vai s/he has such a tooth or teeth, has a tooth or teeth in a certain condition

tooth falls out
binaabide vai h/ tooth falls out

white teeth
waabishkaabide vai s/he has white teeth

dewaabide vai s/he has a toothache

toothache medicine
toothache medicine
dewaabide-mashkiki ni toothache medicine

giziiyaabide'on ni a toothbrush

bashkwanige vai s/he is toothless

mazhiiyaabide vai s/he is toothless